Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 294 Lost Horse!Gu Ning was dumbfounded

Chapter 294 Lost Horse!Gu Ning was dumbfounded

Fang Ming looked at Gu Anxi with some complicated eyes.

At this time, Gu Anxi had already left the classroom with his notebook, and he heard that he was looking for a place to sleep.

Principal Shen authorized it!

Fang Ming opened the manga in a delicate mood, and stopped reading after only a few glances.

Inside, it was the daily life of Big Hui and Little Rabbit, which was actually also the daily life of Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi.

Fang Ming pursed his lips tightly.

While eating in the cafeteria at noon, he met Gu Mingzhu and had lunch together.

Gu Mingzhu is not alone, she also has a female companion.

The female companion brought up the double issue, "Mingzhu, as long as you take a photo together, anyone who is not blind can tell that you are going to beat that author by a few blocks."

Gu Mingzhu smiled with heavy eyes: "Not necessarily, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Her self-deprecating statement was not recognized by others, and the female companion who came with her covered her mouth and smiled: "Mingzhu, you are joking, I guess the author of "The Big Bad Wolf" must be a fat man, the kind that weighs 160 pounds."

Gu Mingzhu smiled: "Even 160 Jin is still the little fairy in the hearts of readers."

"That's what fans think about! When she was photographed on the cover with Mingzhu and you, she was up and down... I don't believe that other people still follow her!" The female classmate unconsciously expressed Gu Mingzhu's thoughts.

Gu Mingzhu glanced at her, "Why are you talking like that?"

She lowered her head and sipped the soup, "I really like the works of Miss Rabbit who doesn't wear long johns, that's why I thought about the double issue. It doesn't mean anything else."

The female companions smiled connotatively and said nothing.

At this moment, Fang Ming said, "Did she agree?"

After a pause, he asked again, "Do you know her?"

Gu Mingzhu smiled: "My mother contacted me. Aunt Bo Jin said she knew that Miss Rabbit. In addition, I think the double issue of "Marie Claire", such a good resource, no one will refuse it!"

Fang Ming lowered his eyes: "I'm not familiar with you, but you don't need to force yourself, Mingzhu..."

Gu Mingzhu smiled: "Fang Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Ming raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on her face with complicated eyes. After a long time, he said softly, "It's okay."

He got up and left: "I wish you success."

Gu Mingzhu was a little surprised: "Fang Ming, are you finished eating now?"

In the past, he always accompanied her and left together after watching her finish eating. If time allowed, he would take a walk with her.

Gu Mingzhu actually... feels that the Fang family is not worthy of the Gu family, so Fang Ming has always been indifferent.

After all, Fang Ming is very handsome and a school student, and he is good at his homework.

She has no reason to refuse such a boy's pursuit, is there not?

But now, Fang Ming left suddenly, Gu Mingzhu panicked: "Fang Ming."

Fang Ming's voice was light: "I'll go back to the department."

Gu Mingzhu bit her lower lip lightly.

The female companion was on the side, and said in a soft voice: "Could it be to find Gu Anxi? I ​​heard that our Beicheng University is going to re-select the school girl. This time, many people nominate Gu Anxi. You should be careful, Mingzhu." Son."

Paused: "The other party is coming aggressively."

Gu Mingzhu lowered her eyes, "School belle? How can she compare with me!"

The female companion thinks about it too, Mingzhu is the number one in the whole series, has a column, and also owns the family's perfume brand.

In addition to being backed by the Bo family, Gu Anxi has won a series of awards, it seems...

and many more.

Wait... It seems that Gu Anxi's conditions are no worse than Mingzhu's!

Gu Mingzhu looked at her and sneered: "Why don't you say it anymore, do you want to say that Gu Anxi is also very good?"

The female companion is silent.

Gu Mingzhu raised her chin: "I won't give up the school flower position."


When Gu Mingzhu returned home, Tang Yuan talked to her.

"Mingzhu, I've talked to your Aunt Bo Jin. She has already asked that Miss Rabbit, she is willing to take a couple photo with you, but..." Tang Yuan's tone was a bit contemptuous: "The other party asked us to pay 1000 yuan. Wan, said it was her commission."

Gu Mingzhu was also dissatisfied, and bit her lip lightly: "Mom, who does she think she is, she, a side branch of the Bo family, can't even get on the cover of such a magazine, and she is so embarrassed to ask for money."

Tang Yuan was a little embarrassed: "I heard from Bo Jin that he takes this junior very seriously."

It is precisely because Bo Jin attaches great importance to it and wants to praise Miss Rabbit, so it is necessary to compare them together. She let everyone know what a beautiful writer is.

For example, like Pearl.


Tang Yuan had great confidence in Gu Mingzhu. Although she was angry, she still felt that the money had to be spent.

Gu Mingzhu said calmly: "Mom, my publishing editor said that another 30 volumes have been printed."

Tang Yuan smiled: "This amount of money is nothing, it must be spent to create momentum."

Gu Mingzhu nodded.

At this moment, Gu Ning came out of the study to discuss something with Gu Yuanshan.

When she came out, she saw Tang Yuan's mother and daughter talking about something. Gu Ning was in a good mood and was willing to talk to her: "I heard from my elder brother that Zhu is going to shoot a double issue with Miss Rabbit."

Tang Yuan smiled: "Not bad."

Gu Ning glanced at Gu Mingzhu: "Our Mingzhu is so iconic, whoever stands with her will be pale!"

Tang Yuan was still smiling.

Gu Mingzhu's face was slightly reserved.

Gu Ning said harshly: "You have such thoughts at such a young age! It's better to use your thoughts on the real business. These pornographic ones are not pornographic. That's a matter of the entertainment industry. Why do you want to be pornographic when you write about the pain of youth?" what!"

Tang Yuan was not happy.

This sister-in-law is really mean, but she has great prestige in the Gu family, so she has to endure it a lot, even Mingzhu feels aggrieved.

Gu Ning smiled and left.

She went back to the villa, changed into a set of clothes, a little kawaii spicy, and brought a beautiful gift to the rabbit, and drove to the Michelin restaurant on the busiest street.

Rabbit Dada made an appointment with her to meet here.

Rabbit Da Da said that she would take a red carnation as a secret signal...

Gu Ning was full of anticipation in his heart, and looked around as soon as he entered the door.

Bunny didn't see it, but saw a familiar figure.

Gu Anxi, that little thing, was sitting there alone eating.

Gu Ning walked over: "Why eat alone, Bo Xichen didn't accompany you?"

Gu Anxi raised his eyes, looked up and down at Gu Ning's...non-mainstream, and coughed lightly: "I invited friends here for dinner. Aunt Gu, come you are dressed like this?"

Gu Ning's old face turned red: "What do you know, kid? This is the most popular style this year. Many superstars abroad wear it like this."

Gu Anxi groaned, and then slowly said: "I haven't seen it in a magazine."

Gu Ning became angry from embarrassment: "I won't tell you anymore, I have an appointment with someone."

"Unfortunately, I also have an appointment with someone." Gu Anxi smiled.

Gu Ning looked around, but she didn't see a girl around 20 years old sitting alone, she was puzzled, took out her mobile phone and sent a private message [Bunny big, I'm here~]

Gu Anxi's cell phone rang for a while, she looked at it, and then, under Gu Ning's gaze, picked up the cell phone and sent a voice [I'm already here! 】

Gu Ning: Dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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