Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 371 Sweet!Anxi is still growing

Chapter 371 Sweet!Anxi is still growing

Zhou Yunchen stopped and turned his head.

Shen Congwen was still sitting there, with a slightly lower voice: "Yun Chen, I never thought of going against you."

Zhou Yunchen asked neatly: "What if your Mr. Gu and I really conflict one day? Which side do you choose?"

"What about you?" Shen Congwen finally stood up and asked softly, "Which side do you want me to stand on?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Congwen, I never thought of embarrassing you."

As he spoke, he seemed to sigh, but he quickly opened the door and left.

He left, and the door was gently closed again, and that slight sound seemed to knock something into pieces...

Sitting there thinking about Zhou Yunchen's words, Shen Congwen seemed to sigh softly for a long time.




Gu Anxi did a chemical experiment, which my uncle asked her to do for medical use.

She vaguely heard from her uncle that Jiang's family is also doing medical business recently, and invited experts to come over, and she doesn't know what they are working on.

What my uncle asked her to do was life engineering, and the preliminary experiments were done in her laboratory, to extract some ecological fluids...

My uncle said that this is very important and will be very useful in the future. I estimate that it will take her a week to do this experiment.

He said so, and she obediently did it.Spent all night and finally came up with...

When she returned to the orchid room to ask for a reward, the uncle was not there.

Thinking of Bo Xichen's stunned look, Gu Anxi couldn't help it, so he went to Bo Nianyao's study to look for him.

On the way, I ran into Uncle Bo, who came back from a dinner party, to be ruthless.

Boqing was a little speechless: "Walking is always difficult."

He straightened Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi felt embarrassed, and took the small bottle in his hand: "Thank you, uncle."

Then, he jumped up and down and wanted to find his uncle.

Bo Qing stopped her: "What are you holding?"

Gu Anxi hugged a glass bottle, and said honestly: "My uncle asked me to do the experiment."

Bo Qing looked a little interested: "What experiment?"

The little creamer said honestly again: "Uncle won't let me talk about it."

Bo Qing smiled slightly: "Can't Second Uncle say it too?"

Gu Anxi kicked the stones... His smile deepened: "Okay, let's go."

Gu Anxi ran away immediately.

Boqing looked at her back, then lowered her eyes: "What a smart child..."

(I really want to write memory killing here...)

Gu Anxi still found Bo Xichen in Bo Nianyao's study, not only he was there, Bo Nianyao, his wife and Bo Jin were also there, as if they were discussing something.

She came abruptly, obediently called the three elders at the door, and then shook the bottle in her hand as if offering a treasure to Bo Xichen...

Bo Xichen was surprised, and then a little surprised.

He held his forehead and smiled faintly.

How smart will their children be in the future...

Bo Nianyao also noticed that the younger two were flirting, so he smiled: "What a good thing, let's see it too."

Bo Xichen said in a low voice, "It's the ecological liquid we discussed just now."

Bo Nianyao was startled.

For a moment, he and Mrs. Bo looked at each other.

So is Bo Jin.

There is no way to extract this ecological liquid in the world, but Anxi proposed it overnight!

Bo Nianyao was the first to come back to his senses and beckoned, "Come here and let Papa Bo take a look."

In his tone, it was as if his little grandson got a good grade in the exam, and the grandfather couldn't help being happy.

Gu Anxi ran over immediately, and carefully placed the bottle containing the transparent liquid on Nianyao Bo's desk. Nianyao carefully picked it up, looked at the precious liquid for a long time...

Finally, he whispered: "With this, it will be easier to handle later."

He handed the bottle to Bo Xichen: "Lock it first!"

Bo Xichen nodded, "I know."

He also said: "If it is going to be mass-produced, there may be some lack of equipment."

He just finished speaking, all eyes were on Gu Anxi's face... Everyone was enthusiastic.

Gu Anxi really couldn't bear such enthusiasm, she gently hugged her uncle's arm——

She only wants the reward from my uncle alone!

With a light cough: "I'm not very proficient in physics, this equipment is designed, there is no one in the world now..."

Of course not, because the ecological liquid is the first time, so the equipment will naturally not exist.

Even so, the eyes of the elders looking at Gu Anxi were still full of love and pride!

Such a capable baby is the cub of their family!

Bo Jin was the first to speak: "It's getting late, children should go to bed earlier, Anxi is still growing!"

Mrs. Bo also said yes, and Bo Nianyao touched his chin: "Yes, our Anxi is still growing."

After all, he glanced at his son: "Let Anxi go to bed early, and he can still grow taller."

Looking at the [-]-meter-tall girl beside him, Bo Xichen felt amused, "Okay, I will."

He took the bottle of ecological liquid and left with Gu Anxi. He went back to the laboratory to lock the things, and then went back to the orchid room...

As soon as she got back, the little milkman was spoiled and coquettish, and said in a soft voice that she was still a baby and needed to go to bed early.

"Okay, go to bed early." Bo Xichen smiled slightly, "Go take a bath, you slowly think about whether to listen to your father or uncle."

The little creamer was trapped between the door panels by him, so he punished him a little.

Then, he whispered: "I'll take a shower first, you think about it slowly, huh?"

She bit her lip and watched him go to the bathroom. After a few seconds, the little creamer followed him: "I think about it, I think about it..."

Don't think about it anymore, the reward is gone...

In the middle of the night, Gu Anxi complained in a low voice: "Bo Xichen, you have delayed my growth!"

Bo Xichen looked at her from the side: "Is your skin itchy again?"

She begged for mercy in a low voice, he acted like a baby and praised her before he spared her, then he spoke quietly, she gently asked what the ecological liquid was for, and he told her about the Jiang family and the future use of ecological fluid The field of liquid...

Gu Anxi yawned: "Uncle, I think you are so tired!"

He smiled lightly, "It's a bit! But..."

He didn't go on, Gu Anxi couldn't help asking: "What?"

He rubbed her hair: "Don't you want to grow your body, go to bed early."

The little creamer was very dissatisfied.

When she fell asleep, Bo Xichen sighed softly: "Because I have you."

"You don't need to confess your love all the time." She smirked, "I know."

Bo Xichen: ...

In the darkness, there was another little milkman's squeaking laughter, which made Uncle Bo feel that he couldn't let her go...

In the days that followed, Gu Anxi felt a little relaxed. She ate delicious food and gained a few kilograms. She always complained that she was fat, but Bo Xichen didn't mind: "[-] is only [-] kilograms, where is the weight?"

He thinks it would be better for her to be longer...

Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, scribbling on paper, chatting with his uncle: "Aunt Gu Ning and Grandma Chen have returned from France, uncle, let's have a meal together!"

(End of this chapter)

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