Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 348 Hang and Beat Gu Mingzhu!Boss is so beautiful today!

Chapter 348 Hang and Beat Gu Mingzhu!Boss is so beautiful today!

The fifth day of the first lunar month.

The Bo family, the number one family in North City, held a banquet in the Siyuan, just to add someone to their family.

The whole Siyuan is full of joy. Let me ask you, she has a high EQ, is generous, has no airs, is good-looking and competitive, and is a good match with Xichen.

Who in the Bo family doesn't like it?

Starting at [-]:[-] p.m., there are cars coming and going at the gate of Siyuan one after another. They are all celebrities among the celebrities in the northern city, and the cars are also famous cars among the famous cars.

The Bo family didn't invite many people, about twenty or so, and about a hundred relatives and friends.

The scenery of Siyuan Garden is very nice. Even after a winter, there are many rare flowers blooming. Mrs. Bo opened several gardens and courtyards for the guests to play and watch, and found some little stars in some halls They are drinking jazz or something on the spot, not noisy, but very emotional.

Food is also very particular. The best chefs in Beicheng are invited, Western-style French, and some famous dim sum are also made on the spot...

Mrs. Bo put a lot of thought into it, and it was grand and stylish, and the wives were full of praise.

The men gathered together to talk about their affairs, and Bo Nianyao was the one among the stars——

The boss is still your boss!

Bo Xichen was very decent when he accompanied the elders.

At the women's house, a member of the Bo family leaned in and said a few words. Mrs. Bo raised her eyebrows and smiled, "It's Mrs. Gu, who is famous in Beicheng, here. I'll go and greet her."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, and suddenly there was a gust of fragrance: "Zai Zai, you can go with me!"

Gu Anxi nodded, and accompanied Mrs. Bo to entertain the guests.

Mrs. Gu came here at 07:30, and all the wives came at this time. At this time, she and Mingzhu made their debut, which must have amazed everyone.

However, she had lost her calculations. If she had come earlier, the wives would have been amazed, but Gu Anxi had shown her face, how could others be amazed by this mother and daughter?

Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan took Gu Mingzhu out of the car, and just after getting out of the car, they saw Mrs. Bo and Gu Anxi standing together talking. Gu Anxi was wearing a fruit-colored tulle instead of black and white tonight. The shoulder dress, the waist is tucked in very small, and the back is slightly exposed, which is just right and sexy.

In particular, Gu Anxi's shoulder-length black hair was rarely rolled up, revealing a swan neck, which perfectly complemented her temperament.Superior appearance, coupled with height, standing in the absolute focus of the crowd.

Very sweet and beautiful.

It's so exciting, I want to hug.

Uncle Bo, I really want to...

This outfit made Gu Mingzhu's white dress look too dignified, and instead lost her sweetness.

Tang Yuan said in a low voice: "Mingzhu, in front of the elders in a while, you can save the situation with a good performance."

Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly: "Of course."

On such occasions, she never goes wrong.

While talking, Mrs. Bo has already greeted her, saying some polite words.

Gu Yuanshan was keenly aware that Bo Nianyao didn't come to greet him in person, and even Bo Xichen didn't come out either, only the two female family members came out.

Really annoyed him.

Gu Yuanshan withdrew his thoughts and looked at Gu Anxi, feeling more complicated.

This daughter is actually very good. If she didn't have bad characters and stayed in the Gu family, she would definitely become a dazzling pearl in the Gu family.

He felt pity in his heart, and then turned his body sideways: "Congwen, send the present to Anxi."

Shen Congwen had a fine checked suit, which was very refined, and he gave it as a gift.

Gu Anxi reached out to take it, and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Mr. Gu, these three words instantly shattered Gu Yuanshan's heart.

He smiled helplessly and desolately, it was no wonder that the child didn't like him, it was indeed him... who abandoned the child.

When the atmosphere was freezing, a black phantom stopped.

The people who got out of the car made everyone startled——

do not know!

Especially Zhang Niuniu's temperament that can't be described in a word even in a dragon robe, and his hair is still short-inch yellow. It is said that he is a rich second generation, but he doesn't look like it, but the car he drives is more than 1000 million!

It was the other one, who looked personable and had an extraordinary temperament.

Zhou Yunchen!

Gu Yuanshan gritted his teeth, and Shen Congwen took a step back.

Zhou Yunchen came over generously, with an indescribably good manner, and generously praised Madam Bo's beauty. Madam Bo was coaxed happily, and asked Gu Anxi in a low voice: "Your friend?"

Gu Anxi nodded.

Mrs. Bo smiled even more happily: "Mr. Zhou, you are too polite, sit inside!"

Zhou Yunchen asked Huang Mao to deliver a gift, and Huang Mao handed the gift to Gu Anxi, and couldn't help but glance at her more.

Oh my god, today is so beautiful!

Zhou Yunchen seemed to be about to go in, but now he saw Gu Yuanshan and his party again, turned his head and smiled charmingly: "Mr. Gu is here too? And Congwen, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you are hiding from me like a mouse hiding from a cat , how did I offend you, huh?"

Shen Congwen's refined and fair face suddenly became rosy in white, and black in red.

Zhou Yunchen, it's too hateful.

Zhou Yunchen admired the change in his expression, pretending to be surprised: "Could it be that last time I..."

"I didn't hide, let's make an appointment later." Shen Congwen knew his badness, so he changed the subject quietly.

Gu Yuanshan felt even more sorry for this right-hand assistant in his heart, and he didn't have a good impression of Zhou Yunchen, this is a cheap and good-looking guy!

Zhou Yunchen's eyes seemed to be turned off, turning back and forth on the faces of the master and servant, and then chuckled lightly: "Mr. Gu, it's not that we can't talk about some cooperation."

Gu Yuanshan was shocked.

Could it be that Mr. Zhou is serious?

He couldn't help looking at Shen Congwen, Shen Congwen had no expression on his face...

At this time, someone came again.

It's not someone else, it's Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing brought Ding Ning along, and Grandma Chen and Gu Ning were also accompanying her.

Grandma Chen immediately went with Gu Anxi, and Gu Changqing smiled and hid the knife: "I thought why, it turns out that Brother Zhou also likes to eat dog meat, but Brother Zhou, that dog is my father's favorite dog." Things, brother Zhou is so seductive, my dad agrees like this?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled, and his eyes fell directly on Shen Congwen's face: "It depends on Mr. Gu's choice."

Shen Congwen is also good at self-cultivation, so as not to explode on the spot.

He just couldn't figure out why Zhou Yunchen had to make things difficult for him, everyone was their own master.

At this moment, Gu Mingzhu suddenly realized that Huang Mao looked familiar, and then remembered the person he met that night. That person was clearly a gangster, why did he come to the banquet?

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "Dad, I know this man, he is just a gangster. Has no one checked his invitation?"

Just as Gu Anxi was about to speak, a cold voice sounded from the side: "I invited this person, Miss Gu, is there a problem?"


(Going out for company activities on the [-]th-[-]th~~[-] words in these few days, and [-] words on the [-]th~~Good night, babies)

(End of this chapter)

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