Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 462 Silly boy, you come to be the boss of Diablo!

Chapter 462 Silly boy, you come to be the boss of Diablo!

He stretched out his hand and patted her forehead, "Feng Mian is always a man! Men always have..."

Gu Anxi hugged his waist, raised his head and whispered, "Think of a way?"

Bo Xichen knocked her again: "I leave this task to you, Dr. Gu." After speaking, he went to deal with business.

Gu Anxi was a little dissatisfied, and chased after him: "Bo Xichen, don't you even think about it?"

He put down the official document in his hand: "Anxi, I'm a man, so it's inconvenient."

She blushed a bit, and let out a cry.

Then she sat beside him cheekily, a little clingy.

He smiled, and directly pulled her into his arms and hugged her. He only read official documents when she was playing on his mobile phone.

Anxi is that kind, she can leave him alone for a few days when he leaves the North City, but when he comes back and doesn't affect him, she will be very clingy, like calf candy, but he likes it.

Leaning quietly, he didn't know how long it had been before he suddenly asked, "Your position as president has been dismissed, how do you feel?"

The little creamer got a little furious: "Of course it's very sad."

"Really?" Bo Xichen smiled, stretched out his hand to cover her little head, and put his chin on it. After a while, he asked in a low voice, "Anxi, what's wrong with Wang Jingyao?"

Gu Anxi said slowly, "I thought you wouldn't ask."

His voice was very gentle, "Say what you want, it doesn't matter if you don't, huh?"

She groaned, turned around and hugged him, her little head pressed against his heart in a very obedient manner: "Uncle, I only like you."

He smiled, and gently stroked her little head with his big palm, "I know."

He didn't mean to ask her to say any more, and said by himself: "I can't say that I don't mind at all! But..."

He smiled, "It's even worse if you don't see it."

All men have the desire to conquer, he naturally understands.

Gu Anxi's face was a little hot, because it was the first time to talk about this kind of topic with my uncle. Whether it was Qin Siyuan or Jack, my uncle had never said anything before. This Wang Jingyao still caused pressure on my uncle invisibly.But he didn't want to put this kind of pressure on her, but let her deal with these things according to her heart.

With a soft heart, she leaned against him and whispered, "I know."

She hugged him obediently and occupied him.

My uncle is so nice, and Beicheng is also very big... Some things can't be done as one likes, and she is willing to be restrained by this kind of restraint.

After this time, Bo Xichen didn't mention Wang Jingyao anymore. Anyway, Gu Anxi is just a brother of the opposite sex now, and Anxi can definitely be a hot guy.

Later, without saying anything, Bo Xichen finished the matter and took her home. When the car drove into Siyuan, it was dusk and the sky was full of bright clouds, which was very spectacular.

It's been a long time since I saw him, even if he came back for a day or two, Gu Anxi still followed him like a little tail. Everyone in Siyuan felt annoyed and funny when they saw her, but they loved her sincerely.

Especially Bo Nianyao, who wanted to ask Bo Xichen to talk about things after dinner, if he wanted to talk for two or three hours, how could Zai Zai bear such a long time of separation?So they simply carried them into the study together.

Gu Anxi cheekily leaned against Bo Xichen to play games, turned the volume down, and Bo Nianyao talked to Bo Xichen about 'darkness'...

It was only after Gu Anxi listened to it for a while that he realized the meaning.

It turned out that Bo's father let her hear it on purpose. She knew that my uncle had gone to Africa, but she never thought that it had something to do with "Darkness"... Her master, what do you want to do?

Her heart was surging, and she couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Bo Xichen.

He was also looking down at her with a very calm face, as if he was talking about an unimportant person.

But Gu Anxi knew how powerful 'Darkness' was. It had penetrated all over the world and had countless believers.

She put down her phone and said softly, "Uncle, I want to go back."

Bo Xichen stared at her, before he wanted to say something, Bo Nianyao came over and touched her little head, "Didn't I say that, the Bo family won't exchange you for anything."

Gu Anxi felt uneasy, and she didn't understand why Dad Bo and the others didn't... clearly knew who that person was.

Bo Nianyao seemed to see what she was thinking, and smiled lowly: "Silly boy, we know him, so doesn't he know us?"

His voice became a little lower: "Darkness has people all over the world, if you touch him all of a sudden... the consequences will be disastrous."

Gu Anxi understands, but also doesn't understand...

Bo Xichen didn't speak either, but just watched her quietly.

After a long time, Gu Anxi stammered and said, " you want me to take over as 'Darkness'?"

Bo Nianyao laughed, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed: "I said this kid is a jerk! No, I guessed it right away."

Gu Anxi opened his mouth, staring at them eagerly.

Bo Xichen also smiled: "It didn't happen overnight, but there is no one else who has the opportunity to command the 'Darkness' organization except you."

She is a master at learning, and is the only apprentice of Diablo, she must be her.

Gu Anxi has been in a daze, she thought about cutting off with Diablo, but she didn't expect to be their boss!

She was in a daze until the wind blew when Bo Xichen carried her back to the orchid room before she regained consciousness.

She asked him to walk with his back on his back, and thinking about things on his back really made things go smoothly... Only when she returned to the orchid room could she speak with confidence, she leaned against him and whispered, "Uncle, why did he create a dark place?" ?”

Bo Xichen pushed her against the door and said absently, "Don't be reconciled!"

She wrinkled her little nose, and she probably understood after thinking about it.

In my heart, I feel a little sad.

"Don't think so much, well, it's not yet that time." He said hoarsely.

Gu Anxi hugged his waist, leaned against him, and said in a low voice, "It's not so difficult to pull out this bloodworm, what's so difficult is that the entire Bo family will be wiped out because of him, isn't it?"

Bo Xichen lowered his head and looked at his clever little guy.

With a slight movement in my heart, I leaned over, and after some entanglement, I said hoarsely: "Yes."

Once the person behind the darkness is brought out in the open, the entire Bo family will die ten times, so he and his father will endure it again and again... Temporarily unable to move, that person will become even more unscrupulous.

However, no one thought that there would be Wang Jingyao in the middle.

One, a powerful man.

Perhaps, this matter is another turning point.

Bo Xichen went through the matter in his mind, couldn't bear it anymore, coaxed in a low voice: "I'll take a bath first, don't fall asleep, huh?"

Gu Anxi's little face immediately turned red, and his hair exploded: "Uncle, your mind is too active."

"Is it thinking?" He gently touched her little head: "I don't think so."

 There is another chapter, updated at 12 o'clock~~



(End of this chapter)

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