Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 361 Lost Horse!Gu Anxi turned out to be Anpu's boss

Chapter 361 Lost Horse!Gu Anxi turned out to be Anpu's boss

Zhou Yunchen smiled all over his face: "Where is Mrs. Gu going? Didn't we make an appointment to meet?"

Looked again: "Our big boss has arrived, so you have already talked about it, it's very good."

Tang Yuan turned her head and looked shocked: "Mr. Zhou, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled charmingly: "The boss of our AMP company!"

Tang Yuan scanned the coffee shop——

Besides Fengmian and Gu Anxi... there is another young lawyer brought by Gu Anxi.

Could it be that humble lawyer?

The big boss behind?

At this time, Zhou Yunchen smiled and took her over without any trace, pretending to be very sorry: "Ah, I'm really sorry, I just found out that Anxi is our behind-the-scenes boss, oops, what a flood has washed the Longwangmiao family No one knows a family!"

I don't know if it's the family, but it's true that Gu Yuanshan and his wife have petrified.

Gu Yuanshan has always been steady, but at this moment his mouth is a little bit hard to close.

His daughter turned out to be the boss of AMP Company, which is really unexpected.

On the other side, Tang Yuan was also shocked.

Zhou Yunchen glanced at their faces in turn, and smiled, "I just don't know if this lawsuit will be filed or not?"

Gu Anxi stood up and smiled lightly: "The negotiation just now is invalid, fight!"

Zhou Yunchen smiled, sat aside and ordered a cup of coffee, and watched Gu Anxi take the lawyer to leave.

He was not in a hurry, but he made Gu Yuanshan and his wife very anxious.

In particular, Gu Yuanshan lost face all along, coughed lightly, "It's still negotiable!" After speaking, he looked at his daughter with a new look.

Really excellent, proficient in everything, and even became a big boss at a young age.

Gu Anxi turned around: "Discussion? I thought Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu were determined to send my friend to prison to see him through."

Gu Yuanshan calmed down the atmosphere: "The words are also angry words."

He winked at Shen Congwen and asked him to work on Zhou Yunchen.

He is not a fool, and now he knows how deep the city surnamed Zhou is, and he has been playing with him all the time. This play is really well done.

However, he also believed that if he spoke from the text, the person surnamed Zhou would still give him three points.

Shen Congwen, however, acted as if he hadn't seen it, and didn't speak much, while Gu Yuanshan gave him several winks, but he acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Gu Yuanshan had no choice but to rely on himself, coughing lightly: "Mr. Zhou, look at the current situation...have we reconciled?"

Zhou Yunchen looked surprised again: "Mr. Gu and I have always had a good relationship, and we are classmates with Congwen, so how can we talk about reconciliation?"

Gu Yuanshan almost collapsed, "I'm referring to Mr. Zhang (Huang Mao)."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Yunchen earnestly, hoping that he would say a few words for himself.

Zhou Yunchen took a sip of coffee and said slowly: "Manager Zhang!? Don't worry, Mr. Gu, the lawsuit between you and him will not affect our friendship. The friendship between Congwen and I is even more unbreakable. Gu Xian can rest assured .”

He repeatedly said a few words of reassurance, but where did Gu Yuanshan feel reassured?

He found that Zhou Yunchen couldn't grasp the point this week...

At this time, Zhou Yunchen finally realized as if he had opened his eyes: "Oh, I am so slow, Mr. Gu wants me to say a few words of reconciliation with our President Gu?"

Gu Yuanshan heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yunchen said again: "Oh, Mr. Gu is here, if you have anything to say, Mr. Gu can say it face to face, or beg for mercy in person."

Gu Yuanshan almost recited it, can such things be said in the open?

After all, he is also the second Patriarch of the North City, so he doesn't want to lose face?

Not only him, but also Tang Yuan.

At this time, two lawyers were present, together with Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen, in front of these people, the husband and wife asked Gu Anxi for peace, and then for another beauty?

This face can't be pulled off no matter what!

Gu Yuanshan is a decent person after all, so he thought about it: "In this way, the lawyer doesn't need to be present, let's discuss the matter in private."

Gu Anxi took a sip of coffee slowly, and said softly, "I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I'm young and inexperienced, and I'm easily deceived. I still need a lawyer! As for Mr. Gu's lawyer, it's up to you."

Feng Mian was on the sidelines, seemingly indifferent.

Anyway, with the money in hand, he doesn't care whether he goes to court or not.

After hearing Gu Anxi's words, Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan were about to explode——

Young and inexperienced?


Didn't she play them around?

Just thinking about how the husband and wife have come here for Jing, flattering Zhou surnamed openly and secretly, and flirting inside and out, makes their faces burn.

At first, I thought that Gu Anxi was only showing off her youthful courage to save the yellow-haired Zhang, but it turned out that she and the Zhou were the same kind of evil! ! !

Now, Gu Yuanshan and his wife no longer dare to underestimate the people from such a small place as Qingcheng.

Gu Yuanshan said politely: "Anxi, since it's a family, I won't say I'm cheating or not! In this way, if Mingzhu does anything wrong, I will apologize for her and you. The matter between her and Mr. Zhang is now I figured it out, it's just a misunderstanding, let's make a big deal into a small one and settle in court!"

Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "Mr. Gu said it lightly, I'm afraid I forgot that Ling'ai kept accusing my subordinates of molesting her that night. Since she wants to sue, okay, please accompany me!"

She still smiled lightly: "Don't be afraid to reveal it to Mr. Gu. I have surveillance evidence in my hand. Even if Mr. Gu hires ten Feng lawyers, it won't help. It will only waste money. By the way, Feng lawyers seem to be very expensive... ..."

Gu Yuanshan felt a pain in his heart.

Three hundred million was taken away.

The current situation is that if the money is hacked, he will still be a grandson!

Gu Yuanshan has roamed the North City for many years, and he seldom succumbs to being small, but this time he fell into the hands of his own family's magic pill, how can it not make people sigh?

Her heart turned back and forth, but her face was still as firm as a mountain: "It's all a misunderstanding! Anxi thinks that Mingzhu is your sister, let's forget about it."

"Forget it?" Gu Anxi lowered her eyes: "Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu, tell me... who am I going to settle with these years?"

Gu Yuanshan's face was embarrassing again, and there was another burst of indescribable meaning.

After a long time, he said, "Everyone is irrational today, so let's make an appointment another day."

After finishing speaking, he looked sideways at Tang Yuan, "Don't you have a few words to say to Anxi?"

Tang Yuan was in chaos——

From the meaning of Gu Anxi's words, it seems that he has really grasped the evidence that Mingzhu wronged her surname——

She was in a trance, and only now came back to her senses, and lowered her eyes: "Yuan Shan is right, let's change another day!"

(End of this chapter)

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