Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 295 Sweet!Uncle, can I coax you?

Chapter 295 Sweet!Uncle, can I coax you?

Gu Ning was dumbfounded.

It took a while before I found my voice: "Gu Anxi, are Rabbit?"

Gu Anxi tilted her head: "Are you surprised? Big gray little fairy!"

Gu Ning's eyes are still wide open: How is it possible!how is this possible?

Gu Anxi supported her chin, admiring Aunt Gu Ning's confused appearance, and then said with a smile: "The outfit on Auntie is really nice, very girly~~ By the way, is the gift in your hand for me? "

Gu Ning shook his head, "The world is fantasy!"

Finally, still awake, she came and sat opposite Gu Anxi.

Then she remembered something again, squinting her eyes: "Just now I heard from Tang Yuan and Mingzhu that you agreed to shoot Marie Claire's double issue. Before that, I was afraid that you would be crushed, so it turns out that you... are really a good person." Little bad thing!"

Gu Anxi calmly ordered food for Gu Ning, and then smiled: "I bid 1000 million, I am very expensive... Besides, I have nothing to do with conspiracy, I just earn some pocket money."

Gu Ning squinted a pair of old-fashioned eyes, "You little villain, you are just like our old Gu family."

As for the mother and daughter, they really don't know who they are in the riches and honours. Mingzhu has some talents, but so what, there are too many versatile people. Qian's father...

This little villain in front of him got the true biography of their Gu family!

The magic pill from the sky may have another meaning!

At this time, Gu Ning was possessed by Mr. Gu, squinting his shrewd eyes: "Little thing, are you interested in playing with my back home? I promise you will have the final say in Gu's house in the future."

Gu Anxi supported his chin, and pulled Gu Ning's clothes, "Little fairy, your clothes look good."

Gu Ning: ...

I'm talking business to you, what are you talking about?

Gu Anxi kindly reminded her: "Dear aunt, wear such a fairy dress, manage your expressions, otherwise it's really..."

She faked a smile: "It's weird."

Added another sentence: "Look, there are people all around looking at us."

Gu Ning saw that it was indeed the case.

Those people looked at her as if they were aunts.

Gu Ning: Ahhhhh!

Gu Anxi looked innocent: "We agreed to be each other's little fairy, but you insist on talking about conspiracy."

Her voice was lazy: "Besides, I want to fight, but Gu Mingzhu is not enough to watch. I don't like things from the Gu family."

Ms. Gu Ning was downcast.

But Gu Anxi is a master at coaxing people and is very good at adjusting the atmosphere. After a while, she forgot about the struggle between the Gu family and returned to the theme of "The Big Bad Wolf".

Gu Ning thought about it later, Gu Anxi was Miss Rabbit, so taking a two-person photo with Gu Mingzhu would definitely be an instant hit. Just thinking about Tang Yuan being angry and trying to pretend to be magnanimous made her very happy.

As the number one fan, Rabbit rewarded her greatly, not only took her to Michelin, but also took her to ride the carousel... Ms. Gu Ning was satisfied.

But when she got home, she suddenly remembered that she was the elder!

Why was she slipped away by Gu Anxi all night like a child led by the nose today?

The noble lady, Ms. Gu Ning, was furious, but she thought again, that is a big rabbit!

Forgive me!

Before going to bed, Gu Ning sent a private message: "Our secret duck, big rabbit~ love you~"


Lan room.

Gu Anxi replied lying on the sofa, and then saw Bo Xichen approaching, she quickly put away the phone.

"Who are you chatting with?" He sat beside her and spread his palms: "Bring me your phone."

His appearance is very similar to that of the parents and children.

Gu Anxi refused, "I'm chatting with your wife fan.

"Really?" Bo Xichen smiled, and brought a crystal rabbit from the side: "She gave it to you?"

Gu Anxi snatched it over: "This is for me."

He stroked his chin: "Isn't it my wife's fan? Why didn't you buy me anything?"

Gu Anxi made a grimace: "Now I am her darling."

Bo Xichen looked at her, "You are the darling of so many people, what should I do, uncle?"

Gu Anxi got tired of it, "I'll tell you something nice to hear if you want to hear it."

He patted her: "no sincerity."

Gu Anxi just laughed, leaning on his shoulder to play with the crystal rabbit, and said softly: "I just found out who the little gray fairy is yesterday, and you know her too, an elder."

Bo Xichen lowered his head: "Gu Ning?"

Gu Anxi straightened up all of a sudden, staring at him with wide eyes.

It's terrible...

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, "I guess."

She leaned back again and muttered softly, "Uncle, you can't be so smart."

"Huh?" He lowered his head and asked affectionately, "Why?"

Gu Anxi grabbed his hand, "The child born in this way is too smart, so troublesome."


Bo Xichen chuckled, "Gu Anxi, are you implying something?"

She was a little confused: "How can I have it!"

Then she realized what he meant, she hugged him and acted coquettishly, and managed to get by...

When she fell asleep, Bo Xichen covered her with the quilt, and his handsome face was a little moved under the light.

In fact, Anxi still minds!

No matter how powerful she is, she is still a little girl...


The next day, Gu Ning looked back at the main house.

Tang Yuan called her politely: "A'Ning, I heard that you met the author of "The Big Bad Wolf" yesterday."

Ms. Gu Ning raised her head a little high: "Yeah, you also want to take care of this?"

Tang Yuan was still polite: "I just want to ask, the other party is a relative of the Bo family."

She was steadfast in her heart, if it was very close, then she couldn't offend her to death, just step on it secretly.

But if it is a distant relative, then there is no need to worry about it.

How could a shrewd person like Gu Ning not know what she was thinking?

So he smiled lightly: "It's just a distant relative, not one with the surname Bo."

Tang Yuan nodded, and after a while, she hesitated and asked, "How do you look?"

Gu Ning thought about it: "Very tall, very thin..."

This is not a word of praise. In Tang Yuan's mind, the image of a house girl, with black-rimmed glasses, who doesn't know how to dress up and looks slovenly...

She was completely relieved and told Gu Mingzhu about it.

Gu Mingzhu was full of confidence: "Mom, don't worry, she will stand beside me like an ugly duckling."

But Tang Yuan confessed: "If you think this way in your heart, don't let it show on your face, otherwise others will say that we are frivolous, understand?"

Gu Mingzhu nodded obediently: "I know."

Tang Yuan stroked her hair: "That's ok, mom will accompany you to this week's filming, and your dad also said that he will go there. Everyone wants to see how brilliant you are."

 Gu Mingzhu: I am versatile!What do you compare with me! ?

  Nai Xijing: I'm sorry, I'm rich with hundreds of millions!Don't mess with me, or I'll throw money at you!

  Author Jing: Yes... Is there a monthly pass?You can smash... smash me~

  (There is another update at 12:20 noon tomorrow~~A bonus will be distributed at noon tomorrow, 588 [-] book coins~Good night everyone, I am a tired old dog)



(End of this chapter)

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