Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 389 Is Gu Yuanshan's hexagram accurate?

Chapter 389 Is Gu Yuanshan's hexagram accurate?

Zhou Yunchen smiled, and then fell in love with a belt and two shirts, Shen Congwen gritted his teeth and bought them all.

The employees of Gu's couldn't understand it. Mr. Shen didn't take the little girl to go shopping, but he brought a big man with him, and bought a lot of things for the big man...

Zhou Yunchen's bad taste was fully satisfied, but he went to a famous tea set shop in a serious manner, and carefully picked out a set of Qing Dynasty-style tea sets.

The value is not cheap, a set of 10,000+.

Zhou Yunchen bought two sets, and Shen Congwen looked at him.

"Let's put another set at your place. I'll drink tea at your place when I'm free." Zhou Yunchen held a cup and looked at Shen Congwen.

Shen Congwen didn't say yes or no.

Zhou Yunchen walked towards him and said slowly, "It's a return gift, huh?"

Then he went over to swipe his card, took two sets of cups after swiping the card, threw the previous things to Shen Congwen, and walked out of the Gu's building one after the other...

Because it was too conspicuous, this matter spread among the Gu family, even Gu Yuanshan had heard about it.

Gu Yuanshan was a little puzzled: Isn't Congwen a blind date? Today, why did you get mixed up with Zhou Yunchen?

Think again about Shen Congwen's Feng Xiang, who has no wife for life——

Can't help but sigh!

In the parking lot, Zhou Yunchen put the box in the trunk very naturally, and put the tie and shirt in the back seat, and he was still driving.

After Shen Congwen got into the car, he whispered: "You better not go, I will go back by myself."

Zhou Yunchen glanced at him: "Didn't I want to give you long eyes?"

Shen Congwen sighed: "Just going through the motions, it won't work."

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Congwen, you can't let girls down like this!"

Shen Congwen said angrily, "Get out of the car."

Zhou Yunchen actually got out of the car, and took away the things Shen Congwen bought by swiping his card. When he left, Shen Congwen got in the car, smoked a cigarette irritably, and then dialed Tang Yuan's number.

Tang Yuan was still waiting for good news from him, when she received a phone call and asked anxiously, "Congwen, how's the matter?"

Shen Congwen said quietly: "I met the person in charge of Xinli Culture, and he is still an acquaintance."

Tang Yuan was very happy: "Acquaintances would be even better, have you said what we want?"

Shen Congwen paused for a moment: "The other party is Zhou Yunchen, Mrs. Gu, this matter may be a scandal."

Tang Yuan was stunned.

Zhou Yunchen?

How could it be Zhou Yunchen?

If it is Zhou Yunchen, does it mean that Xinli Culture is a company under the name of Gu Anxi?

Tang Yuan could hardly stand on her feet.

All the plans she had been thinking about were shattered one by one, and Gu Anxi did everything perfectly...

In the end, Tang Yuan's lips moved, but she still didn't say a word.

But, quietly hung up the phone.

Covering her face, she let out a long breath——

It seems everything is reversed!

In the past, she didn't believe in Yuanshan's divination, but life forced her to pretend to believe it, leaving Gu Anxi far away, anyway, that child can survive.

In her conscience, she can still get by.

But when Gu Anxi came back, it was a nightmare. It turned out that Yuanshan's divination was very accurate, and it was really a magic pill.

After a while, when Tang Yuan entered the study with a tonic, Gu Yuanshan saw someone.

People from the Jiang family.

At the crack of the door, Tang Yuan saw her husband pondering and said, "The Bo family should give way to the position of the boss in Beicheng. This time, let's research the ecological liquid first. If we can mass-produce it with WK Company, we can control the situation." .”

The man whispered: "There have been two patients in the hospital in the south, and only the injection of ecological fluid can save them. Now is the time for us to work hard. The Bo family will slowly become a thing of the past."

Gu Yuanshan said bluntly: "They are nothing more than mastering medical resources. When they can be replaced, it is nothing special."

The man agreed: "Now it's up to the Chu family to express their opinion. The three of us have surrounded a Bo family, without any effort at all."

Gu Yuanshan pondered for a while: "However, I have been unable to see the situation of the Chu family clearly. The Chu family is too low-key, and doesn't seem to ask questions! Chu Ci is not very likely to be a serious successor."

He paused: "I made a divination for the Chu family, saying that the Chu family will have dragons and phoenixes, and the future is limitless."

This point has always made Gu Yuanshan quite afraid.

The Jiang family just smiled, "Brother Gu, I'm not talking about you, this thing may not be accurate."

Gu Yuanshan thought about Anxi's fate, it was turned upside down in only 20 years, so he kept silent...

They said something else, and Tang Yuan at the door was a little stunned.

Why, the Yuan Shan and the Jiang family joined forces to get rid of the Bo family?

She felt uneasy and felt that it was impossible to do it, but she also felt that if it could be done, it might not be a bad thing. At that time, her status and Mingzhu's were different.

Tang Yuan retreated quietly, pretending not to know about it...


Two days later, something happened to the Bo family.

It was exposed that Bo Jin dated Disney's Robert once, and Bo Nianyao naturally knew about it.

Bo Nianyao is usually very open-minded, but he can't deal with this matter——

The rules of the ancestors of the Bo family are that they cannot be mixed.

Bo Nianyao and Bo Jin had a good talk, and felt a little sorry for this younger sister. After all, the eldest is not young in his early forties, so it's rare to be moved once.

The other party... the conditions are really good, not to mention Bo Jin, even Bo Nianyao is a bit tempted.

But thinking about it, I was afraid that the coffin of my ancestors would not be able to cover it, so I still opposed it.

When Bo Jin walked out of the study, there were tears in her eyes... a little wronged.

As soon as she came out, the little milkman went over to gently hug and comfort her, and stayed with her for a long time.

Mrs. Bo worked hard on her husband, "Nian Yao, Bo Jin finally found a suitable and compatible one. You know that person. He has been clean and clean for many years with status and status. Isn't it just right for your sister?" OK?"

Bo Nianyao hesitated to speak, and finally sighed after a long time: "Lin Yun, it's not like you don't know the family rules."

"Rules are set by people, and they must be broken when they should be broken." Mrs. Bo is rarely forceful: "It is said that the elder sister-in-law is like a mother, and now my sister-in-law has to make decisions for Bo Jin."

Bo Nianyao looked at her, and smiled helplessly: "Now the women in the family are of one mind, and if I object, it's fine if you and I don't deal with each other, even we cubs don't care about me."

Mrs. Bo said unreasonably: "That's because you broke Zai Zai's heart. Now she treats Bo Jin like a mother. If you don't make Bo Jin happy, you won't make Zai Zai happy."

Bo Nianyao took off his robe, sat down, and took a sip of tea: "Why don't I let Bo Jin be happy, I love her just as much as you do."

Mrs. Bo snorted softly and looked at him, wanting to see what he had to say.

Bo Nianyao pondered for a moment before continuing to speak...

(End of this chapter)

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