Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 411 Unconvinced?just bie

Chapter 411 Unconvinced?just bie

Zhou Yunchen smiled and got up: "I'm not joking!"

Shen Congwen took a deep breath: "My sister is only [-] years old, I will not let her marry a man who is almost [-]."

"Oh?" Zhou Yunchen just smiled: "Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi seem to be several years apart, but I think they match well."

Shen Congwen stared at him like he was looking at a monster.

After a long time, he asked softly, "Look at it, aren't you sad?"

Zhou Yunchen lowered his eyes, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff and smiled, "It's not yours, it's useless to be sad, isn't it?"

He suddenly looked at Shen Congwen: "It's you, who likes someone but can't love it, so you know that sour taste?"

"I have never liked anyone." Shen Congwen's voice seemed a little stiff, and then he issued the order to evict the guest: "It's getting late, Zhou Yunchen!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Zhou Yunchen smiled: "It must be the food delivery."

He went to open the door, Shen Congwen closed his eyes patiently.

When Zhou Yunchen came back, he was still pushing the dining car, not only had noodles, but also a bottle of red wine and two side dishes.

"Let's eat together, I know you are not full for dinner, you don't like spicy food." Zhou Yunchen smiled, opened the red wine and poured a glass for each of them.

It's a bit strange to pair noodles with red wine, but what happened to Zhou Yunchen is not against harmony at all.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he set the small dining table and called Shen Congwen, "Why don't you come over?"

Shen Congwen didn't want to give in, but he couldn't resist the aroma of the food, and he was indeed a little hungry.

So he sat down, and Zhou Yunchen pushed the wine to him: "Have a glass! It's [-] years old, it tastes good."

Shen Congwen glanced at him, fearing that he would say something like a girl again, so he was bored.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Are you drinking it as cooking wine?"

Shen Congwen didn't make a sound, just lowered his head and ate the noodles, eating very quickly.

Zhou Yunchen was not in a hurry, he first smoked the cigarette in his hand slowly, and then ate the noodles.

After eating, the two shared another bottle of red wine, but it wasn't enough, so he ordered two more bottles...

In the end, Shen Congwen was a little drunk, Zhou Yunchen had a good drinker and was always sober.

Shen Congwen lay on the sofa and fell asleep, while Zhou Yunchen sat on the sofa and smoked two more cigarettes before going to smoke a quilt and covering Shen Congwen, standing there, with a faint smile: "I still don't care."

Shaking his head, he left and went back to his room.

Early in the morning, when Shen Congwen woke up, it was already [-] o'clock in the morning.

He sat up, looked at the quilt on his body, and remembered what happened last night like a rewind in his mind.

He drank too much.

What about Zhou Yunchen?

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already [-] o'clock, so he must have returned to Beicheng.

Shen Congwen got up, took out his mobile phone and called his secretary: "Book me the earliest ticket, and I'll go back to Beicheng immediately."

The secretary's voice was sweet: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Zhou has confessed that you will go back with him on a special plane."

Shen Congwen could hardly hold his cell phone, frowning: "Really?"

The secretary smiled.

Shen Congwen hung up the phone, went to wash his face, and wiped off the water droplets on his face when he raised his face.

The person in the mirror looks very good. Sure enough, red wine helps sleep.

He packed his luggage and went out, opened the door, and saw Zhou Yunchen leaning against the opposite wall smoking a cigarette leisurely, seeing him coming out, smiled: "Let's go, the special plane will take off in an hour."

Shen Congwen:……


This night was difficult for both Jiang Bin and Jiang Chaoge. One of Jiang Bin's major plans failed.

The kind that fell flat.

Of course, he also knew that he couldn't completely blame Jiang Chaoge, it was he who underestimated the child of the Bo family.

Sure enough, she has some skills, and it's no wonder that the Bo family value her so much.

Jiang Bin sat there with a gloomy expression on his face.

Jiang Chaoge wanted to make one last effort, but she was a little unconvinced.

Because she was born in a side branch, she did not suffer less stares, so she worked harder than anyone else, and she did it. She has been a top student since she was a child, and she has countless auras. She has a doctorate in chemistry and a doctoral supervisor in the medical school...

Today, she is worthy enough to be worthy of all the high school students. She has liked Bo Xichen for many years, but the difference in status prevented her from confessing her love until she felt that she was worthy.

But she never expected that there would be a Gu Anxi.

Jiang Chaoge wanted to say something, but was stopped by Jiang Bin: "Chaoge, don't be unconvinced about this matter. Gu Anxi, a little girl, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the age of [-]. If she can do this, she must have thought about the future. Understand."

The implication is that Jiang Chaoge is inferior to others in this aspect!

However, Jiang Bin did not deny her completely, and said in a calm voice, "We still have to find a way to research a method for mass production of ecological liquid. The person in charge of WK Company heard that they are in Beicheng again, and we will leave for Beicheng early tomorrow morning."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a moment: "Then here?"

Jiang Bin said angrily, "What else can I do?"

Everyone got angry, Jiang Chaoge didn't dare to say anything, but after Jiang Bin left, she walked silently to the edge of Bishui Yuntian Lake, looked at the green lake, and lightly clenched her fists.

She knows about her uncle's virus experiment in City C. As a doctor, she should persuade or stop her, but she is the daughter of the Jiang family, and she has to prove that she is very strong——

What the Bo family couldn't do, she could do.

The next day, Jiang Bin and Jiang Chaoge also returned to Beicheng, and happened to meet Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen at the airport...

Jiang Bin's complexion was not very good. Gu Yuanshan's confidant always got mixed up with Zhou, so he called to complain immediately.

After hearing this, Gu Yuanshan smiled, "I let Congwen go there, and go deep into the enemy's interior! Old Jiang, you can't blame Congwen for this."

Jiang Bin was skeptical, but it was right to think about it, but he still warned: "Yuan Shan, let me remind you that Zhou Yunchen is quite capable, so don't lose your wife and lose your army."

Gu Yuanshan chuckled: "Brother Jiang is serious, we are not stupid and sweet in Congwen." After a few more polite words, after hanging up the phone, his heart was quite heavy.

Over there, Jiang Bin hung up the phone and got into the car when he received a call——

After listening to a few words, his face sank.

Jiang Chaoge asked with concern: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

Jiang Bin's voice was very soft: "The superior ordered that the operation in City C be temporarily cancelled."

Jiang Chaoge asked one more question: "Uncle, the person above is..."

Jiang Bin said with a cold face, "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

After a pause, he said, "Go back to Beicheng, you should prepare well for the hospital."

Jiang Chaoge nodded.

Jiang Bin narrowed his eyes, "I don't believe it, the Jiang family can't beat the Bo family, Chao Ge, uncle is optimistic about you."

It's just that he didn't understand why the higher-ups canceled this action again, what a great opportunity!

(End of this chapter)

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