Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 331 Cool!Our Bo family will not participate in this gathering

Chapter 331 Cool!Our Bo family will not participate in this gathering

Turning around, he tugged at the ear of a certain little girl: "When I got to the hospital, I acted wildly, the angel who returned the patient!"

"Fang Ming praised me just now." Gu Anxi smiled.

The assistant nurse on the side couldn't help but speak for her, "Mr. Fang is a difficult patient to take care of, but today he is not picky at all. He has been very cooperative."

Doctor Bo glanced at Gu Anxi with a cold gaze.

Only then did Gu Anxi feel that something was wrong, he was about to be skinned, so he hurriedly begged for mercy, and said in a low voice that he didn't dare to let him go.

She buried herself in his arms and acted like a baby, "Uncle, you are so kind."

He smiled and touched her little head: "Because she is my child, so it's good."

She leaned quietly in his arms...


The New Year's Eve is approaching, and the Bo family finally received the invitation. As expected, there was no Gu Anxi's. The invitation was sent to Siyuan by Tang Yuan herself, and Mrs. Bo received it.

The host and the guest were seated separately, Madam Bo looked through it casually, and then said: "I will discuss this matter with Nian Yao, but Tang Yuan, we may not be free this year."

Tang Yuan smiled: "Is there something important?"

Mrs. Bo took a sip of tea: "There is an extra child in the family, and it is very busy. Xi Chen is going to Qingcheng to visit Anxi's house, and when he comes back, he must have a lively time at home. You said someone else's child came to our house. If we are left out, the parents of the child Don't you have a problem with our Bo family, think we are not polite?"

Among these words, with the beating between them, Tang Yuan couldn't sit still for a while.

She also struggled for a long time not to invite Gu Anxi. After thinking about it, the girl didn't kiss her and she didn't have a good relationship with Mingzhu. A powerful actress and a top-notch actor were invited. Director Nie said that a billion-dollar movie is indispensable.

In this way, Gu Anxi is not so important.

Tang Yuan discussed with Gu Yuanshan, and it took a lot of effort for Gu Yuanshan to agree.

At this time, she also knew that Mrs. Bo would be unhappy, but Tang Yuan still had her own selfish intentions. Before the film was printed, she must not let Gu Anxi take advantage of Mingzhu's popularity.

Tang Yuan smiled slightly: "I know I didn't invite Anxi this time, and you will have opinions, but wouldn't it be more legitimate for her and Xichen to participate after they get married?"

Mrs. Bo smiled faintly: "That's good, you're very thoughtful. You really deserve to be the famous Mrs. Gu in Beicheng."

Tang Yuan smiled, "Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo will be honored then."

Mrs. Bo didn't hide it, and said directly: "My baby, everyone wants to love her more, and doesn't want her to suffer any grievances. Mrs. Gu, our Bo family has accepted your kindness."

She paused for a moment, and her voice became a little cooler: "Our Bo family will not participate in this gathering."

Tang Yuan said calmly, "Does Mr. Bo think the same way?"

Mrs. Bo showed a sneer: "Husband and wife are of the same heart, as it should be."

Tang Yuan was a little shocked.

Mrs. Bo said again, "A big family, if the head of the family and the husband and wife can't agree, it's not far from decline. Tang Yuan, you should consider the interests of the Gu family more than your personal honor and disgrace and gains and losses. That's all for now. , think about it yourself."

Tang Yuan was a little humiliated, she never imagined that Mrs. Bo would dare to show her a harsh look in front of her.

Of course Madam Bo dares!

She is the first lady of Beicheng, and her natal family is in power again. She is the daughter of General Lin, and who is Tang Yuan?

Isn't it just the female secretary who climbed up to Gu Yuanshan's couch by virtue of her beauty, looking at the current Mrs. Gu, and changing her appearance to be superior to others?

In front of her, Lin Yun, Tang Yuan would always be someone who couldn't stand on the stage, and with the cub who abandoned her cruelly, it was even more distasteful.

Mrs. Bo beat Tang Yuan hard, but she forced herself to leave with a smile on her face.

When she left the Bo family and sat in the car, she thought in her heart that at worst, the Jiang family and the Chu family would join in.

It just so happens that the Gu family is big...

With this thought in her mind, she got a little out of control, and then went back to talk to Gu Yuanshan.

Gu Yuanshan walked back and forth in the study for a few steps, and when he stopped, his eyes were burning: "The Bo family always feels that they are the first family in Beicheng, and it's time to let them see the strength of our Gu family."

Tang Yuan smiled: "I think so too. Yuanshan, and I don't believe that they will really not participate because of a child. There is no precedent for such a grand event in the past."

Gu Yuanshan nodded: "Yes! I don't believe they can be tough until the end."

He had a private conversation with his wife: "Since the child is unwilling to come back, we can't force it. We don't know how many troubles will arise then."

Tang Yuan was about to speak, when Ms. Gu Ning leaned against the door and sneered: "Brother, you are like that king now, you are fascinated by Daji, you believe what people say? Dare the Bo family not come? What kind of thing is this?" This is the first time I've heard of the saying... I only heard that no one in Beicheng dare not give face to the Bo family, but I haven't heard that the Bo family dare not give face to anyone else. Brother, have you not slept recently, okay? Dream in the brightest day."

Gu Yuanshan scolded his younger sister: "I discussed this matter with your sister-in-law, what are you always doing against her!"

Gu Ning came in: "Isn't it reasonable for Anxi to refuse to recognize you? You set up this banquet to isolate her deliberately. Are there any parents like you? You can make up for it. Invite people generously. Don't think about the benefits that Anxi brings, admit your mistakes, people's hearts are fleshy, and Anxi will accept you after a long time. But you are good, think about the benefits before you admit it, and die when you see no benefits Step on... I really opened my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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