Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 372 Gu Changqing!Do you want to eat my sister's vinegar too?

Chapter 372 Gu Changqing!Do you want to eat my sister's vinegar too?

Bo Xichen nodded slightly: "Okay, let's stay in Siyuan! Be more solemn."

He has always been thoughtful, so Gu Anxi nods like a chicken...

Bo Xichen was busy, so he raised his eyes to see her looking a little bored sitting on the sofa when he had time, his heart warmed, she was actually accompanying him!

So put down the work in hand, walked over and bent over: "Go out for a stroll?"

Gu Anxi looked at the documents on his desk, then at him, and shook his head: "I'll just stay here with you!"

Bo Xichen pulled her up and put on a coat for her without any hassle: "I happen to be a little tired too, let's go out and relax."

She groaned and followed him out.

It was already past eight o'clock at night when Bo Xichen drove the car. After thinking about it, he took her to a very famous snack street in Beicheng...

Anxi doesn't like that kind of high-end restaurants, and it's not that she doesn't know how to taste, but that she usually likes to be simple, but it doesn't mean she's not picky about food...

Bo Xichen carefully selected a barbecue restaurant. This restaurant is a century-old restaurant and is very famous. The roasted meat is crispy and fragrant. Gu Anxi squinted his eyes after eating it...

Bo Xichen saw that she had eaten a lot, so he reminded: "Don't eat too much, or you will get sick again."

She suddenly remembered the last time she was sick and was hospitalized, and obediently restrained herself.

Bo Xichen smiled, and let her taste a little...

Gu Anxi was eating, looking at the uncle opposite, he was actually a little moved.

He is very busy, and he is not too picky about what he eats. He basically doesn't eat snacks because she comes out to eat in the middle of the night... In fact, he changed his living habits for her.

Gu Anxi gnawed on the mutton chops, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle, if you marry a girl of the right family, will you accompany her out to eat barbecue?"

"No." He said softly, and added: "I won't marry someone else!"

She oh, lowered her head and continued to eat her lamb chops. She thought about it for a while and said, "I won't marry anyone else either."

He smiled, "That's settled."

She oh again, lowered her head to eat meat...

When the meal was almost finished, Bo Xichen paid the bill and was about to take her away when he saw Gu Changqing bringing Ding Ning into the store. Ding Ning was still wearing a professional suit, as if he had to get off work overtime to get off work.

Gu Changqing was a little surprised when he saw them, "Will Anxi not go to school tomorrow?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "I'm going back now, I'm afraid she will get bored and take her out for a walk."

Gu Changqing looked at her younger sister, and suddenly said, "It's only 10:30, please sit down for a while, we'll be fine soon."

Gu Anxi looked at Bo Xichen.

Gu Changqing gritted her teeth secretly: You are so obedient! ! !

Looking at Gu Changqing's expression, Bo Xichen knew what it meant, and smiled: "Okay. Sit down for a while."

He looked at Gu Anxi: "You drive in a while."

Gu Anxi groaned, and the two men had already started ordering beer...

Ding Ning and her looked at each other, a little speechless.

So the home court became two men, usually aristocrats came to drink red wine, but now in such a place, of course they have to drink beer.

I drank a lot, mainly because my brother's incarnation was lemon essence, and I wanted to make a certain uncle look good.

But Uncle Bo is usually very restrained, and Uncle Bo who is drunk probably has no restraint at all...

Gu Anxi chatted with Ding Ning with her chin propped up. Ding Ning liked her very much. On the one hand, she was Gu Changqing's baby sister. On the other hand, Ding Ning was a strong woman herself, and she admired Gu Anxi very much.

She heard about the AMP company, the lawsuit was settled, Gu Yuanshan was bleeding, and Gu's building was actually owned by Anxi, all these things, why don't people look at Gu Anxi differently?

Both men drank, the woman couldn't drink any more, and Ding Ning just ate something to keep fit...

When the two men finally finished their drinks, it was almost twelve o'clock.

When Uncle Bo got in the car, he lost his composure.

Gu Anxi coaxed for a long time, and promised various...

On the second day, she got up and scratched her hair, and greeted Gu Changqing, the pig's head!

In the middle of the night, Ding Ning was driving, occasionally looking sideways at Gu Changqing...he seemed to be asleep.

At the red light, Ding Ning asked softly, "Send you home?"

But his hand was caught by a big palm, he hummed in a hoarse voice, and then said, "Don't go back, it's getting late."

Ding Ning didn't speak, and restarted the car when the green light came on.

Arriving at the place where Gu Changqing lives, Gu Changqing's closed eyes are slightly opened, and the brows and eyes are a little lazy.

He unbuckled his seat belt and turned his head: "Why don't you get out of the car?" Ding Ning brushed his beautiful curly hair: "I'd better go back!"

Gu Changqing leaned back on the seat, with a half-smile: "Okay, then we'll go to your place."

He looked very patient, Ding Ning turned his face away: "You're home."

He leaned over and whispered, "It's not like I didn't stay here for the night before, why didn't I refuse tonight?"

She doesn't speak.

Gu Changqing smiled softly: "Are you jealous?"

He added: "Anxi is my younger sister, you want to eat her jealousy?"

"I didn't." Ding Ning looked at him: "Gu Changqing, get out of the car."

He stared at her with a faint fire in his eyes, and after a while he said: "Are we going to waste time in the car, or go straight up?"

Ding Ning couldn't stand his arrogant and rascal way, every time he would eat her like this to death, she... was very unwilling.

Gu Changqing chuckled again: "Have you thought about it?"

She said nothing.

He reached out and opened the car door to get out of the car, and walked straight to the elevator.

It turned out that he didn't miss it at all.

Ding Ning knew that she was a bit hypocritical, she knew it was not good, Anxi was his sister and she also liked Anxi, but she really hoped that Gu Changqing could treat her better and be more patient...

Maybe whoever moves his heart first will lose.

She may have asked for too much.

He said that he wouldn't love her very much, and he didn't need too strong emotion, because it would become a person's weakness... But she yearned for him to love her like an ordinary woman.

Just like Bo Xichen loves Anxi, without reservation.

Ding Ning slowly lay on the steering wheel and sat there for a long time, but Gu Changqing did not come back.

She knows his temper, and he probably won't look for her in the next half month. This is Gu Changqing, the man she is looking for, a man with a broken heart.

She can't heal him, only when Anxi is around, he will completely let go of himself and devote himself wholeheartedly.

In a high-end apartment upstairs, Gu Changqing was completely sober.

He poured himself a glass of ice water, drank it while standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watched the sports car never leave... He actually knew Ding Ning a little bit, and he knew what she wanted and what she was looking forward to!

(End of this chapter)

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