Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 283 Qing University and Beicheng University are fighting again!

Chapter 283 Qing University and Beicheng University are fighting again!

Gu Anxi stayed in the hospital for two days before being discharged, because he was young and alive again soon.

However, she was obediently picked up by Bo Xichen when she went to school. If he didn't have time, Mrs. Bo would pick her up in person.

On this day, Gu Anxi just went to Beicheng University, and was approached by Principal Shen to have a cordial talk. Why is the strength of Beicheng University’s teachers superior to Qingda University in all aspects? Gu, you should think about whether you want to get your student status to Beicheng University. ——

Package account!


It's almost time to assign an object!

After Principal Shen finished speaking, he looked at Gu Anxi briskly: "What do you think, if there is any other condition, we can add it."

Gu Anxi whispered: "At Qingda University, I can sleep in class."

Principal Shen immediately said: "We can do it too!"

The department heads and professors around all looked at Principal Shen, and Principal Shen pretended not to see, and waved his hand: "Are there any other reasonable requests?"

Gu Anxi groaned: "I don't want to go to physical education class."

"What else?" Principal Shen kindly encouraged.

Gu Anxi thought for a while: "Not for the time being! Thank you, Principal Shen. I will go to experience the life of Beicheng University first. If I can adapt, I will change my student status."

Principal Shen smiled: "I will adapt, I will definitely adapt."

Gu Anxi went out.

Just after closing the door, Principal Shen gestured, GOOD!

Professor Liu was the first to disagree: "Principal Shen, this doesn't match the ethos of our North City University."

Principal Shen waved his hands, "Heaven loves talents! Do you understand these four words? God loves talented people. Do you think I can surpass God?"

He smiled reservedly again: "But you can do better than that bastard Qingda!"


Gu Anxi went downstairs, and Wang Qin was downstairs, like a little pet waiting for its owner.

As soon as he saw her coming down, he followed her and asked about the situation in a low voice.

Gu Anxi told her.

When Wang Qin heard this, he was a little anxious, "Anxi, do you really want to stay at Beicheng University?"

"How could it be?" Gu Anxi leaned on the flower platform, and sat up as soon as he exerted his strength, his legs swaying slightly: "Didn't I just talk about thinking about it?"

Wang Qin was so anxious that tears came out before, but now he is relieved, "Anxi, you scared me to death."

Gu Anxi patted her head and sighed softly.

She has a brother-in-law, and she will definitely settle in Beicheng in the future, besides, they will always graduate from college.

However, she didn't say these words, but just looked into the distance.

Wang Qin imitated her appearance, sitting there dangling his legs and looking into the distance.

Fifty meters behind him, Fang Ming stood there quietly looking at the two girls.

It seems that as long as he is free, that unremarkable Wang Qin sticks to Gu Anxi's side, and Gu Anxi doesn't find her annoying.

Obviously, there are more girls in Beicheng Dali who want to know Gu Anxi and make friends with her, but she doesn't seem to be interested at all, she rejects people thousands of miles away, and is very cold.

Fang Ming watched silently for a while before he wanted to leave, but Gu Anxi turned his head suddenly.

Four eyes facing each other.

Fang Ming was so cold by the coldness in her eyes, those eyes had a sharp insight into everything, which made people feel embarrassed, so he was a little stunned.

Gu Anxi ignored him, and pulled Wang Qin down together: "Class is over."

Wang Qin obediently told her to see her at noon, and then ran to the art department.

Gu Anxi watched Wang Qin walk away, and then slowly walked towards Fang Ming...

Fang Ming clenched his fingers tightly and waited until she came over before he said in a tight voice, "Are you cured?"

Gu Anxi did not answer his question directly, but said quietly: "Don't follow me in the future!"

"Why don't you go to the American Department?" He asked a little abruptly.

Then he said softly, "Are you Rollin?"

The legendary genius painter was only a legend after the auction.

It turned out to be Gu Anxi!

When Fang Ming learned about it through special channels, he couldn't believe it.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Which teacher do you think can teach me in Beicheng University Academy of Fine Arts?"

Fang Ming had nothing to say.

Gu Anxi glanced at him, turned around and left.

Fang Ming looked at her back, her slender legs, covered with a grain fleece coat, the brown color was particularly thick, and she felt very warm wearing it.

He didn't know why, but he felt that this dress was forced on her by that handsome doctor Bo.

A cold girl like Gu Anxi...will she fall in love?

Or is it unconditional obedience to that powerful man?

The corners of Fang Ming's mouth were slightly pursed, and his fingers unconsciously clenched into fists...

In the afternoon, Beicheng University became lively again——

Qingda University and Beicheng University are tearing up again because of Gu Anxi's award. The reason is that Beicheng University wrote a soft article on the Internet, which very slyly described Gu Anxi as a student of Beicheng University, and even hinted that their students of Beicheng University won the award. Oh, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry!

It's Nobel!

The universities in China will need the big daddy of Beicheng in the future!

When Principal Qing saw it, he was about to explode.

Hehehe~ This is shameless!

Why is the president of their family a student of your North City University?

Qing University urgently held a meeting, what to do, how to write, to swell Beicheng University's face!

The head of the department moved the trophy over: "The president left this treasure here, let's take a photo together! In addition, the president's student ID card is also left here, and the president's painting is still hanging there, why not?" Worry about having no evidence!"

When Principal Wang heard this, he immediately patted his legs and said, "That's a good idea, you really have it."

The head of the department said modestly, "It was Professor Gao's idea."

He sighed again: "Lao Gao's whole temperament has changed now!"

Wang Xiao smiled understandingly: "Understood. Come on, call all the professors and directors, bring all the trophies of the president, and..."

He told his assistant, "Doesn't the Gu family still have a large number of trophies? Let's borrow them from Ms. Wang. Let's take a photo with Gu Anxi's mother and record a short video. Isn't that all right?"

The head of the department showed his aunt a smile: "Principal Wang, I really have you."

Principal Wang was very proud.

When everything was in place, an unexpected person came, none other than Xiao Li.

Li Ju may be late, but Li Ju will never be absent...

Principal Wang welcomed Ju Li's arrival very much, so he recorded an extremely sensational video and posted it on the Internet.

On the conference table, there were dozens of glittering international trophies. Behind them were the principals and professors of Qingda University, leaders of the provincial and municipal education departments where Qingcheng was located, and Ms. Wang.

Everyone is affectionate—

"Student Gu Anxi from Qingda University, I miss you!"

"Gu Anxi from Qingda University, I heard that you have won an award again. The professor is happy for you."

"Student Gu Anxi from Qingda University, the teacher has never been willing to sell your painting worth 5000 million yuan, and it is still hanging in Qingda University...Master Qing, I am waiting for you to come back."

Finally, Xiao Li, Xiao Li sighed: "Qingda without Gu Anxi is an incomplete Qingda! All the teachers and students of Qingda are waiting for the return of our student president."

As soon as such a paragraph was uploaded, hehehe, it exploded!

Green is on fire!

Hot search on Weibo #古安西青大 is waiting for you to go home!

(End of this chapter)

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