Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 451 Jealousy!Gu Anxi really has tricks!

Chapter 451 Jealousy!Gu Anxi really has tricks!

When Gu Mingzhu came back, Wang Jingyao was already surrounded by people.

Gentle and affectionate ladies, respected celebrities, and even Bo Jingshen, a big shot in the Bo family.

Wang Jingyao seems to appreciate Bo Jingshen very much, talking and laughing, and the female companions around him are a little cold.

Gu Mingzhu couldn't help thinking that Lin Hua didn't seem to be very favored by Mr. Wang. She pulled the skirt on her body, which matched her white dress very well.

Quietly went around without saying anything, sat obediently by the side and looked at the big man with a very admiring look...

Wang Jingyao didn't seem to care much about the women around him. He kept talking to Bo Jingshen, and occasionally smiled. When he smiled, his chest vibrated slightly, showing the charm of a mature man.

The ladies in the surrounding area all blushed quietly.

Gu Mingzhu waited quietly, and finally waited until Wang Jingyao saw her inadvertently. The man smiled lightly: "The clothes suit her quite well."

At this moment, the secretary-general whispered, "Gu Yuanshan's daughter."

Wang Jingyao smiled, "Really, that is really a bright pearl."

When this is said, some people are happy and others are sad.

Gu Mingzhu stared at Wang Jingyao with a pair of eyes, with some expectation.

Wang Jingyao put down the cup in his hand and smiled: "Okay, let's dance with her as an apology."

There was an uproar all around.

You must know that Mr. Wang has been here for so long, and he skipped one with his female companion Lin Hua. The people around him can't get close. Mr. Wang is always accompanied by the secretary-general. Who dares to go over?

At this moment, Mr. Wang seems to have favor with Gu Mingzhu, how can others not be jealous?

Lin Hua didn't fight or grab, and stayed quietly at the side all the time.

Gu Mingzhu's heart almost jumped out, people like Mr. Wang actually invited her to dance!Does this mean, does it mean that she has hope?

At the moment, during a dance, she used all her skills——

Gu Mingzhu was trained by Tang Yuan since she was a child, and her manners are indeed impeccable. Wang Jingyao is also personable, and it is not against harmony to be together.

After the song ended, Gu Mingzhu was a little intoxicated.

The man around him is naturally attractive, but the halo on his body is even more attractive. By his side, he is completely the focus, even if you are useless, as long as you are Wang Jingyao's woman!

Tang Yuan was originally against it, but now she was quite moved by watching it.

Mingzhu is right, marrying Wang Jingyao is the biggest pursuit of a woman, and she didn't dare to think about it before, but now that the opportunity is presented to her, of course she must seize it vigorously.

Just because Jiang Chaoge is useless doesn't mean Mingzhu can't!

At the end of the song, Wang Jingyao sent Gu Mingzhu back to her place with great grace, and then sat and chatted with Bo Jingshen and others, as if he was not in a hurry to leave.

Gu Mingzhu's heart was pounding——

Tang Yuan lowered her voice: "Mr. Wang's time is very precious. When did you spend more than an hour on one occasion like this? Mingzhu, you seize the opportunity."

Gu Mingzhu nodded slightly.

Tang Yuan said again: "Did he not give you the contact information?"

Gu Mingzhu shook her head: "No."

Tang Yuan was a little disappointed, but regained her spirits after a while: "What kind of contact information does a person like him want, his secretary-general will naturally have a way to get it, so don't be too anxious, you know?"

Gu Mingzhu nodded.

She won't be as stupid as Jiang Chaoge, the man can't wait before he expresses anything——

After all, he came from a side branch, so he can't get on the stage!

Gu Mingzhu had a lot of thoughts at this time. The dream of movie perfume is just icing on the cake. Being Mrs. Wang is the glory. How could Gu Anxi compare with her at that time?

Just as he was thinking, Gu Anxi came over, not alone, but holding Jack's arm. It looked a little too intimate.

In fact, Gu Anxi has been used to it for a long time, and it has long been the norm to hang shoulders with Jack when he was in England. Once, he thought about having a fight on the street and was exhausted. Later, he found a park bench at random, and the two fell asleep Hugging to keep warm, Gu Anxi was only a teenager at that time, and had a friendship with Jack, but it was Jack who went astray later...

As soon as they came in, they attracted many eyes.

Jack is a standard cold and expensive man, dressed in a handmade suit and bow tie, he looks handsome and compelling.

Gu Anxi wore a little red dress, the kind with a big V-neck, but it would never be very revealing——

The waist is very thin, the skin is very white, and the design at the hem makes the legs look straight and slender!

She just came in, Wang Jingyao was a little shocked.

In front of him, Gu Anxi was either dressed as a doctor, or casually dressed in black trousers and a hood. Although he looked good, he still lacked a bit of feminine style.

Now, he was really surprised.

Secretary-General Wang smiled slightly.

Ms. Gu is pricking Mr. Wang's heart again, but if he is a little ugly, Mr. Wang will not let it go like this. He knows best in his heart why his boss is here all the time. It is nothing more than Ms. Gu Haven't come yet.

Now that people are here, they are probably even more reluctant to leave!

When you think about it, just smile and look at the pair of Bi people together!

Jack said a few words as the host, and then asked Gu Anxi to dance, and Gu Anxi readily agreed.

Gu Anxi's waltz was taught by Jack. The teacher and the students naturally had a tacit understanding, and the undercurrent between them seemed very familiar, not at all unfamiliar.

Gu Mingzhu gritted her teeth secretly: Gu Anxi really has tricks!


She found that she and Wang Jingyao were sitting very close to each other, so there was almost no one between them, so she said to Tang Yuan softly and delicately: "Mom, Anxi seems to have a good relationship with the heir of WK, have they known each other for a long time?" what?"

Tang Yuan smiled: "Maybe! You can ask later, maybe it's someone you know. Otherwise, why would such a large business of WK Company be handed over to Yunxi Hospital!"

This back and forth offended Bo Jingshen.

But Bo Jingshen is very calm. Now the situation is very clear. WK chose Yunxi. Mr. Wang has a good eye for Anxi. Others don't know, but he knows.

Bo Nianyao told him to go back and told him about it, most likely just to tell him not to stand in the wrong team, the Jiang family is finished!Anxi made the female doctor leave without any effort.

Bo Jingshen also observed quietly just now, and the situation is like this.

Mr. Wang has been waiting for Anxi's younger sister, but now that she comes out, she is amazing, and probably not too happy!

Mr. Wang pretended not to know Anxi well. That was low-key, but it didn't mean he didn't like him.

As for the mother and daughter of the Gu family, with their mouths growing on their mouths, they can say whatever they want, even if they offend someone and don't know it, they look a little stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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