Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 349 Cool!Can we enter the Bo family if we want?

Chapter 349 Cool!Can we enter the Bo family if we want?

Everyone was stunned, and after another look, it turned out that the person who came was the second uncle of the Bo family.


Today was a formal occasion, and Bo Qing also wore a soap-colored robe, with a pure demeanor.

What he said was naturally very important, and no one else was allowed to speculate or doubt it, even though Gu Mingzhu still felt that this little gangster had an inextricable relationship with Gu Anxi.

Huang Mao is also very clever. Although he doesn't know Boqing, he can feel that this big man is covering for him, so he raised his mouth and said, "Why don't I have an invitation card?"

As he spoke, he took out the post from his pocket and raised it, "Look. I have a post."

Such rude words made Boqing smile slightly: "Okay, let's go in first!"

He led the way, but Huang Mao led away first.

Zhou Yunchen looked at Shen Congwen: "How about it, let's go in too. I heard that Mrs. Bo's party is very romantic this time, very similar to the party atmosphere when we were studying abroad."

Shen Congwen remained silent.

Gu Yuanshan tried to smooth things over, "Congwen, since it's a classmate friendship, today you and Mr. Zhou have a good chat about the old days, and you don't have to worry about me."

In front of so many people, Shen Congwen didn't want to be too hypocritical, but made people suspicious, so he entered the Siyuan together with Zhou Yunchen.

When he came to a corner, Shen Congwen whispered: "Zhou Yunchen, let's say goodbye here."

Zhou Yunchen grabbed him abruptly, but he let go soon.

He leaned against the rockery and looked at Shen Congwen intently, "Shen Congwen, didn't I make you feel sorry for me? Look, isn't this plate of dog meat, Mr. Gu, brought to my table again?"

Shen Congwen remained silent.

Zhou Yunchen said sharply again: "It can be me today, and someone else in the future. Do you really think it's a kindness? Gu Shao said it so straightforwardly, you are just a dog beside Gu Yuanshan."

Shen Congwen's brows and eyes were a little wet. Like Zhou Yunchen, he leaned against the rockery wall and said softly, "Do you think that if I leave Mr. Gu, I will have a good future in Beicheng?"

"I can take you in." Zhou Yunchen smiled charmingly: "Don't think about it, I don't eat dog meat."

His words were extremely rude, but when the word 'Lao Tzu' came out of his mouth, there was an extremely masculine feeling.

Shen Congwen closed his eyes lightly, "You can use my sister to threaten me, but Mr. Gu can't? Zhou Yunchen, not everyone can live as they want."

After speaking, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Because Zhou Yunchen pressed his shoulder with one hand.

There was a faint fire in Zhou Yunchen's eyes, very clear...

Zhou Yunchen said softly: "That kind of thing, if you kill him, won't you be free?"

Shen Congwen opened his eyes wide.

Gu Yuanshan relied on divination, and he was appreciated by that person. How can he kill him if he can?

Besides, Gu Yuanshan had some kindness towards him, but he still couldn't do it.

He was about to leave, but Zhou Yunchen said softly behind him: "Shen Congwen, the kindness of knowing one's situation is actually a fart in front of big things and big things!"

The Gu family is poisonous.

Anxi, wasn't he a victim before?

Shen Congwen couldn't answer him for a while, and he couldn't walk with him... Shen Congwen has been with Mr. Gu since he was in his 20s, and he has always worked for Mr. Gu.

Zhou Yunchen looked at his back and took a deep puff of cigarette: "It's been so many years, and I'm still just like a bitch!"

On the other side, Mrs. Bo took the guests to the hall, which was bustling with activity, so Gu Yuanshan naturally went to find Bo Nianyao and his party.

Of course, there are also men in the banquet hall, most of them are second generation or something.

The yellow hair is also there.

He doesn't have much culture, and he usually does errands with Zhou Yunchen. Although he has more knowledge, he is still out of place when he is really with the big bosses, and he can't understand the words.It's not as good as here, with beautiful women like clouds and bursts of fragrance, it's like a fairyland to Huangmao.

Gu Mingzhu was playing the piano, wearing a white dress with two strings of pearls attached to her back, which made her skin creamy and dazzling.

Huangmao's eyes are straight. Although this girl can't compare with the boss, she is still very good-looking overall.

Pretty enough!

It's just that he has a bad heart!

Therefore, he will not like it either!

After Gu Mingzhu finished playing a song, she received bursts of applause, and all the wives clapped their hands: "Mingzhu plays better and better, and she is also very generous."

Tang Yuan was naturally very gratified, her daughter also looked good after being praised.

She looked at Gu Anxi, who was holding a goblet and talking to that yellow-haired man, and she didn't like it in her heart. Can't Lin Yun talk about her when she associates with that kind of person?

So Tang Yuan went to Mrs. Bo's place and raised her chin: "That's not a problem, is it? Although Second Uncle Bo invited him, I always feel that Anxi is very familiar with him."

Mrs. Bo sneered in her heart: Of course I am familiar with it, that is Anxi's subordinate.

What does Tang Yuan mean by this? She couldn't be more clear.

Tang Yuan saw that she was silent, so she coughed lightly: "I shouldn't say that, isn't it good for a girl to live in the man's house unmarried?"

Mrs. Bo smiled and said bluntly: "Tang Yuan, do you think that our Bo family can enter if they want? How many people want to live in, but they may not be able to live in! Besides, you may not know, Anxi and Xi Chen is not a couple, so it is also very destined to be with our Bo family, and we will stay in the Siyuan for a long time, so don't be dissatisfied with others, who makes my family likable!"

She sighed again: "Beautiful, good-natured, rich with billions..."

It seemed to be very distressed: "Tang Yuan, you don't have this kind of experience. Why don't you ask Gu Ning and Bo Jin, especially Bo Jin, if you have a good relationship, just talk to each other."

Tang Yuan said something, and it took a lot of robbing, which made it boring.

Bo Jin...Bo Jin and her had a falling out.

But it seems that Bo Jin didn't attend the banquet today, could it be that his relationship with Gu Anxi is not as good as before?

Of course not. Bo Jin has important things to do today. Disney sent people to Beicheng to conduct research on the comic book "The Big Bad Wolf". If possible, there will be a series of cooperation. The first is naturally It's a movie—

The kind that is released worldwide.

Bo Jin is in charge of contacting this area, and will have to discuss it with Gu Anxi later, but this credit is not hers, but Anxi's comics attracted Disney, and they took the initiative to negotiate.

This is a later story. At this time, Tang Yuan was bored, so she was naturally uncomfortable.

Over there, Gu Mingzhu was praised, and she looked at Gu Anxi inadvertently. She smiled lightly: "I heard that Anxi also plays the piano very well. Today is a good day for you and brother Xichen. Do you want to play one too?" Appreciate it for the elders?"

How could the elders know what the little girl was thinking, and they all said that Anxi would also play a song.

(End of this chapter)

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