Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 311 Crazy Face Slap!Gu Mingzhu was crushed mercilessly!

Chapter 311 Crazy Face Slap!Gu Mingzhu was crushed mercilessly!

While they were talking, Chen Shu flipped through the photos he had just taken and frowned!

Too bad!

Temperament is simply instant kill!

I didn't think Gu Mingzhu was coquettish and pretentious before, but after being in the same frame as Gu Anxi, it became very obvious.

Got crushed to the core!

Chen Shu and Tang Yuan had some kind of friendship, so while looking at the camera, he suggested: "Why don't we shoot them separately, and divide them into two issues in December and January next year. I think the effect will be better."

Tang Yuan frowned: "Chen Shu, what's going on?"

Chen Shu couldn't tell the truth, "I just think it's better this way."

When she said this, Tang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu were full of confidence, thinking that Gu Mingzhu had crushed Gu Anxi.

You know, the couture on Mingzhu's body costs more than 60 yuan, and every feather is alive.

And makeup, hair, everything is exquisite.

Gu Anxi was crushed, it was nothing more than a normal thing.

But at this time, how could Gu Mingzhu let go of such an opportunity, so she said obediently: "It's too wasteful to occupy the page for two months. Aunt Chen Shu, let's publish it in pairs."

Chen Shu felt that she had misunderstood something, but Gu Mingzhu was full of confidence, and she couldn't say anything in front of so many people, so she continued to shoot.

After finishing the shooting in one morning, Gu Mingzhu asked to take a single one for her, and she turned around by herself.

As for the two-person cover, materials cannot be stolen, and Chen Shu didn't let anyone see it.

When the people left, Chen Shu copied the photos into the computer and prepared to refine them——

At this time, Marie Claire's editor-in-chief came over to talk, and before leaving, she accidentally saw the photo and stopped walking: "Which Chinese model is this one in the black shirt? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Chen Shu just smiled: "Not a model, but a member of the Bo family."

The editor-in-chief frowned.

Chen Shu added: "I'm also the author of "The Big Bad Wolf". Before we met, I thought she would be a house girl, but I didn't expect her to be so pleasing to the eye."

The editor-in-chief held the document; "It's more than just pleasing to the eye. These photos have slowed Gu Mingzhu, so I'll try to find a way to make an appointment with this big-ass author. I'm going to make a full issue for her for a month. Both the external and internal issues are her kind. "

Chen Shu was a little stunned: "Editor-in-Chief, this is the treatment only available to international supermodels or double actresses."

"This little girl is worth it, she will be a hit if she does it! Chen Shu, you believe my vision, by the way, doesn't she have a boyfriend? It's better to shoot together, the effect will definitely be better." The editor-in-chief confessed.

Chen Shu was stunned again: "Boyfriend? How do you know?"

"This is a men's shirt! A world-class brand, each cost more than 3 yuan." The editor-in-chief knocked on the table, "That's it."

Chen Shu watched her leave, then looked at the photos on his computer, and sighed——

This time, Gu Mingzhu shot herself in the foot. She persuaded her well at the time, and she couldn't blame others for her insistence on going her own way.

Just when Chen Shuxiu took the photo, the Gu family's villa.

Gu Mingzhu inadvertently shook her photo in Beicheng, which immediately attracted the attention of straight men——


Gu Mingzhu is really good-looking, fair-skinned and beautiful, a real daughter of the people!

That night, Gu Mingzhu threw away Fang Ming's [-] votes!

Gu Mingzhu looked at the skyrocketing data and smiled slightly——

She was a little regretful, because Gu Anxi couldn't compete for the two rankings, the column of school beauty was deleted!

She won Fang Ming, but she didn't have any sense of accomplishment, the difficulty was too low!

Gu Mingzhu went downstairs slowly, and Tang Yuan came up to meet her: "Mingzhu, how is it?"

Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly, "Of course I'm ahead."

Tang Yuan was relieved, in fact, Beicheng University was not important, but if the outside world knew that Mingzhu couldn't even win the school belle, how would she gain a foothold in the upper class circle in the future, how would she establish herself as a beautiful writer?

Everything, wait for the two people to publish, then everyone will see that Mingzhu's beauty is unique!

The temperament is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

So this time, even if it was to suppress another child, she would not hesitate.

Tang Yuan patted Gu Mingzhu's face lightly: "In my mother's heart, Mingzhu is the best."

Gu Mingzhu leaned into Tang Yuan's arms coquettishly, and said softly after a while, "Mom, that cartoon by Gu Anxi seems to be very popular."

She bit her lip and said nothing more.

Tang Yuan knew what she meant, and patted her hand to reassure her: "When your book is made into a movie and shown on the big screen, you can beat her, Mom assures you."

Gu Mingzhu smiled sweetly.

She leaned against Tang Yuan's arms, her eyes condensed: Gu Anxi, I don't allow you to come back and take away anything that belongs to me.

Gu Anxi is too busy with her own affairs, how can she have time to fight with her?

After she finished shooting the magazine, she went to the head office of AMP in Beicheng.

Zhou Yunchen also brought Huang Mao. Huang Mao went to work in a neat suit and a pair of flat-frame glasses to look elegant.

Gu Anxi went over, and Huang Mao wanted to invite her to dinner, but Gu Anxi declined because of his poor health.

When she left, the yellow hair was a little dazed.

Zhou Yunchen came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, don't look at it, the owner is here."

Huang Mao said softly: "I know, but it doesn't affect my liking for her."

Zhou Yunchen just laughed, "Promising."

He went to work on his own affairs, but when he turned around, his face was a bit bitter——

In fact, Huangmao is more than just a person.

But Huang Mao is right, I like it a little...just like it.

What does it matter if you get it or not!

As long as that person is doing well, that's fine...

Gu Anxi went downstairs, and Wang Keru put up his sunglasses, "Anxi, why did Zhou Yunchen come to Beicheng? Don't you care about Bishuiyuntian?"

Gu Anxi fastened his seat belt, "I don't need it for the time being, the inventory is sufficient. By the way, I have also dealt with Bishui Yuntian, and I can't find anything there for the time being."

Wang Keru was shocked, and her beautiful face was almost deformed: "Anxi, what did you say, you broke the golden egg?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "I can still change back."

Wang Keru's face changed again in an instant, she smiled beautifully, and the pigeon eggs in her hands glistened: "My Anxi is really capable!"

Gu Anxi stepped on the accelerator: "Go home."

In the car, Wang Keru told Gu Anxi about going back to Qingcheng, but Gu Anxi didn't speak for a while, she hoped that Wang Keru would stay longer.

Wang Keru looked down at the eye-catching big pigeon egg, and said softly: "Mom really likes to be lively and play cards, but I have to go back. I don't worry about your dad. Besides, Grandma Chen is not in good health. Someone has to be there."

Gu Anxi still didn't speak, but just freed up a hand to press Wang Keru's hand.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "Mom, I understand. I will arrange a special plane to take you back to Qingcheng tomorrow."

Wang Keru was taken aback for a moment, then refused...

(End of this chapter)

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