Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 439 Do all you can to protect one person!

Chapter 439 Do all you can to protect one person!

Gu Anxi still found time to meet Gu Yuanshan in the afternoon of the next day, and drank tea without eating. The place was in a teahouse near Yunxi Hospital.

Seeing Gu Anxi again, Gu Yuanshan was filled with emotion.

This child is so old that he can stand alone in the Bo family.

He silently poured a cup of tea for Gu Anxi, and said gently, "See if you're used to drinking it. If you're not used to it, I'll ask the waiter to bring you a glass of juice."

Gu Anxi took a sip and said the name of the tea with a smile, which surprised Gu Yuanshan.

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Papa Bo sometimes asks me to taste some good tea, and then he lectures on Taoist principles, which makes me sleepy and refuses to let anyone go. I didn't like drinking it at first, but gradually I liked it."

She spoke naturally, but Gu Yuanshan's hearing was a bit different.

After taking a sip of tea to cover it up, he asked softly, "You and Nian Yao...I mean, you have a good relationship with your father Bo, right?"

Gu Anxi groaned: "It's pretty good. They treat me very well."

"That's good." Gu Yuanshan was quite disappointed.

Afterwards, they drank tea together silently for a while, but Gu Anxi asked first: "What is the matter you are looking for me today?"

Gu Yuanshan was depressed at the moment, and he raised his eyes after a long time: "Anxi, I know you must hate divination very much, but..."

He sighed, "You'd better leave the matter of the Wang family alone and keep it far away."

Gu Anxi looked at him quietly.

Naturally, Gu Yuanshan would not say such words, even if Wang Jingyao had an extraordinary appearance and a high status, it was impossible for him to say such words.

Even if he wanted to replace the Bo family, it really wasn't to the point of life and death, but it was obvious that Jiang Bin's ideas were at odds with his.

He thought for a while before speaking: "In short, stay away from the Wang family. Don't interfere with Mr. Wang's illness. It's not good for you or the Bo family, especially between you and Bo Xichen."

Gu Anxi, who is a ghost and a ghost, is there anything he can't understand?

She laughed out loud: "Mr. Gu, are you thinking too much?"

Playing with the cup with thin white fingers: "This kind of thing is suitable for Jiang Chaoge."

Gu Yuanshan sneered, "Jiang Chaoge would like to, but he must have that fate!"

Gu Anxi understood in his heart that he took possession of them one by one.So he said lightly: "I don't believe this, if you really want to believe it, you might as well believe in yourself!"

"Besides, Mr. Gu, the Bo family is a doctor, and they will not die because of their own selfish desires." Gu Anxi said softly, "However, thank you for telling me this."

This is what Gu Yuanshan did, and he would hurt himself by saying this.

Seriously, it took courage, it's not easy.

Gu Yuanshan was a little moved by her words, and once again sighed for the strength of this child's heart.

After a while, he said, "All right, take care."

He stood up, "I'll go first."

Gu Anxi sat without moving, "Goodbye, Mr. Gu."

They have always been unable to make sure that nothing happened. Gu Anxi never thought of forgiving, even if Gu Yuanshan showed his kindness at this time.

Forgive, how can she forgive?

She lowered her eyes and smiled softly.

There is no love and no hate.

What about forgiveness?

When Gu Yuanshan walked out, Shen Congwen saw his gloomy expression, so he stepped forward with concern: "Mr. Gu."

Gu Yuanshan waved his hands and raised his head, "I suddenly want to take a look at the man who raised Anxi, you can go with me."

Shen Congwen said yes in a low voice.


Gu Anxi sat alone for a while again, thinking about Gu Yuanshan's words carefully for a long time.

When she left, it was already dark, so she drove back to Siyuan directly.

After entering the door, the family servants said that Bo Nianyao said he saw her and immediately called to the study.

Gu Anxi was taken aback, then quickly walked over and pushed open the door of the study.

In the study, Bo Nianyao was standing and writing, as if he had waited for a long time on purpose, he raised his head and saw Anxi: "Come and have some tea."

She oh, walked over to sit down on the sofa beside him, and drank tea.

After she rested for a while, Bo Nianyao asked, "Have you met Gu Yuanshan?"

Gu Anxi hummed, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you know all about Papa Bo?"

Bo Nianyao withdrew his gestures and smiled: "I guessed it."

He sighed: "It's not easy for Yuan Shan to remind you by breaking himself, but Anxi, our Bo family for generations..."

"I refused." Gu Anxi whispered.

Bo Nianyao smiled slightly: "This is very similar to our Bo family, what do you believe in that one! The times will change at any time, and it is fundamental to save the world and save talents."

Gu Anxi immediately farted on the rainbow: "Papa Bo is right."

Bo Nianyao looked at her: "You little brat, you can make your father Bo happy!"

A few jokes, but he quickly returned to seriousness: "If it's as Gu Yuanshan said, it's a big deal to spare the family's strength and protect you alone."

Gu Anxi was taken aback.

Afterwards, my nose was sore and I didn't know what to say.

She may be indifferent, and she may be mischievous on purpose sometimes, but she is still at a loss when an elder tells her such a promise...

However, she also became more determined.

Bo Nianyao stared at her and smiled: "Both your mother Bo and I regard you as our own child, and planning for our own child is only right and proper, no matter how many losses there are."

Gu Anxi's nose was sore, and she whispered, "I will protect myself, and protect Bo's father and mother."

Bo Nianyao relaxed and joked, "Where's your uncle?"

"He has to protect me." Gu Anxi said Pipi.

Bo Nianyao smiled slightly, and put down the pen in his hand, "Okay, let's eat! Your mother Bo cooked some delicious dishes by herself."


This matter is put on hold for the time being.

The Jiang family was overjoyed, firstly because they robbed Yunxi Hospital of the most important patients, secondly because Jiang Chaoge was appreciated by that person, and they were incomparable in the limelight.

Everyone knew that the Jiang family was going to soar into the sky, and it was possible to replace the Bo family.

Not only that, Jiang Chaoge still didn't give up WK, contacted Jack several times, and the answer he got was that the head office had already made a decision.

Jiang Chaoge understood in his heart that this matter was likely to be yellow.

She was a little angry, what she got was out of proportion to what she gave, but she couldn't say anything about that dark relationship...

There are still four days before WK company announces.

Jiang Chaoge took a risk and made a decision to advance Wang Lao's operation.

She was confident that she could complete the operation, and then she became famous and used all her advantages to intercept Hu WK's cooperation. As soon as she and Jiang Bin talked about this plan, Jiang Bin immediately asked her if she was sure...

Jiang Chaoge said confidently: "There is no problem, I have studied it carefully."

Jiang Bin felt relieved, "As long as you are sure!"

 Keep writing~~~ Climbing late



(End of this chapter)

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