Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 473 Chu Yan is not a child of the Chu family

Chapter 473 Chu Yan is not a child of the Chu family

The moment his eyes met, Shen Congwen was a little surprised, so he paused.

Zhou Yunchen was also surprised, and then narrowed his eyes slightly to look at him.

Then, just smile.

Gu Anxi asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you? Is this Shen Congwen's girlfriend?"

Zhou Yunchen's expression was indifferent, "Maybe."

When Shen Congwen passed by, he didn't even raise his head, he was still talking to Gu Anxi normally, discussing business matters.

Shen Congwen's steps paused: "Mr. Gu, Mr. Zhou. '

Gu Anxi smiled: "Do you want to eat together?"

Shen Congwen smiled: "No need, you guys talk about your own."

Gu Anxi looked at the girl next to him again: "Girlfriend, why don't you introduce me?"

Shen Congwen's expression was uncomfortable for a moment, and after a while, he whispered: "It's just a friend." Then, as if he didn't want to chat any more, he went to another table.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Yunchen didn't talk to him or ask him.Shen Congwen's eyes fell on him for a few seconds, but he didn't say anything.

When they left, Gu Anxi took small bites of delicious food and stuffed his mouth full, "Aren't you too cold? I remember you have a very good relationship."

"It's not that bad, it's just a casual acquaintance." Zhou Yunchen said so.

Gu Anxi said, "It's a casual acquaintance!"I thought……"

Zhou Yunchen raised his eyes and stared at her.

Gu Anxi smiled and said nothing more.

They ate for about another half an hour, and after discussing business matters, they both got up and left.

Gu Anxi went over to say hello to Shen Congwen, and Shen Congwen got up to talk to her, but he didn't look at Zhou Yunchen.

Gu Anxi thought it was funny, they were relatively close, but why did she become the rumor person.

However, she didn't say anything.

Zhou Yunchen said he wanted to see her off, but Bo Xichen came to pick her up, so he sat in the car and smoked alone.

With the car window open, he puffed out smoke rings leisurely, and he didn't appear to be in a hurry to leave.

About five or six cigarettes, Shen Congwen left the restaurant with his female companion, and when he passed Zhou Yunchen's car, he glanced sideways.

Zhou Yunchen was still smoking, and his posture was extremely good-looking.

Shen Congwen opened the door of his car to let his female companion get in the car, and then got into the car himself.Before starting the car, he couldn't help but look sideways at Zhou Yunchen.

The other party was still smoking slowly there, as if he didn't notice anything.

He lowered his gaze, started the car and left... He sent his girlfriend home and drove home by himself.

When the car stopped and the seat belt was unbuckled, he still took out his phone and looked at it.

No phone calls, not a single WeChat message.

Shen Congwen watched quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly opened the car door and walked into the elevator...

For the next few days, he had no news of Zhou Quchen, nor did he go to look for him alone.

Later, they will inevitably meet each other on certain occasions, and both parties call each other very politely——

Mr. Zhou!

Vice President Shen!

Like, it was just casual acquaintance!

They were separated, and Gu Anxi and Chen Ming became acquainted. Occasionally, Chen Ming would ask Gu Anxi to go to the shooting range together, but he was still a little worried, after all, Gu Anxi had a boyfriend.

Bo Xichen didn't care too much, sometimes he came to pick up Gu Anxi from the hospital when they were finished, and occasionally the three of them had dinner together, slowly, Chen Ming felt relieved...

On this day, Mr. Lin invited the respected elders for a short vacation. Both Chen Ming and Gu Anxi went to play golf with the elders.

Mr. Lin swung his cue and smiled for a while: "Chen Ming, you look a little thoughtful today."

Chen Ming smiled wryly, "Elder Lin saw this too."

After a pause, "It was hard to find the clues of 'Infinity' before, but recently he seems to have disappeared." Lin Lao smiled meaningfully: "The International Falcons have no clues, don't put too much pressure on you .”

With a light swing: "After a long time, the fox can't always hide its tail."

Chen Ming respectfully said yes.

When they were talking, Gu Anxi was listening. Elder Lin handed over the cue to someone else, and said to Gu Anxi with a smile: "This infinite is very bad, the number one executor of Diablo."

Gu Anxi;...

After a while, she scratched her head: "What bad things has she done?"

Chen Ming said in a deep voice: "His existence is itself a public threat!"

Gu Anxi laughed dryly: "That's it!"

Chen Ming's expression softened, "I will be arrested one day."

Gu Anxi was quite speechless.

When she returned to Siyuan, she was a little dazed, lying on Bo Xichen's back.

"What's wrong?" Bo Xichen smiled and asked the little girl behind him.

Gu Anxi put his arms around his neck, looking sullen: "Uncle, if you want to arrest me, many people will arrest me."

He smiled: "Then will you be caught?"

"Of course not." She said very little, "They just don't have that ability."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to grab the little girl behind him, "What about me? Didn't I catch you?"

The little creamer leaned against his heart and said softly, "Uncle is the best!"

He smiled softly and stroked her hair, as if comforting a kitten.

The small creamer is very useful...

Just when it was useful, a low and hoarse voice came from above: "It's getting late."

She groaned, didn't move, and played with his buttons with her little hands.

He smiled and leaned towards her tenderly...

The next day, Gu Anxi went to Beicheng University with a panda eye, and found that Chu Yan had returned.

She hooked Chu Yan's shoulder: "Are you finally willing to come back?"

Chu Yan groaned: "I missed you, so I'm back."

Gu Anxi looked at her, "Stop coming!"

She doesn't believe it!

Chu Yan acted coquettishly and praised her for a while, Rainbow farted a lot, and Gu Anxi reluctantly forgave her.

At noon, they joined Wang Qin and Fang Ming. After eating, Fang Ming took Wang Qin to the grove, while Gu Anxi and Chu Yan walked slowly behind.

Chu Yan was not at Beicheng University for a while, and she was completely shocked to see Fang Ming and Wang Qin's well-being.

Gu Anxi pulled her to sit on the bench to bask in the sun, and Chu Yan peeked at the movement on the other side from time to time.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Hasn't Chu Ci taught you?"

Chu Yan stared at her, not understanding what she meant.

Gu Anxi just smiled and didn't say anything... When necessary, Chu Ci will confess his love naturally.

After staying quietly for a while, she said, "I'm going to dub with Chu Ci in July."

The Chinese is her and Chu Ci. In the original text, Disney invited the uncle, and the next one is really busy.

After hearing this, Chu Yan let out an ooh.

Gu Anxi looked at her, then couldn't help touching her hair, "Yanyan, what's wrong?"

Chu Yan pursed her lips, and suddenly said, "Anxi, I... am not a child of the Chu family."

(End of this chapter)

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