Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 362 Gu Anxi's fate has been changed!dragon and phoenix

Chapter 362 Gu Anxi's fate has been changed!dragon and phoenix

Tang Yuan glanced at her husband and made a silent request.

Gu Anxi can't let the things about Mingzhu come out, otherwise, if the matter gets bigger, her reputation will be ruined, which will have a great impact on her future.

After finishing speaking, she asked Gu Anxi softly, "Why didn't you take it out at that time?"

Gu Anxi smiled slightly, and said coldly: "I understand Mrs. Gu's motherly love, is this wrong again?"

Tang Yuan didn't even have any excuses, and finally left with Gu Yuanshan.

It was Shen Congwen who stayed, I don't know if it was Gu Yuanshan's intention or Shen Congwen's own intention.

Gu Anxi asked the young lawyer to leave first, and Feng Mian felt that it was inconvenient for him to stay, so he only looked at Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen when he left——

He and Shen Congwen are acquaintances, and now they smiled meaningfully: "Congwen, why do I feel that you are not the same as before?"

Shen Congwen's heart was shaken, and he coughed unnaturally: "Lawyer Feng, you think too much."

Feng Mian's expression was full of meaning: "Congwen, it's a pity for you to follow Gu Yuanshan. If you don't abandon your secrets and follow our little Mr. Gu, and help Zhou brother on the left and right, wouldn't this complement each other?"

Shen Congwen's face was even hotter. He was startled, and just met Zhou Yunchen's slightly deep gaze, so he slightly lowered his head: "Lawyer Feng was joking, I'm used to doing things with Mr. Gu."

Feng Mian smiled: "Habits can be changed, it will only be better if you follow Mr. Gu, and Mr. Gu said that it is a family, I think you don't have much objection to following Mr. Gu, or yes……"

At this time, Fengmian was full of bad intentions, and said to Gu Anxi: "Anxi, do you think it is right, when the time comes to discuss the conditions, I will list him in the conditions, and bring him to you..."

Gu Anxi, who is as fine as a human being, couldn't figure out what Feng Mian was joking about at this time, so he held his chin and said quietly: "Feng Mian, I just found out that Feng Xi has someone he likes recently, guess what? Who?"

Feng Mian was taken aback.


Isn't it an AI?Can you also like men?

Gu Anxi smiled: "Feng Mian, go back and read Feng Xi's diary, after reading it, you will know who she likes."

"It's so fantastic!" Feng Mian was aroused, and he felt that the person must be Bo Xichen.

They get along the most with masters and servants, don't they?

But when he went back to look at it at night, he was stunned——

It turned out to be him Fengmian!

Ahhhh...Feng Mian couldn't look at Feng Xi directly...

At this time, after sending Feng Mian away, Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Yun Chen, that's it, Gu Yuanshan should find me in person later, you are busy with your work."

Zhou Yunchen smiled and said, "Okay."

Gu Anxi actually left like this, Shen Congwen looked at her leaving back with complicated eyes, and said slowly, "Does she really have no feelings for Mr. Gu?"

Zhou Yunchen's voice cooled down: "You should ask your master if he has feelings for her, and ask your good mistress when she ever had a trace of mother's love! Shen Congwen, if you can choose, I don't think Anxi would like to be theirs. It's my blood relative."

Shen Congwen stared at Zhou Yunchen for a while, then suddenly said a word: "You like her!"

Not to ask, but to affirm.

Zhou Yunchen didn't deny it either, he just drank his coffee quietly, his eyes fell on Shen Congwen's face.

Shen Congwen stared at it for a while, and then held the cup in front of him, his fingers trembling a little.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Congwen, didn't you say you don't like dog meat?"

Shen Congwen raised his eyes.

Zhou Yunchen's half-smile was abominable again: "Or is it a duplicity?"

Shen Congwen was rarely rude, but at this moment he pulled away his chair and turned around to leave.

Zhou Yunchen was still sitting there, drinking his coffee slowly and smiling calmly.


Gu family villa.

The atmosphere was very gloomy, Gu Yuanshan was locked in the study alone, and no one was seen.

Tang Yuan was standing guard at the door. Gu Mingzhu asked Tang Yuan in a low voice, but Tang Yuan only said in a low voice to let her do her own thing.

When Gu Mingzhu went upstairs.

Tang Yuan knocked on the door again: "Yuan Shan, let me in, let's discuss things together."

Gu Yuanshan didn't give way, he was divination alone in the study.

When he came back from the coffee shop, he shut himself up and did his divination alone.

It was none other than Gu Anxi who occupied it.

When the first hexagram came out, he couldn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, the hexagrams were quite different from before. He clearly remembered the shock he felt after divination after Gu Anxi was born, which was the same as the shock at this time.

Magic pills from heaven!

And now, dragon and phoenix among people!

Among them, it is really a sky and a ground.

Gu Yuanshan didn't believe it, he spent the whole afternoon like crazy, his hand was bleeding and he couldn't stop, but every hexagram was the same.

Gu Anxi's fate: dragon and phoenix among people.

He finally believed it, and sat there muttering: "Fate has changed, it has changed."

Ren Tangyuan cried out to die outside, but he couldn't hear him, he was only immersed in shock.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Congwen came, and Tang Yuan went up to him like he was grabbing a driftwood: "Congwen, since Yuan Shan came back, he has been locked inside and no one has been seen. Please help me persuade him."

She hesitated for a while and then said: "Congwen, Mingzhu is just like your sister, you must help her this time, she can't be ruined, she is young and easy to do wrong things."

Shen Congwen is such a smart person, he has already guessed it, and said softly: "She is young, you should guide her correctly, if you can treat Anxi and Mingzhu equally, it will not be like this. Mr. Gu is probably annoyed at this time You hide the truth."

He paused: "Mr. Gu has always trusted Mingzhu before, and he never thought that she would lie."

Tang Yuan looked anxious: "What's the use of talking about it now, Congwen, help her."

Shen Congwen sighed softly: "I can't help with some things, it all depends on how the parents handle it."

Then, he knocked on the door: "Mr. Gu, it's me."

A voice finally came from inside: "Congwen? You come in."

Shen Congwen pushed the door and entered, Tang Yuan took his arm, not missing the last chance.

Shen Congwen whispered: "Based on Gu Anxi's behavior style, I probably won't do it... But in the future, I advise you to keep a low profile and don't always target her."

He also said: "The current Gu Anxi is no longer the little baby who was crushed and flattened by others. You must recognize this."

Tang Yuan's face was completely pale.

Shen Congwen had already gone in and closed the door.

In the study room, there was only faint light, because the curtains were drawn by Gu Yuanshan, and the lights were not turned on.

With the faint light, Shen Congwen looked at the compass placed on the coffee table, and his heart was shocked.

Gu Yuanshan seldom divination these years, unless there is a big event.

And in such a situation now, what kind of result did Mr. Gu become like this?

(End of this chapter)

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