Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 309 Blast!Lose the horse, I will be Miss Rabbit

Chapter 309 Blast!Lose the horse, I will be Miss Rabbit

Bo Jin just smiled and said, "Look, you are no less loving than anyone else, it's just a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, but you are really blessed."

He said with a sigh: "You are really much better than Tang Yuan." '

Wang Keru: Still flattered!


Because Gu Anxi was sick, he didn't go to school the next day.

Early in the morning, Bo Xichen dressed her himself, and carried her back to the orchid room where he lived.

Back there, Gu Anxi refused to sleep, and sat on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

Bo Xichen patted her: "I haven't fully recovered from my illness, I'm still playing until I have a good rest."

Gu Anxi said casually while talking black: "Bo Xichen, you are the source of my illness, and this sofa is still a criminal evidence, and now you have to let me play games!"

Bo Xichen gave her a slap, "It's a rebellion now!"

"Well, you don't like it!" She suddenly threw away the phone, hugged his waist, pressed her face to his heart, and sighed: "Didn't you say you liked what I did to you?"

Bo Xichen was so straightforward, he had no choice but to hold her by the ear: "Gu Anxi!"

She broke away from him, and played with her phone again: "Papa Bo said you can't take care of me well, so someone else will take care of me."

Bo Xichen had nothing to do with her, but it's not a big deal for a sick child to spoil her a little.

He didn't even go to the hospital that day, so he just stayed with her at home.

Gu Anxi's illness is well taken care of...

At noon, Wang Qin sent a message telling her: "Gu Anxi, you're dead, you're the school girl!"

Gu Anxi was taken aback: "Why?"

"Because of the new regulations, everyone sprints with the best ranking. Fang Ming chose to sprint for the school belle." Wang Qin couldn't help saying, "He's so coquettish!"

Gu Anxi also felt that Fang Ming usually looked very attractive, but he couldn't see that he was very aggressive.

She chatted with Wang Qin for a while, but put the matter aside.

In the afternoon, Bo Xichen came back from the study, talked with her for a while, and then seemed to remember something, "I don't feel well, so I don't want to shoot the cover tomorrow, just turn it down."

"No, it's 1000 million!" Gu Anxi played with his phone: "It's just a cold."

Besides, Gu Mingzhu is still waiting to overwhelm her, she can't let others down!

She did the math, Gu Mingzhu must have been preparing for it for a long time!

Gu Anxi laughed out loud after thinking about it...

Bo Xichen had nothing to do with her, he had to complain in front of his parents that they had spoiled Gu Anxi and didn't listen to his uncle anymore.

Mrs. Bo was shocked: "There is such a thing."

Bo Xichen nodded: "Very disobedient!"

Mrs. Bo was still surprised: "I'm not talking about that, I'm saying Xichen, you are so useless!"

Bo Jin smiled slightly at the side, and then secretly looked at her elder brother with her head up, and Bo's father couldn't help smiling too.

Dare to feel that Gu Anxi has a little cold, all the members of the Bo family are staying at home...

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Anxi recovered a lot, and promised to let Wang Keru take her to the set, so Bo Xichen went to work with peace of mind. He had an important operation this morning, so don't be careless.

When he left, Gu Anxi nestled under the quilt again, taking a nap.

This time, I slept until nine o'clock.

It's ten o'clock, and it's filming time.

Wang Keru came over to call her, and Gu Anxi jumped up impatiently. Before he could change his clothes, he put on his jacket and drove Wang Keru to the set.

Along the way, being a mother stopped talking.

Anxi, do you know that you are wearing Xichen's black shirt under your coat, is it really okay to go out in men's clothes like this?

Although it is, it is a mess.

Wang Keru didn't know that Bo Xichen's black shirt was Gu Anxi's pajamas, and Uncle Bo also liked it very much, because black...matched his skin tone! ! !


The three members of Gu's family were already there at the studio dedicated to Jiaren.

Gu Mingzhu changed into a haute couture dress, wearing a light pink gown with exquisitely crafted feathers on the mouth. She was indeed bright and beautiful in the dress. In order to match this gown, she tied her hair on the princess's head.

Tang Yuan was very satisfied with the selection of the outfit, and she was full of praise: "This is the only way to look."

Gu Yuanshan couldn't help smiling: "Pearls are always beautiful, but today they are extraordinarily dazzling, and it's a credit to the two of us."

Tang Yuan wanted to echo her husband at this time, "Yes, every time Mingzhu is on the cover, there will be a wave of followers, and she will have a place in the fashion industry in the future."

Chen Shu, who was in charge of the photography, smiled, "Mingzhu is really photogenic, she can be a star."

Tang Yuan disagreed with this statement. What is Mingzhu's identity? Can those celebrities compare with her Mingzhu?

At this time, Gu Ning came with a handbag: "This is very pleasant, why does my sister-in-law seem to be not very happy!"

Tang Yuan felt a toothache when she saw her, but she had to force a smile.

Gu Yuanshan scolded his younger sister: "Don't be angry when you see your sister-in-law, we are all one family."

"A family, it seems that our family is short of one person, and that one is a family." Gu Ning said sarcastic words, without restraint.

It was Gu Mingzhu who wanted to please her, so she came over, "Auntie, did you come to see me shoot the cover?"

Gu Ning smiled: "Yeah, come to see you shoot the cover, Mingzhu, are you happy?"

Gu Mingzhu smiled cutely: "Of course I'm happy that my aunt can come." '

Seeing that her daughter and Gu Ning had hit it off, Tang Yuan felt a little better. Now she raised her hand to look at the million-level watch in her hand, and frowned: "Why hasn't that Miss Rabbit come here yet, so she has no sense of time."

"It's ten o'clock, and it's still five minutes away, and the sister-in-law is in a hurry to make a conclusion?" Gu Ning is habitual.

Tang Yuan stopped talking, thinking to herself, the little girl will be late later, let's see what Gu Ning has to say.

After waiting patiently for a few more minutes, the sound of a car engine finally sounded at the door.

Tang Yuan smiled forcedly: "It's really punctual." '

Gu Mingzhu looked at the door with a reserved expression.

She is the apple of the eye of the Gu family, and the other party is just a side branch of the Bo family, so of course she is a bit more reserved with this status.

Chen Shu went to receive him, and was a little stunned when he saw the person, but then welcomed him in.

The moment the door opened.

Tang Yuan was stunned.

Gu Mingzhu was stunned.

Gu Yuanshan was also shocked...

It took him a while to speak softly: "Why are you here?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Come and shoot the cover!"

Gu Yuanshan was shocked.

Gu Mingzhu couldn't hold her breath anymore: "Gu Anxi, don't think that you will believe us if you pretend to be us."

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes——

Sure enough, she was a spoiled little girl.

At this time, Gu Ning said lightly from the side: "As the biggest fan of "Big Bad Wolf", let me prove that Gu Anxi is the author of this comic, Rabbit Dada, do you understand now?"

Tang Yuan was trembling with anger: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Ms. Gu Ning looked innocent: "I mean, I'm tall and thin, I hinted at you, you're stupid and blame others!"

 Solicitation: The school girl belongs to Naixi, so do you want the school beauty to be Naxie, or Fang Ming, so that Gu Mingzhu can't even compare to a man?

  Wait online, urgent...



(End of this chapter)

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