Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 359 Tang Yuan Asks for Help in Four Places!He Jing missed it perfectly

Chapter 359 Tang Yuan Begs Everywhere!He Jing missed it perfectly

Shen Congwen couldn't move at all!

After Zhou Yunchen finished smoking a cigarette, he pushed the end of the cigarette aside, "I don't fight with girls."

After finishing speaking, he let go of Shen Congwen and left.

Shen Congwen stood there alone for a long time...

When he went back to report to Gu Yuanshan, Gu Yuanshan was a little shocked: "You didn't send Zhou Yunchen back?"

Shen Congwen remained silent.

At this time, Gu Yuanshan also felt that he was too hasty and straightforward, he waved his hand: "Forget it, I'll think of a way."

Can't help scolding Zhou Yunchen a few more words, Shen Congwen listened, and then said softly: "Zhou Yunchen can arrange for Mr. Gu to meet with Anpu's boss."

Tang Yuan was the first to disagree: "What if the other party asks us to withdraw the lawsuit? Is Pearl's reputation gone?"

Gu Yuanshan was a little annoyed: "Is this a matter of fame? This is an imminent matter."

He is also a little dissatisfied with Tang Yuan, can he put aside his love for his children at this time?

Tang Yuan was rarely blamed by him, and felt a little wronged, but at this moment she did not dare to refute her husband.

Gu Yuanshan thought for a while, "Let's look at the situation again, Zhou Congwen, you work harder, and we will also think of other ways to see if we can solve the urgent need first. No matter what, we can't be too wronged Pearl."

Tang Yuan felt relieved at this moment, it would be better not to sacrifice Mingzhu.

When they went back separately, Gu Yuanshan also thought of a lot of ways to invite people to dinner, but he couldn't get a little bit of love.

It can't be blamed on his lack of face, but at this time Anpu let out the wind, whoever gave it to Gu Jiajing, Anpu would no longer provide it to others in the future, so who would dare to borrow it?

Tang Yuan was also as worried as anything else, after thinking about it for a long time, she still wanted to ask Bo Jin.

After all, they are classmates, and they have been friends for many years, and there is always a need to relieve the urgent need. Tang Yuan feels that if she speaks soft words, Bo Jin will not lose face.

Naturally, she didn't say it directly, otherwise Bo Jin would have refused, and would just ask Bo Jin to drink tea to make amends.

Bo Jin didn't want to go at first, but on second thought, she wanted to see what kind of tricks she was playing, not only went by herself, but also brought Gu Anxi who was idle at home.

Gu Anxi didn't refuse either, anyway, she's not in a hurry now, Niu Niu is having a great time in it and is still watching dramas, Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan are the ones who are in a hurry!

She followed Bo Jincai into the tea room. When Tang Yuan looked up and saw her face changed a little, she smiled very reluctantly: "Why did you bring her here?"

Bo Jin smiled lightly: "There is no one at home, and I don't feel at ease if Anxi is alone at home, so I will take her out to relax."

Tang Yuan was quite disapproving, and couldn't help saying: "Bo Jin, it's wrong for you to educate the child like this, the child can't get used to it."

Bo Jin smiled: "Really? My brother and sister-in-law think this is pretty good."

Tang Yuan smiled forcedly, she didn't pay much attention to Gu Anxi, she just wanted to talk business with Bo Jin.

Naturally, it is still necessary to ease the atmosphere and bring up this matter again...

When they talked about things, Gu Anxi leaned on Bo Jin's shoulder to play with her mobile phone, just using Bo Jin as a cushion, and Bo Jin really let her do it, and gave her a loving look from time to time.

Tang Yuan paused for a moment, and finally got to the point: "Bo Jin, there's something wrong with Gu's internally, I've come to ask you for a heartless request today, Jing, can you lend me a little?"

Bo Jin took a sip of tea: "Didn't I introduce AMP Company? AMP's supply to Yunxi Group is normal!"

Gu Anxi, who was playing with his mobile phone on the side, rolled his eyes and resumed playing games.

Of course Tang Yuan wouldn't talk about it, she said with reservations: "Something happened, Bo Jin, really only you can help me with this matter, otherwise my position as manager will be lost."

She set up a military order in front of Gu Ning.

Bo Jin pretended to be surprised: "It's so serious!"

Tang Yuan had a sad face: "Yes, I won't come to beg you if I can't wait to beg you."

She showed her sincerity: "Bo Jin, for the sake of the past, help me this time."

Bo Jin smiled lightly: "It's not that I don't want to help, but that I don't have the right. I said a long time ago that none of the Yunxi Group's elite is in my hands, and I only have the right to use it."

Tang Yuan said lightly: "You can use your name to call a batch for me in AMP."

Bo Jin still smiled lightly: "What if AMP finds out? Tang Yuan, how do you want me to explain to my elder brother and Xi Chen? It's not like you don't know that it's hard to find a good one in the market now. You want me to be this villain. It makes no sense."

Tang Yuan quickly said: "It won't be discovered. Yunxi Group should also be a big customer of AMP, right? If it's a big customer, AMP won't dare to offend easily."

Gu Anxi interjected at this moment: "Do you still have to act like a master if you beg someone to sell something?"

Bo Jin scolded with a smile: "The words are rough and the rationale is not rough."

Tang Yuan's face was a little stiff, and it took a while before she whispered, "Your Excellency is talking about business."

"You don't want to talk to me, okay, I'll go out for a stroll." Gu Anxi stretched his waist, and said to Bo Jin, "I'll go out for a walk."

Bo Jin nodded: "Don't go too far and don't eat indiscriminately. I'll take you to eat local dishes in a while."

Gu Anxi responded casually.

When the door was closed, Tang Yuan said, "It's too spoiled. If you spoil her like a child, she will be spoiled."

Bo Jin stopped arguing with her, and smiled, "If you spoil it, spoil it."

Tang Yuan settled down and worked hard again, Bo Jin only said in a low voice: "I heard that Mr. Zhang has some relationship with An Pu's boss, Tang Yuan has to forgive him and forgive him, and the withdrawal of the lawsuit will solve everything. "

Tang Yuan's complexion was not very good, she lowered her head and poured tea, and said softly, "What about Mingzhu? Now that I have said it myself, the withdrawal of the lawsuit does not mean that the Gu family is incompetent, Mingzhu's reputation is not good, what will others think of her?"

Bo Jin couldn't help sighing: "Tang Yuan, you just take face too seriously."

Tang Yuan took a sip of tea and smiled wryly: "Bo Jin, you have no idea how difficult it is to climb up from the bottom like me! How many people are poking me in the back."

Bo Jin drank tea shallowly, and said in a calm voice, "Yuanyuan, everyone's life is their own choice, just like you are complaining now, but you don't want to think about the benefits of being Mrs. Gu, it's what you always want Wealth! For this wealth, you can give up everything, including Anxi, right?"

Tang Yuan lowered her eyes, "I'm sorry for that child, but Bo Jin, look how much she has affection for me... always against me."

"It's not that Anxi is against you, it's that you can't tolerate her being stronger than Mingzhu." Bo Jin hit the nail on the head: "As long as you are willing to treat her with your heart, this child cannot remain indifferent."

This is Bo Jin, who gave Tang Yuan her last chance.

(End of this chapter)

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