Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 282 Cool!I am a profiteer! 3000 words

Chapter 282 Cool!I am a profiteer! 3000 words

But the more she is afraid of something, anything will come.

The next day, the Great Demon King Gu Ning not only found out the sky-high price to buy, but also the testing department also found out that the content of this batch of precious cyanine was not good...

Gu Ning was furious.

She first criticized Tang Yuan as a matter of business, and then went to Gu Yuanshan to sue: "Brother, if Gu's really uses these batches, there is a 50.00% chance that users will be bad-faced!"

She sneered again: "Then Gu's century-old foundation will be over."

Gu Yuanshan was shocked!

He stood up slowly while leaning on the armrest: "Isn't the Quality Control Department always under your control?"

Gu Ning heheed twice: "I used to be good with one hand, but some people think that my family is the only one who insists on meddling in the middle. Brother, Tang Yuan is only suitable for drinking tea at home and socializing with you. You have to let me She manages such an important department, so she obviously doesn't trust me!"

This time Gu Ning caught Tang Yuan's handle, so naturally he wanted to step on her to death.

Gu Yuanshan frowned: "Didn't your sister-in-law do a good job before? This time is also an accident."

Gu Ning smiled instead of anger: "Brother, you are so soft in the gentle village! The Bo family has 50L of Jing as soon as they make a move. This relationship is not good. Instead, they went to the international market to buy expensive and ugly things. Is there no plan to punish the big brother for such a big mistake?"

Gu Yuanshan said softly, "Give your sister-in-law some face."

Gu Ning raised his chin: "I am Mr. Gu of the Gu family, and I must punish her. If the eldest brother thinks that I have done something wrong, just fire me."

She has the confidence to say that, Gu Yuanshan is full of divination, she is almost involved in the company's affairs, who will take care of her resignation?

You don't care about long-term love, Gu Mingzhu?

Hehehe, busy writing about youth (egg) pain!

Gu Ning was strong, and Gu Yuanshan couldn't find any fault with her. In the afternoon, Tang Yuan was approved by the meeting.

Gu Ning, Mr. Gu, has always been mean to his subordinates, and this time is no exception.When Tang Yuan walked out, her eyes were red and she was very humiliated.

Walking back to his office, he threw the documents on the table and sat down, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

This time Yuan Shan didn't help her, and made her lose face in front of so many middle and high-level members of the Gu family... and Gu Ning let her bear the loss this time.

Although tens of millions is not a big sum, she couldn't swallow this breath.

She knew Gu Ning's intention was to occupy the Gu family.

She won't let her succeed, her pearl is the legitimate heir of the Gu family.

Tang Yuan was a little annoyed, and thought of Bo Jin. Although Bo Jin said that she could no longer lend her Jing, she still wanted to try.

She dialed the phone, and it took about ten rings for Bo Jin to pick it up, with a very soft voice: "Yuanyuan, what's the matter?"

Tang Yuan breathed out lightly: "Bo Jin, you must help me this time."

Bo Jin was silent for a moment, then said softly: "Do you want Jing?"

Tang Yuan was a little excited: "Do you have a solution?"

Holding her mobile phone, Bo Jin stood in the top ward of Yunxi Hospital, and paused for a moment: "Let me ask you a question, and I'll call you later."

Tang Yuan nodded: "Okay, Bo Jin, you must help me this time!"

Bo Jin just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Putting down the phone, she looked back at Gu Anxi: "Zai Zai, just now you said that An Pu Company started to operate Jing Yuan, didn't you?"

Gu Anxi leaned against the head of the bed, "She wants it!"

Bo Jin sat down and patted her little head: "I'm not speaking for her... I just want to ask you if this business can be done."

"Do." Gu Anxi said lightly, "Of course."

She looked at Bo Jin: "If you are impulsive, how can you open the door to do business, isn't it aunt?"

Bo Jin looked at Mrs. Bo at the side: "Anxi is really a big deal."

She added: "Don't worry, I won't say anything that shouldn't be said. No matter what kind of personal relationship Tang Yuan and I had in the past, my surname is always Bo."

In the past, she didn't feel much, but now that her baby is in Anxi, she feels that Tang Yuan is ridiculous.

No biological children! ! !

Mrs. Bo smiled all over her face: "Bo Jin, you have finally figured it out. Before I was thinking about you and Tang Yuan going to the other side, I have to think of a way to deal with you."

Bo Jin also smiled: "Sister-in-law, please leave, I can't stand your tricks."

After talking and joking for a while, I called Tang Yuan: "Remember the number, it's a company called Anpu, but the price is not cheaper than what you bought this time, but it can be guaranteed to be [-]% pure."

Tang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, this matter finally came to fruition.

At the next meeting, with confidence, he began to confront Gu Ning again... Gu Ning was also a little puzzled when he learned that there was such an AMP company.

There is no such technology in China!

But when the staff of the purchasing department extracted the essence and inspected——


Extra pure!

Gu Ning called Tang Yuan: "Why did you only buy [-]ML, why don't you save more for such an opportunity?"

Tang Yuan smiled a bit reservedly: "Mr. Gu, there are a lot of them in the warehouse, but they just don't sell them. Do you think I can do anything?"

Gu Ning narrowed his eyes: "That's hunger marketing!"

Tang Yuan said softly: "Now this thing is particularly in demand, and AMP has mastered the core technology, how can it not kill us hard?"

Gu Ning looked at her: "That's because you are incompetent!"

Gu Ning, Mr. Gu personally visited the person in charge of AMP Company, but that young man named Zhou Yunchen, who is young, is especially good at Taijiquan. He is actually a part-time worker because he looks good. This is the strategy of the big boss. If you want to buy, just take the money and line up obediently. If you don’t want to buy, the door is on the right.

Gu Ning came out of AMP Company, full of anger, got into the car and scratched his hair fiercely. Then he remembered that the child was hospitalized, so he told the driver to go to Yunxi Hospital.

When she got off the car, Aunt Gu was already looking like an elite businesswoman again, wearing black Chanel and Hermes handbags, she strutted to the top floor.

The police | The security has been withdrawn, and Gu Ning brought his assistant into the ward.

Mrs. Bo and Bo Jin are both there, talking with Gu Anxi, Gu Ning is not used to that kind of affection.


"Little thing, let me come and see you." Gu Ning went in with high heels, and looked at Bo Jin like a play: "The sun came out from the west, and Vice President Bo didn't die in Yunxi Group, but in the hospital Taking care of the sick, our family Anxi is really blessed."

She was always bitter and mean, and Bo Jin wasn't jealous, so the two had a verbal battle.

Mrs. Bo pretended not to hear, coaxing her cub to have another sip of soup.

After Gu Ning and Bo Jin finished fighting, they sat down and complained: "Bo Jin, the AMP company you introduced, what kind of company is it, it's simply a profiteer..."

Bo Jin looked at Gu Anxi calmly.

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes, obediently drinking the soup.

Only then did Bo Jin look at Gu Ning, "This is how business is done."

Gu Ning snorted softly: "Bo Jin, you didn't like this the most before, why are there two sets of standards now?"

She rolled her eyes: "Do you have any business relationship with Anpu Company?"

Bo Jin laughed: "There is no business relationship, you can check how many companies are buying Jing from AMP? They don't have any means, how can they become bigger and stronger?"

Gu Ning fell into deep thought, and said for a while: "If our Gu family can purify the essence, we can also make a lot of money every day."

But she quickly shook her head: "But this is impossible. The technology of purifying quince does not exist in China, let alone such resources."

Everything can only be slaughtered by others!

Bo Jin listened to her talking to herself, and couldn't help but look at Gu Anxi again.

Gu Anxi was still drinking the delicious soup, and his obedient appearance did not look like a profiteer who was making money every day.

Gu Ning has something on his mind, so he comes and goes in a hurry.

Mrs. Bo looked at the things she brought over, and said with a smile: "Gu Ning has a heart, the things are well chosen."

Bo Jin sighed lightly: "If she knew that Anxi was the boss behind Anpu, she probably wouldn't have carefully selected gifts!"

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Our Anxi is really capable!"

Bo Jin is holding a calculator to calculate how much money An Pu consumes in a year, and how much money An Pu earns in a year.

After the calculation, she was dumbfounded.

Gu Anxi added a zero to the back of her calculator, and said softly, "Auntie, Anpu's business is not only popular in China, but has also been sold abroad."

Bishuiyuntian is really a good place, inexhaustible!

But... Gu Anxi narrowed his eyes slightly.

When she used the essence to make money like this, and when she didn't keep a low profile in Beicheng University, the people behind it should jump out soon!

Madam Bo looked at Gu Anxi's expression, and stretched out her hand: "Zai Zai?"

Gu Anxi smiled slightly, and Mrs. Bo felt that she must have been mistaken just now.

Bo Jin was dumbfounded again, and when she came back to her senses, she praised: "Anxi's way of doing business is correct. If the next family is allowed to accumulate a large amount of talent, the market cannot be fully controlled by themselves."

She paused, "Sister-in-law, let me tell you this, just close any company that Anxi wants, because it is almost impossible to buy it internationally, and a large amount is used for military|military use."

Mrs. Bo said, "So Anxi is so good!"

Bo Jin fondled Gu Anxi's little head, "That's right, it's just another domestic award this time, it's just like eating cabbage."

Mrs. Bo was particularly frightened: her son really knows how to find it, and went to Qingcheng to pick up a big treasure and came back.

These days, Nian Yao often said: "There is no blessing in the distant mountains!"

Bo's mother sneered, that pair of unconscionable parents is not only unlucky, but also a blessing.

Here is Anxi's current appearance, how good-looking she was when she was a baby, Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan are really willing, now they treat Gu Mingzhu like a jewel, their Anxi's appearance is worse than Gu Mingzhu, or is their talent worse?

It's just several grades higher, okay?

However, Mother Bo will not go into theory, some people let her do it if they want to!

Cry at that time, don't come to their Bo's house to recognize relatives!

(End of this chapter)

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