Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 316 National Competition!North City University Lockdown Top 2

Chapter 316 National Competition!North City University locks the top two

"No." She leaned in his arms and counted his palms: "That day Bo's father and Bo's mother are going out, and you seem to have a schedule, so Aunt Bo Jin is left alone."

Bo Xichen stared at her and didn't make a sound for a long time.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. Anxi wanted to take the first place, not only to make him happy, but most importantly, she wanted to make her aunt happy, so she could go to the school to attend the parent meeting, and her child was the best. of.

Bo Xichen smiled: "I don't blame the elders for loving you so much."

Gu Anxi hugged him, "It's my uncle who loves me the most."

He gave her: "Rainbow fart!"

Early next morning.

Gu Anxi got out of bed, and Bo Xichen went to the dining room first, and told the elders about it.

Bo Jin's face was reserved, but his heart was jumping with joy.

It's a pity for Mrs. Bo, this bad boy, such a good thing fell on Bo Jin.

She couldn't help looking at her husband, hoping that Bo Nianyao could change his itinerary.

Sensing her sister-in-law's intentions, Bo Jin looked at her elder brother silently.

Father Bo was caught by his younger sister's gaze. Since she was a child, she had never asked for anything, so he coughed lightly, "It's not easy to change the itinerary."

Bo Jin ate breakfast slowly, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Mrs. Bo didn't know what she was thinking, but after thinking about it carefully, she was still willing to help this little sister.

Anyway, Zai Zai is in their house, she has a lot of opportunities to be a parent.

Gu Anxi didn't know this happened, but when she came to have breakfast, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit unusual, she looked at Bo Xichen, who smiled slightly: "Hurry up and eat breakfast, you will lose weight soon, and your father and mother Bo think I can't take care of you well. "

As he spoke, he poured a glass of milk for her and looked at her tenderly.

Bo's father, mother, and Bo Jin looked at each other and smiled.

It's great to have multiple children in the family, Xi Chen looked very happy too.

Gu Anxi drank the milk, "I have to go, today is the national computer competition."

Mrs. Bo scolded with a smile: "Frizzled, take your uncle's car and go there, do you hear me?"

Gu Anxi nodded obediently. In fact, Bo Xichen didn't drive her for a while. After he had been busy for a while, these two days were finally free.

When we arrived at the school, the atmosphere at Beicheng University was quite tense. After all, this was a national competition.

The Beicheng University was divided into two factions, one said Chu Yan would win, the other said Fang Ming, and they quarreled bitterly.

When Gu Anxi went to sit down, Professor Liu had a headache——

Gu Anxi's talent is quite high, she seems to have a lot of specialties, but is she too self-confident, and the computer needs to be plugged in?

This programming is not like drawing two big, gray and little rabbits, it needs to be very professional!

Can Gu Anxi do it?

If a big joke is made for her, it will affect her reputation in the education department, so when she signed up, she persuaded Gu Anxi to give up this competition, but Gu Anxi insisted that she had no choice.

Professor Liu gave a brief introduction and then started.

Because it is all online operations, the tasks assigned by the system are different from one to another, so there is no fear of fake ones.

Gu Anxi was concentrating on it, tapping with her slender fingers——

Professor Liu secretly thought, this kid's hand speed is pretty good, but he doesn't know what he can make.

She watched and sighed.

During the two-hour competition, Gu Anxi spent an hour and a half getting it done, and then went out with her small backpack in her arms.

When leaving, Professor Liu followed and asked softly at the door: "Is it okay?"

Gu Anxi nodded calmly: "I think it's okay."

Professor Liu was a little relieved, and said: "As long as you can see what you make, the teacher doesn't expect you to win any awards."

She looked at Gu Anxi, and suddenly thought of the photos on the Internet——

In that group photo, this child really suppressed Mingzhu!

Everyone has a love for beauty, and Professor Liu is no exception.

So he smiled: "The teacher will also look at your big gray when he has time. The big gray is Dr. Bo. Dr. Bo is quite famous in the world. You are very lucky, Mr. Gu."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Thank you, Professor Liu."

Then she left first.

Professor Liu went out of his mind for a while——

This child is actually quite obedient, just don't mess it up this time, it's rare that all the boys and girls in the school like her, and Principal Shen appreciates her very much.

This evening, Professor Liu opened the Yunfeng website and found the cartoon "Big Bad Wolf".

God, it's so hot!

She couldn't figure it out, it was a cartoon, or a paper rabbit, how could it become so popular.

Wait for her to read on, alas, it smells so good!

Professor Liu's personality may be biased towards Bo Jin, she prefers little rabbits, it's really fragrant.

Mama loves you!

Professor Liu secretly registered a trumpet and tipped 1000 yuan.

After she finished reading all the updates, she was still feeling overwhelmed, so she left a message [Please update, wait online~]

The next day, when Gu Anxi came to the school early in the morning, he felt that Professor Liu's eyes were a little different. '

It looks kind.

The hairs all over Gu Anxi's body stood up, and he didn't know where he touched Professor Liu's nerve again...

In the big classroom, Chu Yan held her chin and turned the pen: "Unhappy duck! Thousand-year-old one-two!"

Gu Anxi sighed: "I won't participate next time."

"We'll have to wait another year." Chu Yan sighed, "Since Shengyu was born, why is He Shengliang!"

Gu Anxi opened his notebook, drew a cartoon, and said casually: "Who will cooperate with you if you are not bright? At least half of your small treasury these years is the black-hearted money I earned for you!"

Chu Yan wanted to jump, but she thought about it for this reason!

Gu Anxi smiled and continued to draw her cartoons.

This is Professor Liu's class. She watched Gu Anxi sitting in the back row calmly, drawing manga with her notebook, and she was secretly delighted. There will be an update in a while.

However, Professor Liu will not show such a rigid temperament, she coughed lightly: "By the way, both Fang Ming and Chu Yan participated in the competition this time in our class, and I can say with confidence that the top two must have been locked. Famous, as for the No. 3 times, we don't have to fight."

Professor Liu is full of confidence. In her teaching career, Fang Ming and Chu Yan are her two most proud students, they are very precious.

When she said this, the computer department students were very happy. After all, the computer department of Beicheng University is famous, which will help them in their future employment.

At this time, Chu Yan raised her hand.

Professor Liu said kindly, "What's the matter?"

Chu Yan was full of confidence: "I think this time, our Beicheng University will secure the top three."

Professor Liu smiled, motioned her to sit down, and said, "I also hope that our North City University can lock in the top three, but it's unlikely. There is a student from Tsinghua University next door who is a little bit worse than you and Fang Ming. It's definitely third."

(End of this chapter)

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