Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 310 Gu Anxi Wearing Uncle's Black Shirt for the Cover Shoot

Chapter 310 Gu Anxi Wearing Uncle's Black Shirt for the Cover Shoot

When Gu Ning said this, Tang Yuan became even more furious.

Ms. Gu Ning said coolly: "But why should I tell you, is there an obligation?"

Tang Yuan looked at Gu Yuanshan.

Gu Yuanshan had to put on an air of fairness in front of Gu Anxi, and coughed lightly: "You two are bickering when you are together, you are all a family!"

Just when Gu Ning was about to speak, Wang Keru said: "Mr. Gu, don't mistake your relatives, you are a family, and we are not included."

Gu Yuanshan was very gentle and refined: "Of course Anxi is a child of our Gu family."

Gu Anxi's expression was quite calm and he didn't make a sound.

Wang Keru smiled, "Anxi grew up eating rice from my family, and now he eats rice from Bo's family. Does it have something to do with your family?"

Gu Yuanshan was choked to death, but Wang Keru still felt it wasn't enough.

Gu Anxi glanced at her, Wang Keru immediately shut up miraculously, and sat on a chair beside her.

Gu Ning went over to sit down, and said with some distaste: "Under the training of Aunt Gu Rong, I'm good at making people angry!"

Gu Rong! ?

Both Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan were shocked——

Gu Rong is the oldest elder of the Gu family, who has disappeared for [-] years.

Gu Ning has seen it before!

Gu Yuanshan was worried, and Gu Ning smiled softly: "Brother, if you can't manage the family well, you can ask Aunt Gu Rong to come to Beicheng and restore the family rules for you personally."

Gu Yuanshan lost his composure: "Gu Ning!"

Gu Ning was not afraid of him, and he said it happily: "Last time I saw Aunt Gu Rong, she is really as beautiful as an old man, and I dare not show my anger."

After a pause, he said maliciously again: "The aura, I really should let my elder brother and sister-in-law experience it together. A family should share weal and woe, right?"

Gu Yuanshan was speechless——

In this kind of big family, the elders are respected, even he, the head of the family, will be overwhelmed in front of the elders. If Aunt Gu Rong really returns to Beicheng, he dare not think about it.

Tang Yuan didn't know how powerful it was, so she said, "Gu Ning, are you so afraid of her?"

Gu Yuanshan reprimanded: "Don't be rude to elders."

This was the first time he treated Tang Yuan like this in front of outsiders, and Tang Yuan felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Gu Yuanshan also knew that his words were a bit serious, so he said a few words of comfort. Fortunately, Chen Shu knew how to adjust the atmosphere and said that it was getting late, so let's take pictures!

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Gu Anxi, and he could not stop praising him in his heart.


Ordinary beauty is on the skin, but a little more advanced is the beauty of the bones.

The little girl in front of her was extremely handsome, from her hair to her skin to her facial features, there was really nothing that could make people picky.

Chen Shu took her to change clothes. Gu Mingzhu's dress was prepared by himself, and he specially prepared a white dress for Gu Anxi. It was a regular one——

Originally, there was nothing wrong with it, but now Chen Shu felt that this dress was not suitable for Gu Anxi.

She searched a lot more, but it was still not suitable.

Very distressed!

At this time, Gu Anxi took off his coat and came over: "Haven't you picked it out yet?"

Chen Shu's eyes lit up, and he stared fixedly at Gu Anxi: "Your it for men?"

Gu Anxi looked down: "Oh, my uncle's, I wear them as pajamas...I got up late and didn't have time to change."

Chen Shu slapped his thigh|leg: "Yes! This is it!"

Then, he commanded his subordinates: "Come on, put on makeup, pay attention to modifying it a little bit, the most important thing is to be natural!!!"

Because Gu Anxi's innate condition is so good that he is going crazy!

No need for excess at all!

She looked at her legs again, they were slender and straight, wearing a pair of G flat shoes and a simple black shirt, they were really indescribably handsome.

Can be male or female, can attack or defend!

Chen Shu can only think of these eight words, it's amazing!

In the shed outside, Tang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu were talking privately together.

Tang Yuan was quite worried: "Mingzhu, look, this double issue should be cancelled."

There was a sneer at the corner of Gu Mingzhu's mouth: "Mom, don't worry, we agreed before that I will stand in front and Gu Anxi will be behind, and my couture will definitely crush her. Here... Couldn't have picked a more oppressive dress than this one."

Thinking about it, Tang Yuan felt a little relieved because of this reason.

She whispered to Gu Yuanshan: "For a while, you can't treat me lightly and only care about helping others, forgetting about Mingzhu."

Gu Yuanshan smiled lightly: "What are you talking about!"

Tang Yuan smiled softly, and asked someone to come over and touch up Gu Mingzhu's makeup. She spoke to Gu Mingzhu in a low voice: "Wait a while, Mom will ask someone to take a picture for you alone. If you send it casually, the school will probably be able to settle it. Got it, you know?"

Gu Mingzhu smiled confidently: "Mom, I know."

She is determined to win the title of school belle.

As for the school girl, let Gu Anxi be the tomboy!

When Gu Mingzhu was full of confidence, Chen Shu brought Gu Anxi out——

Everyone was stunned.

What about the dress?

Why are you wearing a men's black shirt?

Gu Mingzhu immediately realized who the shirt belonged to, the corners of her mouth clenched tightly, and her fingernails dug into her flesh.

Some jealous!

Bo Xichen is the dream of every girl in Beicheng!

And the one who robbed her was none other than Gu Anxi.

Chen Shu knew what everyone was thinking, so he smiled and explained: "This child is a good seedling. I couldn't find a dress that matched her for a while, but this shirt just highlighted her temperament. Standing with Mingzhu also complements each other."

Gu Mingzhu sneered: This kind of clothes can also be shot on the cover?

When it comes out, Gu Anxi will cry.

She will let her know what rolling is!

Chen Shu asked people to light up, stand up, and take pictures, all in one go.

Gu Mingzhu has been photographed many times, so she is naturally very good at posing angles to capture her best side.

Gu Anxi is quite cooperative...

Tang Yuan looked at Mingzhu's high-end dress, while Gu Anxi was only wearing a black shirt, and she felt that her height was obvious.

Just imagine people looking at photos, who doesn't like to see gorgeous dresses, and expensive jewelry?

Gu Anxi's outfit is too shabby!

Ms. Gu Ning didn't take it seriously. She has been immersed in the business world for many years and knows Chen Shu——

Absolutely professional: you are advanced, and she can give you a more advanced sense of photography.

When Gu Anxi met her, it was a strong alliance.

Wang Keru beside him asked in a low voice: "Great Gray Fairy, do you think Anxi's body is too shabby?"

"What do you know!" Ms. Gu Ning squinted at her: "This is called fashion, this is called high-end! If you really don't understand, just look at your Xichen, that is full of high-end."

Ms. Gu Ning complained in her heart: Big Hui and Miss Tu are really happy!

Then suddenly thought, that hairless big gray, black shirt!

For a moment, Ms. Gu Ning, she couldn't accept that her big-ass husband, whom she had been obsessed with for a long time, turned out to be... a... junior!

Gu Ning is like being shocked by electric shock! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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