Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 461 Gu Anxi was dismissed from his position!

Chapter 461 Gu Anxi was dismissed from his position!

But for a big man like Wang Jingyao, he would not consider the thoughts of an insignificant little girl.

When he went back immediately, Gu Anxi was immediately dismissed from his post.

This matter, the impact is not small.

Everyone was terrified and felt that the sky was about to change, especially for the newly promoted Xiao Li, who had some opinions. You must know that Xiao Li was promoted by the president himself, and the current situation is afraid that his position will not be guaranteed.

Lao Fang is still very loyal, after all, the two parties are relatives of sons and daughters, and they cover it openly and secretly.

It's just that in such an afternoon, it was already bloody and rainy, and there were all kinds of rumors.

In the afternoon, Wang Jingyao's secretary-general came over and met directly with several giants alone.

Everyone else is talking about—

Mr. Wang directly dismissed Gu Anxi, which means he was really angry.With his secretary-general coming here, Xiao Li's position might not be guaranteed.

In the office, Wang Jingchuan smiled and told Mr. Wang what he meant. Director Fang was going crazy with joy.

Our Comrade Xiao Li was in a daze and a daze——

Originally, Gu Anxi was dismissed, and he had made a plan to advance and retreat together, but when Secretary-General Wang explained the purpose of his visit, Xiao Li was stunned.


Not only will he not be demoted, but he will be promoted instead?

Xiao Li couldn't believe it, but he quickly realized that he rubbed his hands and said affectionately to Secretary-General Wang: "Jing Chuan, you can't hide your secrets! At least half of this matter should be given to me and Lao Fang."

Director Fang's gaze was also Bulling Bulling's, staring at Secretary-General Wang eagerly.

The secretary-general smiled: "It's not that I don't want to disclose it to the two old brothers. It's really related to Mr. Wang's private affairs. Please forgive me."

He also said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether Gu Anxi is the president or not. The important positions are all hers. There is no difference."

The chief and deputy directors are all human beings, and they can hear a bit of taste as soon as they hear it.

Secretary Wang clarified a little: "In short, the matter is not as rumored, but the two old brothers should keep their mouths shut about some things."

Lao Fang and Xiao Li looked at each other, and thought about it carefully, feeling a little surprised.

Secretary-General Wang smiled: "Okay, you two, I should go back to work."

After he left, Lao Fang patted Xiao Li on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell me, Gu Anxi is really daring when he comes out during the day today!"

Xiao Li's legs are shaking when he thinks about it, and when he thinks about the arrangement now, that one...wasn't there for several minutes at that time?

Men know men well, so when I think about it, I'm covered in cold sweat behind my back.

They were afraid, but Gu Anxi was not. The news of her dismissal was spread all over Beicheng, and it was even spread all over Beicheng University, but she didn't care.

In the evening, I ate a small cantaloupe in my uncle's office, which was very sweet. My uncle airlifted it back from Africa. After eating half a full stomach, I lay down on the sofa and played with my phone.

Bo Xichen had an operation, and the office was very quiet.

After a while, Fengxi's voice sounded: "Gu Anxi, are you still so happy to be dismissed?"

"Otherwise, show me how to cry." Gu Anxi bickered with Feng Xi while talking black.

After a while, she put down her phone, and said with some malicious intent: "Oh, by the way, Feng Mian hasn't been here for a long time, so you don't miss him at all?"

Feng Xi beeped twice, and then closed herself.

Gu Anxi was smiling, but happy.

At this moment, Fengmian stood at the door with a somewhat petrified expression——

What did Gu Anxi say just now, that Feng Xi misses him?

Isn't Fengxi an AI?

By the way, the last time Gu Anxi said in the coffee shop that the person Feng Xi likes... is he?

Feng Mian was dazed, and it took him a long time to raise his hand.

He wore a watch on his wrist, which was also equipped with the Fengxi system like Bo Xichen.

This watch is almost always by his side when eating, sleeping, and bathing.

And Fengxi, the AI, still has a gender, and he still likes him! ! !

Feng Mian couldn't accept this fact, and was dumbfounded for a while.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Ah, Feng Xi is autistic! How about coaxing her?"

Feng Mian stared at her.

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Are you thinking that Feng Xi watches you take a bath, eat and sleep every day?"

Feng Mian gritted her teeth: "Then isn't your Bo Xichen the same?"

Gu Anxi was just about to say a few more sarcastic remarks when Bo Xichen came in, and knocked on Gu Anxi with the document in his hand: "What are you talking about?"

Gu Anxi looked at Feng Mian with a smile.

Feng Mian touched his nose, "I didn't say anything!"

Gu Anxi held Bo Xichen in his arms: "I'm talking about Fengmian's handsome looks and charisma, suitable for all ages."

Bo Xichen just smiled, Feng Mian was a little hairy all over, thinking that this couple probably often talked about how he and Feng Xi were...

How can he be?

Fengxi is a program and not a real person!Even if she can speak and think, she has no entity.

Feng Mian was startled suddenly, he was longing to see Feng Xi——

That night, Feng Mian had a dream.

After waking up, he looked at the watch... for a long time, and took off the chip inside.

This didn't change his life, because Feng Xi didn't seem to talk much around him, unlike Bo Xichen who often bickered with Gu Anxi.But this kind of subtle and almost non-existent change still made Feng Mian feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong...

When Feng Mian wasn't there, Gu Anxi clung to Bo Xichen, a little naughty: "Feng Xi doesn't come out anymore, she's closed herself off."

Bo Xichen was also a little helpless, Anxi put everything in order outside, but in private he was very childish, especially when he was fighting with Fengxi, he would not give way to anyone.

He reached out and touched her little head: "Fengxi is broken in love, don't you want to comfort her?"

Gu Anxi hugged his waist, "Uncle, let's build a body for Fengxi!"

"Building a body?" Bo Xichen raised his eyebrows, he had never thought about it.

Gu Anxi said softly, "It's not impossible, is it?"

She was so naughty, but she was actually making fun of Feng Mian, Bo Xichen was funny and angry, pulled her out from behind, and trapped her in his arms: "What else?"

Gu Anxi's face was a little hot, and he asked knowingly, "What else?"

He stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead, "Feng Mian is always a man!"

(End of this chapter)

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