Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 452 This time, I really miss her!

Chapter 452 This time, I really miss her!

He looked at Wang Jingyao quietly again, who seemed to be looking at the dancers on the stage indifferently, not paying much attention.

actually not……

A man like Wang Jingyao can tell at a glance that Jack likes Gu Anxi, but Gu Anxi has no intention of it at all, but they get along very well, and Jack is very sensible so that he won't piss her off.

He thought to himself, she can really do it! ! !

But why do you avoid him like this!

Then, he thought of what she said——

"I'm afraid of your power! It doesn't matter if I'm alone, I don't want the people around me to be smashed to pieces with me!"

Oh, is he so cruel?

Wang Jingyao let out a long sigh and decided to leave first.


Just as he was about to leave, the phone rang——

He looked at it, and it was the old lady's phone.

As soon as he raised his hand, the music stopped immediately, and then he picked up the phone: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Everyone held their breath and dared not speak out.

The old lady said there: "Jingyao, come back quickly, your father seems to be a little uncomfortable. By the way, is Anxi here? If she is, bring her here with you. Your father lost his temper again and said that it is not Anxi. ..."

Later, the old lady complained a few more words, and Wang Jingyao laughed heavily: "Dad is really... okay, I'll bring her here, it's almost here."

Hanging up the phone, I originally wanted to call someone directly, but it seemed too intimate, and the little guy would probably be unhappy, so he said in a low voice, "The old man is not feeling well, Jing Chuan, you call Dr. Gu to go to the hospital together." Check out the hospital."

Secretary-General Wang nodded: "Yes."

He said a few words to Gu Anxi in the past, but Gu Anxi did not refuse——

With so many people around, it was necessary to give the big shot some face. She wanted to change clothes, but Secretary-General Wang said that time was tight, and the old man was very uncomfortable and was making a fuss.

Gu Anxi glanced at him, and Secretary Wang didn't dare to say anything.

This little girl is so fierce.

Gu Anxi didn't waste any more time, and left behind Wang Jingyao——

This accident made everyone a little stunned.

Wang Jingyao just left without leaving a single word... Gu Anxi also left as the attending doctor.

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip lightly, "Mom, do you think Gu Anxi will find opportunities..."

Tang Yuan said something fair: "No. She seems to have a good relationship with Bo Xichen. Mingzhu, don't think about it. When Mr. Wang thinks of you, he will contact you naturally."

Gu Mingzhu nodded.

She thought sweetly in her heart, Mr. Wang invited her to dance, so naturally he took a fancy to her, maybe he would think of her when he was done with work...

In the hotel parking lot, Wang Jingyao had long forgotten about her.

Or they didn't pay attention to this person at all.

In the car, Wang Jingyao ordered the secretary-general to send Lin Hua back, saying that he didn't have to go to the hospital with him.

The Secretary-General said yes, and told the driver twice to handle things by himself. There were only two people left in the car, Gu Anxi and Wang Jingyao. Without the Secretary-General, the important person had to do everything by himself, so he called again and went back. , asked the old lady how the situation is now, and said that she would go back soon or something.

Later, he gave Gu Anxi the cell phone to talk to the doctor over there, showing a son's concern in every way.

Gu Anxi said a few words and hung up the phone.

Wang Jingyao asked softly, "Is there any major problem?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "We'll talk about it when we get to the hospital."

Her expression was a little dignified.

Mr. Wang's illness is just as my uncle predicted before, it's best not to advance the operation time, Jiang Chaoge has advanced it for his own selfish desires, and now there is some trouble.

There may be a minor surgery to be done.

It's a minor surgery, but it's not minor.

When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Anxi didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he put on a white coat and pushed Mr. Wang into the examination room...

Wang Jingyao and the old lady were waiting outside, and Gu Anxi came out in about half an hour...

"It's best to have an operation." Gu Anxi said as he removed the gloves, and said to the nurse beside him, "Get ready for the operation."

He also ordered a few things to explain, very decisive.

The old lady felt a little distressed: "Does it have to be operated?"

Before Gu Anxi could speak, Wang Jingyao had already put his arms around the old lady's shoulders: "Let's listen to the doctor about this matter." '

Gu Anxi nodded, and then went to change clothes to disinfect.

Mr. Wang was always afraid, and the older he was, the more afraid of pain... Gu Anxi personally pushed him into the operating room, coaxing him as he pushed... Hey, he asked her to guarantee that it was her own operation, and then he stopped making trouble.

The old lady sighed: Anxi really has a way!

Wang Jingyao smiled and asked the old lady to go to sleep and watch by herself, but where the old lady could sleep, she relied on her son to wait...

The wait is long, because this time they are not live.

It was said to be two hours, but the last four hours came out...

It wasn't Gu Anxi who pushed the old man out, but Director Hao. After meeting Wang Jingyao: "Doctor Gu did his best! Really..."

He couldn't go on.

Wang Jingyao asked softly, "Where is she?" '

Director Hao paused: "She passed out after the operation, and she couldn't even wake up."

Wang Jingyao was stunned, and then said to the old lady, "I'll go see her."

The old lady nodded: "OK, you go and have a look."

Director Hao hesitated to speak, and then he said again: "I called Professor Bo and asked. Professor Bo said that Dr. Gu was injured and has not been in good health...Maybe he has been tired for a while."

He added: "Mr. Wang, I know you are a big shot, but..."

He didn't say any more about the latter words, but Wang Jingyao understood.

He stroked his forehead and smiled softly: "You mean, they love each other very much, and I shouldn't use my power to force her, should I?"

Director Hao said nothing.

Wang Jingyao didn't say anything more, a man of his status never explained it.

Entering the operating room, such a quiet place filled with disinfectant, Gu Anxi lay quietly on the small bed beside him, motionless, as if he was asleep.

But he knew that no matter how tired a person was, it was not the way to sleep like this.

In the past, squatting down, looking at the fragile little face, smiled, and scratched her face: "Who do you think I am, is it so despicable?"

In fact, there are, but they are reluctant to use them on her.

All right, stay away from her in the future.

Wang Jingyao picked her up, walked out, walked straight to the door of a VIP ward and opened the door, carefully put her on the bed... After watching for a while, he called Bo Nianyao himself to explain the situation.

An hour later, Nianyao Bo and Mrs. Bo came over, Nianyao Bo chatted with him, and Mrs. Bo took care of Gu Anxi herself.

Wang Jingyao thought, this is what she wants to protect!

He thought that even he was willing to fulfill her wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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