Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 410 My Stuff, I Don’t Like Others Meddling2600 words

Chapter 410 My Stuff, I Don’t Like Others Meddling2600 words

Jiang Chaoge's face suddenly turned earthy, she stared at Gu Anxi and asked softly: "I can't tell you, did you do it?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, but did not hide it.

She frowned lightly: "I didn't do anything to you guys, but, if I do something to Bishuiyuntian under my name, don't hinder anyone!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yunchen smiled.

Shen Congwen was taken aback.

Jiang Bin also understood, his face was very dark.

Jiang Chaoge understood even more, and his face darkened: "Gu Anxi, you are crazy, you don't know how big a gold mine is hidden in Bishuiyuntian, and you actually destroyed it."

Gu Anxi wasn't angry, she was still smiling: "I don't like other people's hands on my things! Sister Chaoge, I've already said that."

Jiang Chaoge was so angry, Gu Anxi rubbed his chin: "I don't know if I'm qualified to be a white lotus for the first time, Dr. Jiang, how do you think I can score with this expression?"

Jiang Chaoge was so simple, she stared at Gu Anxi: "Are you coming for me?"

Gu Anxi sneered, completely put away his jokes, and his face was full of coldness: "Dr. Jiang, don't take yourself too seriously. Do you think anyone is worthy of being my opponent?"

She turned to: "Uncle Jiang, Bishui Yuntian is not only a gold mine, but also the blood of me and my father. I must pay for this blood debt."

Jiang Bin looked at the little girl in front of him, her aura was definitely not comparable to that of Chaoge, as if she was reborn from the ashes.

Obviously, he remembered that this little girl was beside Bo Xichen during the banquet, she was very soft and obedient.

When he stood alone, he was so domineering.

No, it's domineering!

Jiang Bin knew that he had lost this move. This little girl's scheming was no less than that of the father and son of the Bo family.

Jiang Bin is also an old fox. He suffered heavy losses and lost face, but he was able to remain calm, "Miss Gu is really amazing, Mr. Gu is blessed."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Thank you, Uncle Jiang, for your compliment."

Jiang Chaoge wanted to say something else, but the master was not so polite to the female doctor: "Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

Jiang Chaoge's voice was steady: "Uncle, I'll find a way to see if it can be reversed!"

Jiang Bin is an old Jianghu after all, and smiled: "Chaoge, uncle knows that you really want to help uncle, but since Miss Gu can keep us from mentioning it, of course there is a way to keep us from mentioning it, I just wonder Miss Gu What to do in the future, what to do with Anpu, if the business is really over?"

What Jiang Bin said, Gu Anxi understood.

At this time, Zhou Yunchen smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, you can rest assured that Jing'an Pu will be in reserve for the next ten years. As for ten years later, it will be a new look!"

Jiang Bin was so angry in his heart!

The same goes for Jiang Chaoge, who didn't expect Gu Anxi to be so ruthless!

Gu Anxi smiled: "Otherwise, how could I be willing to sell my second-hand machine to you!"

When she left, she still felt happy when she thought of Jiang Chaoge's face.

However, Shen Congwen knew that he had been tricked by these two people this trip, and he didn't know how to explain to Mr. Gu after returning.

Gu Anxi sent them to the hotel, and when the car stopped, she asked softly, "Yun Chen, when are you going back to Beicheng?"

Zhou Yunchen actually wanted to stay. After all, he wanted to take care of Mr. Gu more, but he knew that Beicheng couldn't do without him, so after thinking about it, he said, "Leave early tomorrow morning."

Gu Anxi smiled: "What about Vice President Shen?"

Shen Congwen didn't expect that she would ask him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Me too!"

"Okay, that journey will be safe." Gu Anxi said bluntly.

Zhou Yunchen got out of the car and waited for Shen Congwen under the car.

In the car, Shen Congwen was still calm, but when he got out of the car, he ignored Zhou Yunchen and walked quickly in front.

Zhou Yunchen chased after him, and asked a little funny: "Are you angry again?"

Shen Congwen didn't wait for him, and pressed the elevator, but Zhou Yunchen rushed over and squeezed in.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Look at you, here we go again!"

Shen Congwen took a deep breath: "Zhou Yunchen, I'm not you. I have parents and a younger sister so I can't do whatever I want like you. I betrayed Mr. Gu. It would be easy for him to crush my whole family to death."

Zhou Yunchen looked at him quietly without making a sound.

The elevator reached the top floor, Shen Congwen got off the elevator, and when the door opened, Zhou Yunchen flashed in again.

Shen Congwen got angry: "Zhou Yunchen, what do you want?"

"It's not good!" Zhou Yunchen's eyes seemed to be electrified, "Shen Congwen, do you want to be controlled by others for the rest of your life? Do you know that Gu Yuanshan and Bo Jingshen are all the same, both openly and secretly?"

"So what if you know?" Shen Congwen smiled: "Zhou Yunchen, don't say that I am you, even Gu Anxi and the current Bo family will have nothing to do with Gu Yuanshan from time to time. You and I are both in the game, how could it be?" Don't you understand the reason why you can't be alone?"

Zhou Yunchen nodded understandingly: "That's right!"

He stretched out his hand, pressed Shen Congwen's shoulder, pressed him lightly on the door panel, and moved closer: "But, you really haven't betrayed Gu Yuanshan in your heart? If not, why did you tell me about him and the Jiang family? Shen Congwen, you are A coward, double-dealer, scumbag... as duplicity as a bitch."

"I'm not." Shen Congwen turned his head.

He was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Don't force me Zhou Yunchen, you and I both have the grace to know each other. I don't agree with some of Mr. Gu's actions, but my parents and I are all supported by him."

Zhou Yunchen held him back: "You forget righteousness for profit, huh?"

Shen Congwen couldn't bear it anymore, and swung his fist.

Zhou Yunchen's tall body fell on the sofa, and a red mark appeared on his cheek. He froze for a moment, and Shen Congwen had already rushed over again——

"You really fight!" Zhou Yunchen narrowed his eyes, and then he was not polite.

The two scuffled together, and you punched me with a kick, and you were not polite. Shen Congwen was not Zhou Yunchen's opponent, so he suffered a lot...

In the end, both of their faces were painted, and they fell on the back of the sofa together...

Zhou Yunchen gasped: "The last time I fought was when I was in school."

For a chick.

Zhou Yunchen didn't like that girl, and neither did Shen Congwen, but they fought because of that girl, and they were sent to the hospital to lie down for several days.

"Now, what are we fighting for?" Zhou Yunchen tilted his head, wanting to touch the wound on Shen Congwen's face.

Shen Congwen turned his head away, "Don't worry about it."

He went to get some ice, and carefully pressed the wound for himself, his teeth ached from the pain.

"Come on, this little injury will make you cry like a little girl. It's not me talking about you from Congwen, you're just too delicate and easy to talk..." Zhou Yunchen lit a cigarette leisurely and smoked slowly.

Shen Congwen was not very happy: "Smok in your own room."

Not only did Zhou Yunchen not leave, he even put his feet up on the coffee table, and took the menu with one hand: "Let's order some noodles, I'm so hungry."

Shen Congwen took a breath: "You can go back to your room and eat."

"Look, I'm rejecting people thousands of miles away again!" Zhou Yunchen smiled.

Shen Congwen suddenly asked: "Zhou Yunchen, why do you always tease me?"

Zhou Yunchen looked at the menu casually, and murmured, "Actually, I don't know. In fact, it doesn't matter if I win you over or not, but I think it's a pity that you will end up like Gu Yuanshan. In the future, there will be fewer people to bully... Ah, Congwen, I didn't mean that, I didn't mean to underestimate you at all."

Shen Congwen remained silent.

After a long time, he took out a cigarette and lit it silently.

Zhou Yunchen put out his cigarette, and said softly, "Smoking is not good."

Of course Shen Congwen wouldn't listen to him, he smoked quietly, and said after a long time: "Let's not go back to Beicheng together tomorrow, it's hard for me to explain to Mr. Gu now."

In other words: Zhou Yunchen killed him.

Zhou Yunchen finally finished ordering noodles, raised his eyes and took the cigarette over and extinguished it: "So to avoid suspicion? We are classmates and Gu Yuanshan already knew about it. Besides, you come with me to see the man who raised me, isn't it strange?"

Shen Congwen whispered: "In this situation, Zhou Yunchen, let's not follow the past."

He thought about it carefully, and nothing good happened after meeting Zhou Yunchen. It seemed that Shen Congwen took part in all the unlucky things of Mr. Gu.

Zhou Yunchen smiled and said, "Okay!"

Shen Congwen didn't expect him to agree so easily, he was a little surprised.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "I will pursue your sister starting tomorrow."

Shen Congwen gritted his teeth: "Zhou Yunchen!"

"The serious one!" Zhou Yunchen smiled lightly: "I'm almost thirty, and it's time to start a family. Congwen, your sister is good-looking and has a good personality. If I marry her, we will be in-laws. Kiss."

Shen Congwen finally couldn't hold it anymore: "Zhou Yunchen, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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