Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 317 It's the first time to be a human being, why let it go?

Chapter 317 It's the first time to be a human being, so why let it go?

Chu Yan didn't make a sound.

Fang Ming looked at Gu Anxi quietly.

Gu Anxi was still drawing her cartoons, very focused.

Now she comes to school every day to draw manga, plus sign autographs for the girls...

There was no class in the afternoon, so Gu Anxi wanted to leave school early and go to his uncle's hospital to scare him.

Just after arriving at the door, a white Maserati parked there with a familiar license plate.

Gu Anxi remembered that this was Tang Yuan's car.She pretended not to see it and walked straight ahead.

Tang Yuan lowered the car window and called her to stop: "Anxi, let's talk."

Gu Anxi turned sideways, and said slowly: "I'm not used to drinking the tea that Mrs. Gu invited last time."

Tang Yuan smiled forcedly: "Sit in the car and say a few words."

Gu Anxi also wanted to know what she wanted to say, so she went to open the car door and sat in the back seat, and said coldly, "What's the matter, let's talk!"

Tang Yuan was dissatisfied in her heart, this child was too cold-tempered, not as caring as Mingzhu.

She thought about it for a while, and then said: "You and I... Dad, both feel guilty towards you, and want to make it up to you, Anxi, we are a family, aren't we?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "If you have something to say, just say it directly, why beat around the bush."

Tang Yuan once again sighed at the child's stubborn temper, and then said: "Mom hopes you can treat Mingzhu well, she is your younger sister, you are one year older than her and let her go, and your comics are very popular, aren't you?" , introduce Mingzhu's book to your readers... By the way, recommend it on Weibo, I think it will be very effective."

Gu Anxi listened quietly.

Tang Yuan continued: "I discussed it with your father, and we will come and go often in the future... As long as it is not made public, it is fine to eat and eat normally."

Gu Anxi asked softly, "Am I ashamed?"

Tang Yuan was embarrassed for a moment, but soon she returned to her usual gentleness: "No, it's just that your father and I are always wary of what the outside world says, Anxi, this is wronging you, but as long as you sisters are of the same heart, everything will be fine." It'll all be fine."

"It's Gu Mingzhu who will get better!" Gu Anxi ruthlessly exposed: "Mrs. Gu, I don't think you would condescend to come and have a half-sentence with me from Qingcheng if it wasn't for your favorite pearl, right?"

Tang Yuan had a wrong face.

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, "I may not be blessed to receive such a great gift from Mrs. Gu."

She reached out to open the door, Tang Yuan said softly, "Haven't you thought about recognizing us?"

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes: "I have parents, Mrs. Gu, to me, you are just Mrs. Gu."

Tang Yuan lowered her posture today, but was rejected by Gu Anxi like this, and she couldn't get off the stage, "Gu Anxi, are you too unkind?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Gu, I'm not the Holy Mother. Please... don't pretend to be another one, okay?" It was the first time that Gu Anxi said such harsh words to an elder, and she was really disgusted!

After finishing speaking, she opened the car door without hesitation and got out of the car.

If it was a bit uncomfortable last time, this time there is no trace of sadness at all.


The person who was abandoned, who was said to have a bad character, was her!

Why did the woman who gave birth to her insist that she give way to her younger sister and help her younger sister?

She sneered and left quickly.

Because it was still early, I took the bus and went slowly, and soon left Tang Yuan behind!

Irrelevant people, there is really no need to waste time.

When they arrived at Yunxi Hospital, they were watched by many doctors and nurses as if they were rare animals. Gu Anxi felt uncomfortable, and covered his head with his coat and hat, and covered his face with his notebook.

One hand pulled her hat away, and her voice was teasing: "I thought who it was, it turned out to be our big rabbit."

Gu Anxi saw that it was Fengmian.

Feng Mian smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, our little friend has become a big rabbit."

Not bad, not bad, crushing Gu Mingzhu, really embarrassing Bo's parents.

Gu Anxi snorted softly: "Feng Mian, I think what Feng Xi said is not bad at all."

Fengmian huh?One sound.

Gu Anxi went on to say, "I think it's quite reasonable to say that you watch early."

Feng Mian rubbed her chin: "Feng Xi, you can believe what an AI says."

"Trust me!" Gu Anxi walked into the elevator.

Feng Mian followed like a fart, winking: "Your uncle is leading a group of interns to perform experimental surgery, do you want to see it?"

Gu Anxi glanced at him.

Feng Mian smiled and said, "I know you miss him very much, I just want to help you."

Gu Anxi looked at him again.

Feng Mian rubbed his nose, why does he feel that the kid looks more and more like Bo Shao now, maybe he is near Zhu Zhechi?

He took Gu Anxi to Bo Xichen's private office, and pointed to a cloakroom, "There are surgical gowns in there, let's go in and observe."

He heard Bo Shao said that Gu Anxi's surgical skills were very high, but he didn't quite believe it, so he happened to have a look today.

Gu Anxi put down the notebook, went in and changed into a surgical gown, then followed Feng Mian to the laboratory——

Bo Xichen led five or six interns to do a very difficult experiment, and five or six of them almost all failed. The interns were all top students who graduated from prestigious schools, and they were all discussing in a low voice that the degree of difficulty of this experiment was too high , It is almost impossible to complete without five or six years of surgical experience.

Naturally, Bo Xichen also heard their discussion, so he didn't take it seriously.

Indeed, this subject is a bit difficult for them, and it is easy to fail.He was just about to announce the end of today's class when he saw a Qingjun figure come in.

He was a little surprised, then smiled lightly and said, "There is one more, come and try."

Gu Anxi went over, her whole body covered, except for a pair of eyes.

She looked at Bo Xichen, listened to him talking about the subject of the experiment, and then walked over.

The five or six interns discussed in low voices: "Who is this? I haven't seen it before! Can it work?"

"I don't think so, it's too difficult."

"Yeah! It's too difficult."

Holding the scalpel, Gu Anxi calmly performed the experimental surgery through the microscope, each stroke was extremely precise——

About half an hour later, the connected computer beeped [Congratulations, the patient has recovered his vital signs, and the experiment was successful. 】

The crowd froze.

This young-looking... is a doctor, but he succeeded!

You know, they are all top students in medical school, and they have never seen this before.

Why, just completed the experiment that they couldn't do?

Gu Anxi raised his eyes and fixed his eyes on Bo Xichen.

Bo Xichen smiled, not intending to reveal her identity.

But at this moment, the machine made a sound again——

[Gu Anxi is great! 】

[Bo Xichen's baby is so good! 】

【Professor Bo will reward the little baby~~】

【So shameful~ so shameful~】


  Doctor Bo was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, and the little creamer ran over: "Bo Xichen, where is my Christmas present?"

  Bo Xichen looked at her for a while, smiled, and took out a red envelope from his pocket.

  Gu Anxi opened it, and it turned out to be a card: Bo Xichen, what is this?

  Uncle Bo: This is a monthly pass, you can come every day to claim rewards for the next month!

  Gu Anxi: Then... can I ask for an annual pass?

  Bo Xichen: ...

  (Ask for a monthly pass duck~~One person weeps and kneels and begs for a monthly pass~~Everyone Merry Christmas~~)



(End of this chapter)

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