Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 409 Cool!Dr. Jiang, Saori!Character

Chapter 409 Cool!Dr. Jiang, Saori! (2500) words

Shen Congwen secretly groaned in his heart, but he couldn't say it out, so he had to agree.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Congwen, why, are you in trouble?"

"Nothing." Shen Congwen sighed.

Zhou Yunchen was still smiling: "That's good."

Gu Anxi came up with a stroke of genius: "Zhou Yunchen, don't always bully Vice President Shen."

Zhou Yunchen smiled even more: "I'm not bullying him! It's obviously..."

The more he spoke, the more shameful he became. Others looked sideways, and Shen Congwen felt overwhelmed, so he said quickly: "Then please go over there together, Mr. Jiang has already arrived."

It's not far from the Jiang family's newly opened company, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk.

When walking about halfway, Shen Congwen suddenly realized the truth.

What a surprise for Gu Yuntian, bah!

Gu Anxi is talking about people when he sees people, talking nonsense when he sees ghosts, and the excitement of Bishuiyuntian is clearly aimed at the combined company of Jiang and Gu...

Shen Congwen is 80.00% sure that things have changed today.

At Gu Anxi's young age, his scheming power is too deep, and he is no less than Zhou Yunchen.

Shen Congwen really wanted to turn around and go back to Beicheng at this time, he was fooled from the beginning to the end.

Now that he has half a foot in the boat of Gu Anxi's team, he said that he and Zhou Yunchen and Gu Anxi have nothing to do with each other. I am afraid that no one will believe it, at least a suspicious person like Gu Yuanshan will not believe it.

At this time, Gu Anxi smiled: "Vice President Shen, why don't you leave?"

Shen Congwen smiled wryly, but didn't say anything.

When we arrived at the company owned by Jiang and Gu, it was actually a large temporary factory built next to the clear water and sky for easy extraction. Today is a good day calculated by Gu Yuanshan. Jiang Bin came early in the morning and was talking to Jiang Chaoge.

As soon as Jiang Chaoge raised his eyes, he saw Gu Anxi.What happened last time, she always felt a little uncomfortable seeing Gu Anxi at this moment.

Jiang Bin didn't know, "Congwen, why are you and Mr. Zhou together?"

Shen Congwen smiled wryly: "I just met you! Today, the Bishuiyuntian project is restarted."

Jiang Bin said the scene: "No wonder it sounds so lively."

He looked at Gu Anxi again, and preemptively said, "Miss Gu is starting a business, and so are we. Didn't Miss Gu come here today to embarrass us?"

After all, they widened the river from Bishuiyuntian to get a lot of water, so he preemptively made Gu Anxi speechless.

Sure enough, young people are young and vigorous, and they are extremely generous: "Uncle Jiang is serious. Everyone is in business. Not only will I not embarrass me, but I will send someone to send a flower basket. Didn't Dr. Jiang tell you?"

Jiang Bin looked at Jiang Chaoge: "Is this the case?"

Jiang Chaoge said softly, "There is such a thing."

After all, Jiang Bin is an old fox, there is something he can't understand, so he smiled, "Then we are still a family, and we will help each other when we get together in the future."

Gu Anxi was also polite: "Uncle Jiang is very right."

She looked at Jiang Chaoge again: "If Dr. Jiang has any difficulties in the process of improving the essence, you can discuss it with me. I still have some experience."

Jiang Chaoge is also a girl who is proud of her talents. How can she hear such words in front of the elders of the Jiang family?

So, she said confidently: "There should be no problem."

Gu Anxi praised softly: "Dr. Jiang said there is no problem, so there is really no problem!"

She seemed to be very talkative, and she had a meal at Jiang Bin's place with Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen. During the meal, Gu Anxi pointed to a dish and shouted that it was delicious.

Jiang Bin smiled: "This is Chao Ge's specialty."

Jiang Chaoge showed a slight smile.

Gu Anxi immediately boasted, "I said why this dish tastes so familiar. A few days ago, Dr. Jiang specially went to cook for my uncle, and he cooked this special dish. Unfortunately, my uncle fell asleep and it was all my fault." It's in my stomach."

She said with a smile, but the atmosphere around her was particularly dignified.

Zhou Yunchen suppressed a smile.

Shen Congwen really saw Gu Anxi's two-faced and three-sword skills, stabbing Jiang Chaoge bloody with one sword, he didn't have to do it himself, Jiang Bin would take care of her himself!

Sure enough, Jiang Bin's face was not very good-looking.

He wanted to win over the Bo family, but that was after he became the head of the four big families. Now is not the right time. Chaoge's move obviously has her own intentions.

However, he still needs her to do things, and he can't show her face too much.

Gu Anxi glanced across their faces like lightning, still smiling: "Did I say something wrong?"

"Of course not." Jiang Bin is the head of the family after all, and his ability to control the scene is first-rate, so he quickly settled the matter.

Gu Anxi didn't take it seriously either, he lingered on after dinner, as if he had to wait until Jiang Chaoge brought Jing out before leaving.

Jiang Bin is not easy to chase people away, so he can only accompany him personally.

Dr. Jiang Chaoge Jiang was not in a good mood. Gu Anxi exposed her shortcomings, and she wanted to bring Jing up.So in the afternoon, I started the equipment myself and connected it to the water in the river...

After half an hour, her complexion was not so good, the data was wrong!

Jiang Chaoge began to check the data, checking if there was any error in the middle, and even called WK company to ask, the other party said that there was no problem with the machine.

Jiang Chaoge frowned, spent two or three hours but couldn't solve the problem, she was a little anxious——

how can that be possible?

She has done the experiment ten times and eight times, and each time is successful.

This time, why did it fail?

Jiang Bin couldn't sit still anymore. He spent hundreds of millions of dollars, and openly opposed the Bo family. If he couldn't bring it up, he would not only face huge losses, but also be ridiculed.

There is no way to explain it!

Jiang Bin went to the scene, but he was an amateur, so it was useless.

It wasn't until [-]:[-] in the afternoon that Jiang Bin decided to ask Gu Anxi to come and have a look. Gu Anxi really came, walked around quite generously, and was surprised: "This instrument looks familiar."

Jiang Chaoge said quietly, "This is produced by WK Company."

Gu Anxi just smiled, "That's right, I will resell it to WK Company when I don't use it for the time being, you won't buy it at a high price, will you?"

Jiang Bin's mood was extremely bad, but he regained his composure and said softly, "Well, why don't you take a look at it for me?"

Gu Anxi didn't refuse, he looked around in a dignified manner, and finally took the river water.

"Dr. Jiang, make a demo." She said softly.

Jiang Chaoge pursed his lips: "I've done demos many times."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Okay, then I won't talk too much. Goodbye, Uncle Jiang."

Jiang Bin immediately stopped her and said to Jiang Chaoge, "Go and do it again. Maybe your data is wrong."

Of course, people like Jiang Chaoge can't remember wrongly. There is only one possibility, that is, the water used in previous experiments is different from the current one...

After 10 minutes, her face changed, even turning white.

Jiang Bin asked anxiously, "How is it?"

Jiang Chaoge said softly, "There's not a single sap in this water."

Jiang Bin was stunned: "How could it be? Not at all? No mistake?"

Jiang Chaoge couldn't believe it either, it was normal before, why suddenly the water was not right?

Gu Anxi patted his clothes, "Uncle Jiang, that's really a sad story."

She added: "It was an accident!"

Zhou Yunchen also suppressed a smile, "There is nothing wrong with the accident! I forgot to mention it, and we, Anpu, can't seem to mention it. Why is that?"

Gu Anxi nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "Yeah, we can't bring it up anymore, so I want to come to Dr. Jiang to learn new technologies, but I can't think of Dr. Jiang, so what should I do."

The two of them cooperated, true or false, which opened Shen Congwen's eyes, made Jiang Bin dubious, and made Jiang Chaoge vomit blood with anger.

She was fooled!

Gu Anxi came today to see her jokes.

She accuses with eyes.

Gu Anxi smiled and tilted his head, "Dr. Jiang, I kindly reminded you not to miss my uncle, but you must not listen. Originally, I wanted to give you some face, but now I can only say a word of shame to you. Rui~~"

 At [-]:[-] noon, there is another [-]-word



(End of this chapter)

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