Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 388 Blind Date!brother give you long eyes

Chapter 388 Blind Date!brother give you long eyes

When he asked this question, Zhou Yunchen didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "What position do you want?"

Shen Congwen was caught off guard and didn't know how to answer.

Quietly glanced at Zhou Yunchen, then lowered his head to eat.

When he looked up again, Zhou Yunchen was gone.

He was a little dazed and didn't understand where Zhou Yunchen had gone.

At this time, the lights dimmed, and all the lights were focused on the stage. A handsome man was holding a violin, and slowly lowered his head to play a classic "Blessings of Love".

He played it so well, he showed every point...everyone in the restaurant was mesmerized.

The man was handsome, well-dressed, and charming to look at.

Shen Congwen watched him attracting bees and butterflies, and remembered that Zhou Yunchen recruited countless people in the same way when he was a student...Although Zhou Yunchen was a little downcast at that time, there were daughters who wanted to associate with him.

But Zhou Yunchen didn't seem to take it seriously, maybe he has fallen in love with Gu Anxi since then!

If you want to talk about kindness, it was probably the time when Zhou Yunchen fell ill. He took him to the hospital and waited on him for several days. If he knew that this bastard would treat him like this now, he...wouldn't care he!

Shen Congwen was still angry, and Zhou Yunchen finished over there, looking over quietly.

Then he smiled lightly, came over and sat down: "What are you thinking about?"

Shen Congwen whispered: "Zhou Yunchen, what are you thinking?"

Zhou Yunchen played with a matchbox in his hand, and squinted at the beauty on it, "Congwen, what can I think? The world is big, and I am alone, what can I think?"

Shen Congwen whispered: "You are always like this, you don't care about anything, but you care about Gu Anxi, right?"

Zhou Yunchen didn't make a sound.

Shen Congwen gritted his teeth suddenly: "Bastard!"

He got up and left, Zhou Yunchen stopped him: "Congwen."

He chased after him, but the waiter stopped him: "Sir, you haven't paid yet."

Zhou Yunchen took out his wallet, took out a dozen or so banknotes and gave him them, and hurriedly chased them out.

When Shen Congwen's car was found, Shen Congwen had already gotten into the car and was about to start it. Zhou Yunchen actually sat down beside him and asked, "Where are you going?" while fastening his seat belt.

Shen Congwen held his breath: "I'm going home."

"Okay, I'll go have a cup of tea too." Zhou Yunchen followed suit.

Shen Congwen didn't move: "I'm going back to my hometown."

Shen Congwen's family lives in Beicheng, and he lives in a high-end apartment in the urban area, but his parents live in a villa in the suburbs. Both of his parents are retired and live a life of indifference.

When he said this, Zhou Yunchen took it for granted: "Oh, then I just happened to go to see my uncle and aunt."

Shen Congwen was a little angry: "Zhou Yunchen, are you always making your own decisions and disregarding the wishes of the master?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Why don't you welcome me? Or are you doing something ulterior?"

Shen Congwen suddenly said, "I'm on a blind date."

Zhou Yunchen smiled and said, "Blind date, that's good, I'll give you long eyes as an older brother."

Shen Congwen also said it out of urgency, he really wanted to go on a blind date.Firstly, it was because the parents kept urging him, and secondly, it was because Gu Yuanshan's suspicion was broken.

When Zhou Yunchen said this, it seemed that he couldn't find any faults.

Shen Congwen pursed his lips, but didn't make a sound, but Zhou Yunchen got out of the car and walked around to him, "Go over there, I'll drive."

Shen Congwen looked at him.

"You seem to have had an aperitif." Zhou Yunchen approached him with a half-smile.

Shen Congwen's face changed a little, he almost forgot about it.In the past, he would not be so negligent.

Zhou Yunchen smiled again, directly and gently dragged him out, and sat on it by himself.

Now, Shen Congwen couldn't do without it, and sat in the car angrily.

Then he said angrily: "Zhou Yunchen, you are still as annoying as before."

"Really?" Zhou Yunchen started the car.

Shen Congwen drove a white BMW, which suited his temperament, no wonder Princess Gu was also moved by this handsome boy.

Zhou Yunchen tilted his head and suddenly smiled.

Shen Congwen was very angry, turned his head aside and did not speak.

"By the way, let's go buy some presents. I can't come to the door empty-handed." Zhou Yunchen looked easy to speak, and his voice was a little soft, "And you just ate a few bites, so you can find another place to eat?"

Shen Congwen leaned on the back of the chair: "I'm not hungry."

"Look, you're getting angry with me again." Zhou Yunchen looked very good-natured, "I've always been polite to you. If you want to go on a blind date, I'll go over to help Changyan, but you are treating me, an old classmate. With such an identity, it’s your fault wherever you go.”

Shen Congwen hates his appearance the most, if he fights with real swords and guns, he may not be afraid of him.But Zhou Yunchen is very good at Tai Chi, everything he says is half-truth and half-false, he can't figure out his temperament at all.

Just like now, he was helpless.

Zhou Yunchen said he was going to buy a gift, and he really went to buy it. The car stopped downstairs of Gu's.

All of a sudden, Shen Congwen was a little unhappy: "Zhou Yunchen, what do you mean?"

"Vice President Shen isn't happy about taking care of Gu's business?" Zhou Yunchen unfastened his seat belt with a distressed look: "Oh, it's too difficult for me to be a human being."

Shen Congwen was so angry!

Zhou Yunchen moved his head closer: "You won't be angry again?"

"No." Shen Congwen spat out two words and got out of the car together.

Gu's employees are still a little bit afraid of this new Vice President Shen. He looks gentle and gentle, but his methods are not shallow, and he is someone close to Mr. Gu, so he is afraid of not easily offending him.

Seeing Vice President Shen enter the department store of his company building at this moment, he thought it was an inspection tour, but he didn't know that, and he was followed by a very decent young man.

That man was very good-looking and looked very cultivated. Vice President Shen led him around...

Half an hour later, everyone overturned their previous understanding, and it was he who led Vice President Shen to look around.

Zhou Yunchen really took Shen Congwen for a stroll from the first floor of the Gu's Building, looking carefully at each floor, from women's things to men's things, luxury brands to household items, without exception, and asked from time to time— —

"Congwen, what do you think of this?"

"Congwen, does uncle like this?"

"Congwen, this tie is quite suitable for you. Do you want to change it for your blind date today? By the way, this tie is also quite suitable for me. I will be happy when you go on a blind date. Why don't you buy it for me?"


Shen Congwen gritted his teeth: "Aren't you going to buy a gift for my father?"

Zhou Yunchen reluctantly put down his tie: "It's only more than 2000 yuan. Congwen, you are too petty."

"Wrap it up." Shen Congwen was provoked and paid the bill.

(End of this chapter)

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