Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 330 Don't worry about Lao Tzu's figure

Chapter 330 Don't worry about Lao Tzu's figure

Gu Anxi was surprised and blinked: "Really? Where are Mama Bo and Aunt Bo Jin?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "They will only love you more! If you don't go to the Gu family's gathering banquet, then you will have to hold a small banquet at home and introduce you formally to your relatives and friends."

"It doesn't need to be so grand." Gu Anxi threw himself into his arms: "Actually, I don't care about that either."

Bo Xichen caressed her face: "But father cares, and the Bo family cares. Being treated like this is not giving face to the whole Bo family. When the Bo family doesn't go, we will see who dares to go!"

Gu Anxi groaned, "Father Bo seems to be very powerful."

Bo Xichen laughed, and leaned against her little head, "What about uncle, is he great?"

Gu Anxi put his arms around his neck, buried his face in the hollow of his shoulder: "You have to experience it carefully to know."

He patted her: "It's really a bad study."

However, you have to experience it well to know!


The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

North City University's coursework for this semester is almost over. In the final exam, under the eyes of everyone, Gu Anxi directly passed every subject to the edge of madness, and gave up all the opportunities for scholarships to others.

In particular, some of the more difficult students at North City University, told Wang Qin, that they even obtained the right to sell the original copy of "Big Bad Wolf" published by Rabbit Da Da on the Internet. Earning tens of thousands of dollars is easy, and especially occasionally I can get autographed books by Rabbit Da Da, which is even more difficult to find.

Principal Shen is very pleased that Student Gu has driven the economy of the entire North City University with his own efforts. Even Professor Liu, who did not agree with him before, has no choice but to accept it now.

Gu Anxi went to Beicheng University for the last time. The next day will be a holiday, and Wang Qin will go back to Qingcheng first.

Gu Anxi drove her to the airport in person, and the little girl cried like a tearful person.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's not that I won't come back. I will go back to Qingcheng during the Spring Festival and look for you then."

Wang Qin withdrew his tears miraculously, and pinched the corner of Gu Anxi's clothes: "Anxi, I'll be waiting for you in Qingcheng."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Okay, say hello to your godfather and godmother for me."

Wang Qin's little face turned red: "Two days ago, the godmother said that she prepared another thousand-year-old ginseng for you, and said that you looked good after eating it."

Gu Anxi froze for a moment: "That ginseng was eaten by my uncle."

Wang Qin opened his eyes wide: "No way, Anxi, don't you think you are much more energetic, and you don't sleep much in class."

Gu Anxi thought about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

But she still felt strange: "But my uncle's energy seems to be much better."

The poor little pet, blushing, stammered, "Gu Anxi, I don't know about this, only you know about this."

After Wang Qin finished speaking, she ran away quickly, as if something was chasing her behind.

Gu Anxi shook her head amusedly, and then went to Yunxi Hospital. Her experimental class was abandoned when she came from Qingcheng, and she picked it up again recently.

After driving to Yunxi Hospital, the assistant nurse told her that Dr. Bo was in a meeting, and if she came, she would wait in his office.

Gu Anxi wanted to do the experiment by himself, so he changed into a doctor's uniform and prepared to go to the laboratory, but met Fang Ming on the same floor.

Fang Ming came to change the medicine, and also removed the splint, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Gu Anxi looked at him and coughed lightly: "Mr. Fang, I will replace your attending doctor to help you change your medicine."

She deliberately changed her voice, and was fully armed again. Fang Ming didn't realize that it was Gu Anxi for a while, so he nodded and walked towards the consultation room. He lay down obediently and took off his coat. opened.

Gu Anxi was amused, and coughed lightly: "You have a good figure."

Mr. Fang is usually very arrogant. Hearing this, he turned his head to the side, "Just change the dressing. Why are there so many nonsense?"

He couldn't help but say again: "I have a sweetheart, don't worry about my figure."

Gu Anxi suppressed a smile, quickly put down the splint for him, applied the medicine, and then said in his original voice: "Fang Ming, now I am responsible for changing the medicine for you."

This voice—

Fang Ming turned his head around and stared at Gu Anxi in shock.

Gu Anxi took off his mask and said with a smile, "Surprise, right?"

Fang Ming immediately covered his clothes, the shame and anger on his face made Gu Anxi laugh to death: "Fang Ming, I'm a doctor now."

"Do you have a license?" Fang Ming stared at her, and carefully buttoned up his clothes, like a little girl.

Gu Anxi put his hands behind his back and coughed lightly: "Unfortunately, I just took an exam last month. Dr. Bo specially introduced you to the license obtained through special channels. Do you want to see it?"

Fang Ming didn't need to look, because he knew that it would not be surprising for a person like Gu Anxi to experience any kind of miracle.

After buttoning the buttons, Mrs. Fang happened to come over at this moment, and she was stunned when she saw Gu Anxi: "Student Gu, why are you dressed like this?"

Then I couldn't explain it all. Could it be playing with Dr. Bo in uniform or something?

Fang Ming looked at his mother's expression and knew that she wanted to go out of line, so he coughed lightly: "Gu Anxi has a doctor's license."

Mrs. Fang was shocked, she let out a yah, and then smiled all over her face: "I really can't tell, Anxi is so capable, this is a manga, a computer, a chemistry award, and now he even has a doctor's license..."

While talking, he felt really regretful, wishing that Gu Anxi was his own biological daughter-in-law.

Fang Ming is [-] years old this year, Gu Anxi is [-], what a age, what a match!

Just thinking so happily, Bo Xichen came over, followed by the assistant nurse.

Looking at the situation, Bo Xichen didn't know anything, so he called Gu Anxi over to attack her: "You're being naughty again, aren't you?"

Gu Anxi was cold and arrogant in front of others, but behaved like a kitten in front of his uncle, and stood beside him with an oh.

Bo Xichen smiled: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Fang, Anxi probably saw that his classmates were trying to play tricks."

Putting on his clothes, Fang Ming said good things to Gu Anxi, "Her technique is pretty good, and it doesn't hurt at all."

After a pause, he said meaningfully: "Doctor Bo's famous teacher produces a great student."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Praise you."

Gu Anxi said solemnly: "The bounden duty of a doctor is to be the angel of every wounded patient."

As soon as Fang Ming said this, Fang Ming laughed, and Mrs. Fang also covered her mouth: "Anxi is such a nice girl, no wonder Lao Fang was full of praise when she went back, and I saw it too! It's okay, Doctor Bo, Fang Ming and I will go back first. Lao Fang and I treat you to a meal."

Bo Xichen said some polite words, and sent Mrs. Fang and Fang Ming away.

(End of this chapter)

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