Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 438 1 cut, the cards are going to be reshuffled

Chapter 438 Everything, to be reshuffled

Seeing that he was moved, Jiang Bin smiled: "Don't be in a hurry now, the most important thing is to do a good job of Mr. Wang's operation. At that will get the blue eyes of that person, Jiangjia Jiang's Hospital will be different. gone."

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but smile a little too, sweeping away the depression of being played by Jack.

Then, under Jiang Bin's actions, the whole of Beicheng knew about Mr. Wang's transfer to Jiang's Hospital.

When Tang Yuan heard Gu Yuanshan mention it, she couldn't help smiling: "Yuanshan, Jiang's Hospital also owns part of your shares, which is a good thing."

Gu Yuanshan sat there, occupied himself, and then fell silent.

He didn't take advantage of Jiang's family, it can't be done.

He took Jiang Chaoge.

Fate is not very good. If you go far away, you will always be alone and without marriage in your life.

In this way, where is the appearance of great wealth and great nobility?

However, Gu Yuanshan didn't reveal it, and it's not a good thing if the secrets are leaked... It's detrimental to himself.

Tang Yuan didn't think about anything else, and chatted with her husband for a while before going upstairs.

When she left, Gu Yuanshan called Shen Congwen over.

Seeing his worried face, Shen Congwen couldn't help asking softly, "What's wrong with Mr. Gu?"

Gu Yuanshan tapped his fingers on the desk and asked softly, "How much did we invest in Jiang's Hospital?"

Shen Congwen said without thinking: "About more than 50 billion."

Gu Yuanshan closed his eyes, "It's gone!"

Shen Congwen was taken aback: "Where do we start?"

Gu Yuanshan opened his eyes, "Jiang Chaoge's fate is not very good, if he doesn't have that fate, I guess the matter of Jiang's Hospital will be yellow."

He said again: "I heard that this was done by Bo Jingshen. This man's city is extremely deep. He comes and goes, no matter what he gains. Jiang Jiasheng, he won face in front of Wang Jingyao In the end, Bo Jiasheng, he was indirectly helping to kill the Jiang family, so it was a good deal."

Shen Congwen was silent.

Gu Yuanshan smiled: "Bo Jingshen is so capable, it's no wonder that Bo Nianyao can't tolerate him, why don't he think of a way?"

He took a sip of tea: "Congwen, their affairs are so complicated that others can't figure it out."

It's just a pity that he can't get back the money he invested. In addition, he seems to be on the wrong team.

Gu Yuanshan looked at Shen Congwen, and said slowly: "I don't know why, but I seem to trust Anxi quite a bit. This kid hides his secrets and is really not an ordinary person."

Dragon and phoenix among people...

Gu Yuanshan's expression was a little horrified, and his whole body froze.

Then, with trembling hands, he made another divination for Anxi——

Still a dragon and a phoenix among people!

It's just that the hexagram has changed again...

Gu Yuanshan stared blankly and remained silent for a long time.

Shen Congwen said in a low voice: "Mr. Gu?"

Gu Yuanshan said in a low voice: "Congwen,'s too late to say anything now."

He is sorry for Anxi, he has been obsessed with this way all his life and his youngest daughter has become a victim, and now, he hardly has the courage to come to divination again.

Anxi, Wang Jingyao.

There was nothing wrong with Jiang Chaoge at all.

Shen Congwen couldn't understand this, but he could tell from Gu Yuanshan's expression that it must be a big deal.

Gu Yuanshan looked a little tired: "Okay, Congwen, you go back first."

Shen Congwen nodded.

Gu Yuanshan stopped him again: "Wait a minute."

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Help me make an appointment with Anxi."

Shen Congwen is a very smart person, he even guessed a bit.

He nodded and said yes.

Gu Yuanshan walked over in person and patted him on the shoulder: "Congwen, you are the person I trust the most, Anxi...I owe her a lot, and this child is also very competitive. I hope she is happy."

Shen Congwen nodded: "I understand Mr. Gu."

Gu Yuanshan smiled again: "Okay, you can contact her and just say that I want to treat her to dinner."

Shen Congwen left, and Gu Yuanshan sat alone in the shadow of the light, without speaking for a long time.

Just when everyone was talking about how great Jiang's Hospital is and how Jiang Chaoge is about to soar into the sky, only Gu Yuanshan knew that after this incident, everything had to be reshuffled...

Therefore, he must meet Anxi.

Even if this child becomes more mediocre in the future, as a father, he doesn't want her... to lose love even if she becomes a continuation.

Gu Yuanshan sighed quietly alone... Perhaps, he really regretted it.

 Gu Yuanshan will not completely clean up~~



(End of this chapter)

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