Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 472 Vice President Shen Says You're an Asshole!

Chapter 472 Vice President Shen Says You're an Asshole!

After the meeting, Zhou Yunchen checked his mobile phone, but there was no call, so he dialed it himself, and Shen Congwen took a while to answer it.

"Did I drop my wallet on your car?" He asked quietly.

Shen Congwen frowned: "I'll go look for it in the car."

After hanging up the phone, about 10 minutes later, he said, "It's in my car, let your secretary come and get it!"

Zhou Yunchen made a decision: "You send me over after get off work, just to send me to that restaurant, where my car is."

Shen Congwen was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth: "Did Mr. Zhou completely forget our bet yesterday?"

Zhou Yunchen just smiled: "Is there?"

Shen Congwen said lightly: "I don't care if you are unhappy or not, my secretary will send it to you."

The voice over there was low and hoarse: "Is it so easy to give in?"

Shen Congwen hesitated.

Zhou Yunchen said, "It's right to be bullied!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Congwen hung up the phone.

Zhou Yunchen never got his wallet, and after waiting for a few days, he still called to ask.

When I asked, I got a little annoyed.

The wallet, was thrown away.

Shen Congwen said quietly: "Didn't you teach me?"

Zhou Yunchen: ...

Shen Congwen said again: "I didn't throw away the photos in the wallet. I'll ask the secretary to send them to you."

An hour later, Zhou Yunchen received an envelope.

Shen Congwen's secretary gave him a wink, "Mr. Zhou, I have nothing else to do, so I'm leaving first."

As soon as Zhou Yunchen pinched his fingers, he knew that it was a two-inch photo, but he didn't open it to read it.

In fact, that photo has been pressed in the wallet for many years, very long ago, and he hasn't taken it out to look at it for a long time.

Also almost, is to forget.

Unexpectedly, it would be dug out by Shen Congwen.

He called Secretary Lin: "Did Vice President Shen say anything else?"

Secretary Lin hesitated again and again before whispering, "Vice President Shen said that if you ask me, just're an asshole!"

After speaking, he was still a little scared.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yunchen laughed, very happily: "Okay, bastards are bastards!"

After Secretary Lin left, he called Shen Congwen.

Shen Congwen picked it up and said softly, "Did you get the things?"

Zhou Yunchen played with the envelope in his hand and smiled: "To express my gratitude, I invite you to dinner?"

"No need." Shen Congwen hung up the phone directly.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yunchen called again, and said shamelessly, "You threw away my wallet, and I have no money to eat."

Shen Congwen held back his anger, "I'll transfer the money to you."

Zhou Yunchen laughed softly: "I'm not a little boy who takes soft words."

With a snap, the phone hung up again.

He looked at his phone: "I'm angry again!"

At the moment, he finished his work properly and asked Gu Anxi to have dinner with him after get off work.

——What I said before was just to tease Shen Congwen, how could I know that fool really believed it.

Zhou Yunchen and Gu Anxi had dinner, and they just handed over the account book to her for review. Basically, he was running Anpu and reported it once a month. In addition, he was Gu Yuntian's half son, and had a close relationship with Anxi. It is also very normal.

How could he know that the meal was only halfway through when Shen Congwen brought a rather innocent little girl over, that gesture... Zhou Yunchen narrowed his eyes, feeling like a little girlfriend.

In fact, the other party was introduced by his family, and Shen Congwen hasn't replied yet, probably because he was really angry today and invited the woman to have dinner together, how could he have seen Zhou Yunchen and Gu Anxi as soon as he came in.

(End of this chapter)

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