Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 318 Cool!Gu Anxi No. 1 in the National Computer Competition

Chapter 318 Cool!Gu Anxi won the first place in the National Computer Competition

Gu Anxi was completely stunned!

He was dumbfounded, no one had ever told her that Fengxi's AI is pervasive!

The surrounding interns and nurses were also stunned!

Bo... Dr. Bo's little baby, isn't... Isn't it Gu Anxi?

The one in front of him is Gu Anxi, a student from Beicheng University——

Not a medical student at all!

Why did they start an experiment and blow up their top students in medical schools?

Feng Xi chirped again——

[Because Doctor Bo has a reward to motivate the baby! 】

[Gu Anxi worked really hard! 】

[Gu Anxi likes Professor Bo calling her a baby! 】

【So shameful ~ so shameful】


Bo Xichen directly turned off Feng Xi, and then announced the end of the experiment with his usual expression.

Everyone couldn't be calm for a long time.

This is too much information.

Gu Anxi wished he could find a hole in the ground to get in, Feng Xi was too wild!

Bo Xichen took her directly back to his office, changed his clothes, took a shower and came out.

Feng Mian sat at the corner of the desk, smiling: "I heard that Bo Xichen's baby is very capable, Gu Anxi, is there such a thing?"

What happened in the laboratory just now spread throughout Yunxi Hospital.

Everyone was amazed at how harmonious Dr. Bo's private life was.On the other hand, I also feel that Dr. Bo is a good teacher!

Gu Anxi propped his chin, and said slowly, "Feng Mian, you'd better forget about it."

Feng Mian was still smiling, "The Internet has memories, and so does Feng Xi."

Gu Anxi glanced at him, lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, waiting for Bo Xichen to get off work.

When he got better, she was carrying her bag and holding a notebook in her hand.Feng Mian smiled and followed behind them.

Gu Anxi noticed that she was looking at her all around even more strangely, she decisively put on her hat again, and leaned her face against Bo Xichen's arm——

Too shameful!

Bo Xichen smiled, and took her and Fengmian, the big light bulb, to eat hot pot together.

Although Feng Mian was watching the excitement, he was still full of praise for Gu Anxi's inadvertent display of medical skills: "Anxi, you really have two brushes, and today you shocked those top students!"

Gu Anxi propped his chin: "Uncle taught well."

Feng Mian coughed twice, feeling that what he ate was not hot pot, but a large amount of dog food.

But I heard that this night, Gu Anxi went back and had a good fight with Feng Xi, like two kindergarten children... Bo Xichen was sitting on the sofa, handling business with a notebook, while listening to the two children arguing, from time to time Shaking his head and smiling.

Gu Anxi didn't know that he had implanted Feng Xi's way of thinking into her chip, that is to say, Feng Xi was a smart version of Gu Anxi, but it was better not to tell her so that she wouldn't blow up her hair.

Early next morning.

Because Gu Anxi had won the quarrel with Feng Xi the night before, he was complacent and in a particularly good mood.

When eating breakfast, seeing Bo Jin arrived in the dining room early, he was also in a good mood.

Gu Anxi called her aunt and sat down.

Bo Jin is dressed very formally today, and looks very elegant.

Because she is going to Zai Zai's school to attend the parents' garden party in the afternoon... No surprises, Zai Zai will win the first prize today.

Ms. Bo Jin sighed in her heart, the sister-in-law is not here, Zai Zai is hers alone!

Gu Anxi went to Beicheng University after breakfast, and Beicheng University was also beaming today.

You know, the first and second prizes in the national computer competition must go to their North City University!

Beicheng University once again stole the limelight.

Principal Shen said that he wanted to show those fraternal colleges that they, North City University, would always be the big brother.

When Gu Anxi entered the campus, he heard people discussing whether Fang Ming was number one or Chu Yan was number one.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the news finally came from above, saying that the number one was a girl.

Professor Liu made a final decision in the office: "There is no doubt about Chu Yan."

The other professors also congratulated her: "Professor Liu, you really taught Chu Yan by yourself. After a while, Director Fang will come over. As the head of the department and the professor, you must have lost all the limelight." what."

Professor Liu was very happy in his heart, but on the surface he was very humble: "I will set off with my colleagues, and I will set off with my colleagues."

She also confirmed that Chu Yan was number one, and she almost didn't announce it at the Quanbei City University.

Quanbei City University also thinks so, after all, Chu Yan's major is really strong.

In the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Gu Mingzhu stood in front of the balcony and sneered: Gu Anxi, this time I want to see how you feel in the light of others!

How dare a student from Qingcheng participate in a computer competition?

You just passed the exam last time, so you don't have a single point in your heart?

Gu Mingzhu heard that Mrs. Bo has gone out, so does Gu Anxi have any parents coming to the parents' garden party this afternoon?

Could it be Bo Xichen?

very pitiful!

At ten o'clock in the morning, there was another news from Beicheng University.

It was Fang Ming's inside information, and Chu Yan was ranked second.

Everyone in the northern city was shocked, especially Professor Liu.

Chu Yan is second, so who is first?

Didn't you say it was a girl?

At this moment, Principal Shen smiled and said, "Isn't Fang Ming the school belle, is it Fang Ming?"

Although it was a joke, Professor Liu felt that the rumors must have been wrong, maybe Fang Ming really won the first place.

At this moment, Fang Ming said calmly, "I am third."


Professor Liu was stunned.

Fang Ming was third.

Chu Yan is second.

Then they Beicheng University, who else is better than them in the computer field?

The entire North City University is also guessing who the mysterious girl is.

Professor Liu said to Principal Shen worriedly: "We seem to be happy too early, that student should not be from Beicheng University."

At this moment, she blamed herself, thinking that the signboard of Beicheng University had been smashed into her hands...

Principal Shen said a few words of comfort.

At this time, Fang Ming said again: "He is a student of our North City University."


Professor Liu turned from worry to joy, and asked: "Fang Ming, tell me quickly, which student is it?"

Fang Ming was still very calm: "It's Gu Anxi."

Professor Liu was completely stunned and murmured for a long time: "Gu Anxi? Are you sure?"

Fang Ming said with certainty: "The news about my dad can't be wrong."

Professor Liu was dumbfounded, it turned out to be Gu Anxi.

At this time, someone said something: "The last time the campus network was down, it was Gu Anxi who fixed it, and he directly opened Professor Liu's computer, and the password didn't seem to exist."

All the professors silently swallowed their saliva, thinking to themselves, if Gu students are serious, they probably can't hide the little secrets in their computers.

Professor Liu was still in a daze, and Principal Shen came over and patted her on the shoulder: "Xiao Liu, I understand your feelings...but calm down, geniuses are relatively low-key, and it's surprising."

Professor Liu finally recovered his expression, and said in a calm tone like Fang Ming: "From now on, Gu Anxi will be my favorite student, and no one is allowed to compete with me."

Professor Shen was still smiling: "It's really fragrant, isn't it?"

Professor Liu nodded solemnly: "Sweet!"

(End of this chapter)

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