Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 360 Lost Horse!So you've already met

Chapter 360 Lost Horse!So you've already met

But Tang Yuan is obsessed with it. She has selfish intentions. She has wronged Mingzhu by recognizing Gu Anxi. With the incident of that little bastard, will she and Mingzhu still have a foothold in the future?

She will never lower her head.

And Bo Jin would never do this favor, so she firmly refused.

Tang Yuan was very upset, feeling that her friend Bo Jin for so many years was unreasonable, so she sat for a while and then left.

After leaving, I saw Gu Anxi sitting on a bench in the lobby playing games, half leaning on it in a very casual posture.

Tang Yuan felt that her appearance was unrefined and unseemly, and a famous lady should be like a pearl.

She didn't even take a second look, and she didn't regard the child as her own. She only thought about Jing and left in a hurry.

Gu Anxi didn't even raise her eyelids, and continued to flirt with Chu Yan, a weakling.

Bo Jin came over, "Zai Zai, is this game over yet?"

"It's all right, 2 minutes." Gu Anxi hit with one hand and pulled Bo Jin with the other, "Auntie, look at Chu Yan's beating is so rubbish, Chu Ci must be by her side to influence her."

Bo Jin scolded with a smile: "You child, you have such a rich imagination."

Gu Anxi said while beating: "You don't know, she is a complete face control."

Bo Jin just smiled and remained silent.

Chu Yan is Yan Kong, what about Chu Ci?

I don't seem to be young anymore, I'm 26 years old, and I don't see any love affairs, and I take a younger sister with me everywhere.

But these should not be said by the elders.

Gu Anxi said that 2 minutes is 2 minutes to clean up Chu Yan, a weakling, put away the phone, and walked with Bo Jin and said, "How are you talking?"

Bo Jin smiled lightly: "What can I do, she...Tang Yuan only wants to be famous in Beicheng, and she wants to keep Gu Mingzhu's No.1 position."

Gu Anxi opened the door for her to get in the car, Bo Jin sat in the co-pilot, and Gu Anxi walked aside to drive.

Bo Jin shook her head: "I don't know what she's drawing."

Gu Anxi focused on driving, and said in a low voice: "Because you are attached to a man, everything is given by the man, so you must put the man's interests first, and you can sacrifice everything."

Bo Jin patted her, Gu Anxi smiled: "I'm fine, I have parents."

"That's good." Bo Jin smiled.

Gu Anxi drove and went to eat local dishes with Bo Jin. As for Tang Yuan...she didn't care.

Tang Yuan's life is very difficult, Bo Jin's refusal has cut off her last chance of survival, Gu Ning has asked her to resign openly and secretly in the company, and the old woman named Gu Rong also comes to the villa to 'point out' from time to time, Tang Yuan Just going crazy.

Gu Yuanshan is also in a state of desperation. Things are not going well outside, and things are not going well at home. Tang Yuan also asked him to tell Gu Ning to keep her position as the manager...

Most of Gu Yuanshan's heart was still toward his wife, after thinking about it, he decided to talk to his sister about it.

Gu Ning heard Gu Yuanshan say this in his office, so he smiled lightly, "Okay, since the elder brother thinks that the elder sister-in-law is competent, then this time the matter can be settled."

She simply cleaned up the table, Gu Yuanshan couldn't sit still: "Gu Ning, what are you doing?"

"Go on vacation." Gu Ning smiled, "My work will be arranged, as for whether Manager Tang's work can be completed is her own business, don't think about me cleaning this SHI."

Gu Yuanshan frowned: "Girls' homes are so uncivilized! Besides, we are a family. If your sister-in-law can't handle it, you come here. Doesn't it appear that you are more capable?"

Ms. Gu Ning didn't like his tricks, and sneered: "Brother, you can use this skill to deal with your secretary assistant."

Gu Yuanshan couldn't let go of his old face: "Don't talk nonsense like this."

Gu Ning still sneered: "I don't care about your things. Of course, I don't care about the stalls you left behind. I will take Aunt Gu Rong abroad for vacation. If you have any objections, please talk to Auntie in person. I think Auntie is ready. There is nowhere to express my words!"

Gu Yuanshan was also afraid of Grandma Chen, and touched his nose: "Speak well, what are you going to do with Aunt Gu Rong?"

Gu Ning didn't bother to talk to him anymore, probably because he had been with Tang Yuan for a long time, and this big brother had also changed.

How should I put it, I am not as decisive in doing things as before, and my vision is much shallower.

Gu Ning really came on an instant trip, and took Grandma Chen abroad to go happy, until she told Grandma Chen about it on the plane, Grandma Chen was silent for a while before slowly opening her mouth: "Ah, you don't know that the boss of AMP Company is Anxi!"

On the special plane flying to France, there was a high-pitched voice from a certain lady...

For a moment, Ms. Gu Ning calmed down and turned her head: "Auntie, say it again."

Grandma Chen cautiously said, "Gu Ning, you don't know!"

He also said: "Zhou Yunchen and Huang Mao are working for Anxi."

Gu Ning had also heard a little about the scandal about Mr. Zhou, and he was really shocked at this time——

My elder brother was shrewd all his life, but he was blinded by wealth and played around by a young man.

Gu Ning thought: It's their husband and wife who deserve it, and they hurt people at will by holding on to their identities, and let them take care of this mess.

At the moment, he even pulled the blindfold: "Auntie, let's sleep, France is very interesting."


North City.

Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan were still introduced by Zhou Yunchen, and got a chance to meet the boss of AMP Company.

But before that, Gu Anxi suddenly sent someone to say that he wanted to meet, mainly to talk about Huangmao, the kind where both sides brought lawyers.

Tang Yuan didn't want to see her at first, but Gu Yuanshan said, "Let's meet, it's always us, let's see what she says."

Only then did Tang Yuan reluctantly agree.

The two parties made an appointment in a coffee shop, and there were almost no people because the place was cleared in advance.

Gu Anxi brought a lawyer over, the type of lawyer who could not find such a person, hurried over and sat opposite Gu Yuanshan and his wife.

Gu Yuanshan was fine, but Tang Yuan put on airs and ignored him.

Gu Anxi didn't talk nonsense, let the lawyer talk to Feng Mian, and drank half a cup of coffee by himself.

Half an hour later, the young lawyer came over and whispered a few words. Gu Anxi smiled lightly, "Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu are unwilling to withdraw the lawsuit. That's fine, we can only meet in court."

Gu Yuanshan was also a little bitter about this result. He was also his daughter in front of him, and now he was like an enemy. He said calmly, "Anxi, as long as you don't help that person, we can still treat you like before."

When Feng Mian heard it, he laughed.

Gu Yuanshan looked at him, and Tang Yuan was also dissatisfied.

Feng Mian smiled: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you continue."

Gu Yuanshan coughed lightly: "Anxi, think about it for yourself."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Abandoned like before?"

Tang Yuan couldn't listen anymore, she got up, "Yuanshan, I'll wait for you in the car."

When he reached the door, he bumped into a person.

It was none other than Zhou Yunchen...


(Updated after 10 noon tomorrow, Chapter [-])

(End of this chapter)

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