Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 315 I'm Sorry, I'm Gu Anxi's Yan Dog

Chapter 315 I'm Sorry, I'm Gu Anxi's Yan Dog

Gu Anxi didn't bother to care what Gu Mingzhu thought, she went straight to the teaching building.

Along the way, the girls of Beicheng University looked eagerly, and the boys, as long as they thought of the group photo posted by Fang Ming, their hearts would be relieved——

Now, even if Gu Anxi is wrapped up thickly by her uncle, the men and women of Beicheng University can automatically substitute into that black dress and black shirt...

Loyal fans of "The Big Bad Wolf" are eagerly watching, eager to get a TO lottery!

Ahhh, Gu Anxi is actually the author of Big Gray!

Ahhh, the author of Big Gray went to class with them every day and ate together!

Such enthusiasm made Gu Anxi overwhelmed.

Walking into the big classroom of the department, Chu Yan was already there, pretending to be unfamiliar with Gu Anxi.

Just sent a message -

[I heard that you can attack yourself now! 】

Gu Anxi glanced at the phone, put it down, and was speechless.

Chu Yan smiled and sent another message——

[Can't I get the first place this time! 】

Gu Anxi is finally willing to talk to her【Next time! 】

Chu Yan was satisfied, and Anxi said that next time, she will definitely win the first place next time!

Gu Anxi concentrated on drawing cartoons, and the surroundings were quiet.

It turned out that Gu Anxi was not playing games in class every day, but was painting "The Big Bad Wolf"!

It was obviously a class in the Department of Computer Science, and there were only two girls, Gu Anxi and Chu Yan, but the back row of the big classroom was full of girls, all with their chins propped up, looking at Gu Anxi eagerly.

Gu Anxi went to the bathroom, and the desk was filled with pink envelopes again.

Gu Anxi also felt helpless, so she couldn't throw it away in front of these people. After thinking about it, she signed every pink envelope with 'Miss Rabbit who doesn't wear long johns——

She thought, this can be regarded as a TO sign!

At noon, these envelopes were cleaned up in an instant, and the girls held the envelopes and kissed——

Oh my god, this is the big TO sign of the rabbit!

And Gu Anxi looked cold, but he was actually very warm!

The boys of Beicheng University were very depressed, why they also wrote it, and why there was no TO sign.

Chu Yan smiled: Because Gu Anxi is afraid that her uncle will be jealous!

For lunch, Chu Yan went first, and met Gu Mingzhu in the cafeteria.

Princess Gu seldom eats in the cafeteria, so she met her unexpectedly today.

Because of her similar status, Princess Gu didn't seem so proud. She looked at Chu Yan and said, "Your department is new to Gu Anxi, do you know?"

Chu Yan raised her head: "I know!"

She smiled and said, "It's a new school girl, I heard that Fang Ming was bent by her."

Gu Mingzhu had a look of embarrassment on her face. Fang Ming used to be around her all the time, but he hasn't looked for her recently.

She lowered her eyes: "Chu Yan, you don't want to be upstaged by others, do you?"

Chu Yan raised her voice, and listened to Gu Mingzhu's continuation: "Next week's computer competition, you must win the first place, so as to frustrate Gu Anxi's spirit."

Chu Yan laughed: "I'm trying my best!"

At this time, she saw Gu Anxi approaching sharply, and immediately stood up, "Anxi, here, here! I've bought all the food for you, your favorite salt and pepper ribs."

Gu Mingzhu: Facial beauty pales!

She suppressed her voice: "Are you so familiar with Gu Anxi?"

Chu Yan only had eyes for Gu Anxi, and said casually, "When I was at Qingda University, I was at the same table as her!"

Gu Mingzhu got up immediately, turned around and left.

Chu Yan smiled behind her: "I'm sorry, I'm Gu Anxi's Yangou."

Gu Mingzhu was thoroughly humiliated, and passed Gu Anxi with a cold face.

The only difference is that the students of Beicheng University no longer focus on her, but stare at Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi sat down with Wang Qin.

Wang Qin was particularly excited——

Before, they all said that she was bragging, that she didn't know Rabbit Da Da at all, well, now the truth is revealed, she not only knows Rabbit Da Da, but also Da Hui.

Wang Qin felt that he had fallen, and even had a little vanity.

While eating, she listened to Chu Yan and Gu Anxi talking—

The students around were also stunned. Like Gu Mingzhu, they all thought that Chu Yan would not like Gu Anxi, a young student who stole the limelight, but what happened to the scene in front of them?

Chu Yan looked at Gu Anxi eagerly like a little girl!

Chu Yan arched Gu Anxi's arm: "It's really you, it turned out to be the big rabbit, who kept Wang Qin and me away!"

Gu Anxi said lightly: "My uncle forbids me to say that I am selling experience."

Chu Yan said a few nonsense in a row, and then said with a stern face: "I can't see it, Anxi, the private life between you and your uncle is really colorful!"

Wang Qin listened, buried his head, and his face was swaying.

The girls around heard it, blushing and heart beating, thinking of Gu Anxi's uncle——

If, if the hero is like that, they would also like to be colorful every day!

Gu Anxi took a chicken leg and stuffed it into Chu Yan's mouth: "Today's chicken leg is not bad."

There was a sound of breathing all around!

God, God, Gu Anxi treats Chu Yan like this. You must know that Chu Yan is the most favored daughter of the Chu family, and also Chu Ci's younger sister.

Chu Yan will be angry!

Who knew, Chu Yan grabbed the chicken leg and gnawed it deliciously.

Students: down.

In the afternoon, Gu Anxi went back to the big classroom and found that the drawer was full of pink envelopes again, and she signed them patiently——

She stayed there after school, and as soon as she left, girls from Beicheng University flocked to her.

This one is mine—

This one is mine—

The big characters of the rabbit look good.

Gu Anxi really has no airs, it's so warm.


Gu Anxi signed more than 200 names, which were still several words, and his hands were sore.

At night, I lie on the sofa and complain: "Hands are so sore!"

Bo Xichen looked at her unexpectedly and smiled lightly.

Gu Anxi lay motionless on her stomach: "Bo Xichen, why do I feel that your smile has a deep meaning now?"

"You think too much." He patted her: "What are you thinking about all day long?"

He went to get the medicine to wipe it on for her, it was still that kind of small green bottle——

Bo Xichen picked some on his index finger, with a slightly provocative gesture, took her hand to help her wipe gently, and said softly, "You don't seem to be such an enthusiastic person."

The little creamer rested her head on his lap and whispered, "Because I think that in the same situation, my uncle will fulfill their little wishes, so I will do it."

He finished applying the medicine for her and looked at her silently.

After a while, he touched her little head: "The kid is getting warmer."

She was a little embarrassed, and buried her face, and Bo Xichen hugged her and watched TV with her.

After a while, Gu Anxi whispered: "Tomorrow's computer competition, I heard that Director Fang will go to the school to present the No. 1 award in person, and it happens to be on the day of the school celebration, so the parents will go."

Bo Xichen was secretly amused, and said calmly, "You want me to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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