Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 296 Gu Changqing!You are such a jerk!

Chapter 296 Gu Changqing!You are such a jerk!

Gu Mingzhu acted like a baby: "Thank you, Mom."

At this time, Gu Yuanshan also stepped out of the study, and smiled: "Yuanyuan, our daughter's beauty is in Beicheng, and we can't pick a second one. Outside, who doesn't say our daughter is handsome?"

Tang Yuan couldn't help smiling: "That's true."

When Gu Yuanshan was about to say something, Gu Changqing came back unexpectedly, with Ding Ning beside him.

As soon as he came back, Gu Changqing sat on the sofa, and Gu Mingzhu went over happily: "Brother."

Gu Changqing ignored her as usual, only Ding Ning smiled lightly: "Pearl."

Gu Changqing's long and narrow eyebrows drooped slightly, and his voice was cool: "You said that Beicheng like Zhu couldn't pick another one? It seems that the Gu family all have selective amnesia."

Tang Yuan said, "Long love."

Gu Changqing's eyes are full of indifference: "Auntie is also a beautiful woman, but now for fame and fortune... her appearance and temperament have changed. Doesn't Auntie usually look in the mirror?"

Tang Yuan was suddenly embarrassed.

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip.

Gu Yuanshan was angry: "It's your aunt's intention to ask you to come back for a meal. You are kind, and you will embarrass her as soon as you come back... This family..."

The next few words, the father can't say it in the end.

Changqing, after all, is the eldest grandson of the Gu family. His mother's roots are deep and he can't easily offend him. Moreover, because of Anxi's incident, this son's temperament has changed drastically——

He is always guilty!In my heart, I always hope that this son will come back and inherit the Gu family's ancestral business.

As for the Gu family, he can give it to Mingzhu.

Gu Yuanshan couldn't say it, so Gu Changqing said for him: "This family, don't come back, right?"

Ding Ning came over and held his arm: "Long love."

Gu Changqing tilted his head, "You also think they are right?"

Ding Ning said calmly, "This is the Gu family's business."

Gu Changqing was satisfied.

Although he and Ding Ning were considered married, Gu Changqing didn't mean that he had no right to speak. If it wasn't for Ding Ning's special advances and retreats, they wouldn't be able to get along with each other.

For example, he went to Qingcheng for several months, and Ding Ning never asked him.

There is a light between them, which is fine.

Too strong emotions will always make people heartbroken.

He likes little Anxi, like a sweetheart...Anxi was lost, and he was in pain for many years.

Gu Changqing let out a long breath: "Then there is no need to eat this meal."

Gu Yuanshan was overwhelmed, and now he calmed down: "What are you talking about! They are all a family, and they won't eat after a few quarrels. Ding Ning, please talk to him carefully."

Ding Ning just smiled.

She doesn't care about anything about the Gu family.

It was Gu Changqing who gave the fiancée some face and patted her: "Sit down and eat."

As soon as he let go, everyone heaved a sigh of relief, especially Tang Yuan who was terrified and frightened.

However, she could tell that the most important thing in Yuan Shan's heart was Gu Changqing's son.

Although the Gu family is good, the connections and status behind the Gu family are the most valuable. With those, why can't they make money?

Tang Yuan was dissatisfied, and she couldn't say it clearly, so she could only work harder in secret later.

After dinner, Gu Yuanshan called Gu Changqing into the study to discuss matters. Tang Yuan was very concerned about the affairs of the Gu family and listened from the sidelines.

In the living room, only Ding Ning and Gu Mingzhu were left.

Gu Mingzhu entertained Ding Ning to drink tea and chat casually.

Gu Mingzhu smiled, "Sister Ding Ning, you must have heard about Gu Anxi, right?"

Ding Ning's temperament has always been the kind that is indifferent and doesn't talk deeply.

Gu Mingzhu sighed: "Brother is indifferent to everyone, but he especially likes Gu Anxi."

He said, biting his lip: "I heard that he gave Gu Anxi a family of 'Emperor Color', sister Ding Ning, don't be angry, brother should also feel guilty towards Gu Anxi. I think the person he cares about the most is Ding Ning Miss you."

Ding Ning lowered his eyes and took a shallow sip of tea, "Really?"

Gu Mingzhu's eyes flickered with innocence: "Of course, sister Ding Ning, you are my fiancée, and of course you are the most important person in my heart."

Ding Ning didn't say anything, just continued to drink tea.

When they left, Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly: Ding Ning knew this, so he definitely wouldn't like Gu Anxi, or even quite hate him!

In this way, there will be another powerful person on her side.

Whatever happens in the future, Sister Ding Ning will definitely stand by her side.

Gu Anxi, if you want to fight me, you are too far behind.


Gu Changqing sent Ding Ning home, the car drove for a while, Ding Ning suddenly said, "Changqing, Mingzhu doesn't like Anxi going to Beicheng very much."

Gu Changqing glanced at her sideways, "What did she say?"

He knew that Ding Ning was not a troublesome person, so he must have told him because he couldn't see it, or maybe he told him because he liked Anxi.

Ding Ning tilted his head and said quietly: "Aren't they related by blood? The same father and the same mother... How could they gossip in front of me and have a long relationship? I don't understand."

Ding Ning's family is also very complicated, there is another man in the wealthy family who has no affair and no illegitimate children, so Gu Mingzhu and Gu Anxi are obviously the closest blood relatives, but Mingzhu insists on treating Anxi as an enemy.

Gu Changqing probably guessed it, the car stopped in front of the red light and looked ahead: "Ding Ning, do you mind?"

"What?" Ding Ning turned to look at him.

Gu Changqing still looked at the front, and said in a flat voice, "I'm good to Gu Anxi."

Ding Ning laughed: "Isn't it right for a brother to treat his sister well?"

Gu Changqing turned her head suddenly, her eyes burning.

Ding Ning still smiled: "Changqing, will you cheat?"

"I'm not interested." He said bluntly, and then said softly, "But I might not love you that much."

"It's really ruthless." Ding Ning laughed, and there was water in his eyes.

Gu Changqing's long and narrow eyes flickered, and suddenly said: "Go to my place, or to your place?"

Ding Ning's body was a little stiff, and for a moment, his voice was a little soft: "Gu Changqing, you..."

"The meaning is obvious." He restarted the car and made a decision: "Let's go to my place."

Ding Ning was stunned again, "It's not... Changqing, your car is driving too fast, slow down..."

The car suddenly stopped on the side of the road. The man who had always been very calm, always said that their relationship should be as flat as water, and always said that he was not interested or enthusiastic about that kind of thing, unbuttoned his seat belt, dragged her into his arms, and bowed his head...

Ding Ning's voice was soft: "Changqing, don't be like this."

"Don't refuse." He whispered in her ear with a hoarse voice...

After a long time, he let her go: "Have you figured it out?"

Ding Ning's face was a little hot, so he turned aside: "Gu Changqing, you are such a jerk!"

Treat your sister well, and treat your sister as a sweetheart, so you are willing to treat me better!

Ding Ning felt a little sore in his heart, and slammed his fist on his shoulder: "Gu Changqing, you are such a bastard."

He smiled wickedly: "I just know? Then your choice, huh?"

Ding Ning is a strong woman in the shopping mall, never hypocritical... She was also emotional just now.

The face is still looking out of the car window on the other side, and the voice is low: "I didn't mean to go to your place, why don't you drive?"

 A little late, so double benefits

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(End of this chapter)

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