Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 281 I'm single, I need to be healed!

Chapter 281 I'm single, I need to be healed!

Still the police | Brother Bei said: "It's good that Doctor Bo is willing to explain to you, go back, go back, people can't be seen, Madam Bo put down the words, no one is allowed to disturb her baby's recovery."

These are the original words of Mrs. Bo, the honest brother accidentally said them, realized after he finished speaking, and then refused to speak, standing up straight with a dark face.

The guy with a four-shot black hole stood there, and Principal Shen and his party just wanted to see them, so they didn't dare to stay there any longer.

"Then let's go back to school and discuss it!" Principal Shen made a decision.

President Tang, however, could not follow them and handed the trophy to Principal Shen: "I still have work to do, so I won't participate in your internal affairs."

Counting this matter, it is really a piece of chicken feathers.

That Principal Wang of Qingda University is not a vegetarian either, he probably wants to fight with Principal Shen at the moment—

My baby, Liao Da, came to you as an exchange student. I exchanged a phoenix for a bird. How dare you not want to return the phoenix?

President Tang shook his head and left.

Principal Shen brought a group of professors back to school, and the important meeting lasted until eight o'clock in the evening.

Fang Ming left early, and only wanted to get in the car when he reached the parking lot. Gu Mingzhu called his name: "Fang Ming."

Fang Ming paused: "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Gu Mingzhu walked to him, "How is your injury?"

Fang Ming lowered his head, "It's almost fine."

"Gu Anxi is really ruthless." Gu Mingzhu lowered her eyes: "Fang Ming, it's good for you to stay away from her in the future. I heard that she liked to fight when she was in Qingda."

Fang Ming stared at her: "What do you want to say, Mingzhu?"

Gu Mingzhu raised her eyes suddenly, looked at him for a long time, and then said softly: "Fang Ming, you go to the hospital today, it can't be that... you like Gu Anxi, right?"

She added, "She lives in Bo's house."

Fang Ming remembered that Doctor Bo, is that...Gu Anxi's boyfriend?

He remained silent for a long time, and Gu Mingzhu looked at him.

Fang Ming smiled: "Why? I don't like girls who fight."

Gu Mingzhu took a step back: "Then Fang Ming, what kind of girl do you like?"

Fang Ming turned his face aside: "Gu Mingzhu, don't you know?"

Gu Mingzhu walked towards her car: "Fang Ming, I really don't know."

Fang Ming didn't leave school immediately, but sat on the flower bed where Gu Anxi was sitting last time... also imitating her and shaking his legs.

At that time, she looked very comfortable, as if she could fly at any time.

Fang Ming was a little confused. Being raised by a family like the Bo family, shouldn't she be free?

Why can Gu Anxi be different?

He knew that she was driving to school by herself now, and the car worth more than 2000 million yuan was used for transportation casually. She used a notebook to draw villains all day long in class.

Fang Ming didn't understand.


Gu's study room.

Gu Yuanshan was talking to Gu Ning.

Gu Ning was obviously absent-minded——

Rabbit Dada is sick, I don't know if there will be an update tomorrow, she heard that Rabbit Dada is now living in Beicheng.

Aunt Gu was very hesitant to send a private message to take a look. After thinking so much, Gu Yuanshan also found that his workaholic sister was distracted, so he knocked on the coffee table: "Gu Ning, what's the matter with you recently?"

Gu Ning cheered up: "It's nothing, I went to bed late last night."

Gu Yuanshan beat her up: "I heard that you have recently become obsessed with a manga, and you have been chasing after it all day long. Gu Ning, you are Mr. Gu of the Gu family. A paper wolf."

Gu Ning said lazily: "Brother, where do you want to go? Isn't it just to kill time, now eight out of ten ladies in the whole North City are obsessed with it, including Da Hui's wife fans, and Miss Rabbit's mother don't understand fan circle culture big brother."

Gu Yuanshan blew on the tea: "I don't really understand, but Gu Ning, you can also read "Youth Pain" written by Mingzhu. If you don't support your niece's book, who will support it?"

Gu Ning was impatient: "Oh, big brother, I'm already old, why do I still feel youthful pain? How can I still be youthful? If the outside world rumors that I am a Vajra, why will it still hurt?"

Gu Yuanshan couldn't laugh or cry: "Then tell me, when you are old, you still look at the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit like a child!"

There is starlight in Gu Ning's eyes: "Cure! We are strong women in shopping malls, and we are single. We need to be cured. Brother, your family of three is happy and happy, so you don't understand my sadness."

Gu Yuanshan glanced at her.

Speaking of this, Gu Ning suddenly thought of something: "Just now I seem to have heard that the child of the Bo family is sick and is staying at Yunxi Hospital. Brother, do you want to go and see it with sister-in-law?"

Paused: "If you don't like it, it's also your seed, such a crime that you don't hear or hear!"

Holding the cup, Gu Yuanshan lowered his eyes: "Your sister-in-law and I have also heard about it. After discussing it, we will not go, let Changqing go."

Gu Ning sneered: "In this family, only Changqing treats her as a relative!" After saying that, he got up and wanted to leave.

Gu Yuanshan stopped his sister, with a troubled expression on his face: "Gu Ning, you know my situation! How do I recognize her and bring her back?"

Gu Ning sneered even worse: "Brother, you are just weak. You don't even dare to protect your own children, and you are soft-hearted. Tang Yuan is partial to Mingzhu. She just said that you are just going with the flow. You just have your own plans. Just selfish parents, don't put on those hypocritical gestures, I can't stand it."

Gu Ning has always been arrogant, even Gu Yuanshan has nothing to do with her.

When Gu Ning arrived at the hall, Tang Yuan politely asked her to eat, Gu Ning smiled faintly: "I still don't eat, it's too crowded."

Tang Yuan watched Gu Ning leave with a bit of resentment in her eyes, "Yuan Shan, you see my sister always has prejudice against me. It's even unfair to Mingzhu."

Gu Yuanshan stepped forward and shook her shoulder: "Mingzhu is a good child, no one can deny that."

Tang Yuan smiled gently: "Yes, she is the best."

The two chatted for a while, and Gu Yuanshan seemed to think of something: "By the way, Gu Ning told me about Jing just now, have you greeted Bo Jin?"

Tang Yuan's heart thumped faster, but there was a smile on her face: "I have asked someone to find Jing internationally, and I purchased [-]ML at a time, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being."

Tang Yuan works as the manager of the purchasing department in Gu's. She is fat and idle.

This time, she bought Jing Jing at a price 20.00% higher than the market price. It can be said that she spent a lot of money.

She was a little worried that Gu Ning, a shrewd woman, would find out, so she has been a little terrified these days... for fear that Gu Ning will make trouble for her!

(End of this chapter)

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