Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 474 You are afraid of hurting her, so aren't you afraid of hurting me?

Chapter 474 You are afraid of hurting her, so aren't you afraid of hurting me?

Gu Anxi was a little surprised, and then smiled lightly: "How do you know?"

Chu Yan lowered her head, "I heard Mom and Dad were arguing."

She lay on the bench: "Anxi, do you know that not only am I not their child, I'm still..."

The woman who gave birth to her had hurt her mother, or should be said to be Chu Ci's mother.

"I only now know why my mother has always been lukewarm to me." Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "If it were me, I wouldn't be able to be so generous."

Gu Anxi actually knew something, but not that much.She accompanied her quietly, and after a while Chu Yan said: "Anxi, I want to move out."

Gu Anxi was taken aback for a moment: "Move out?"

Chu Yan's eyes were a little dazed: "Yes, move out."I... don't want to embarrass Chu Ci. '

In fact, it's not her brother, she only knows now.

Although she was young, when she heard her parents quarreling and her mother uttering those words in such a sharp voice, she finally understood her position in the Chu family and understood how her brother treated her. Bitterly understand... what is impossible!

After hearing her finish, Gu Anxi reached out to touch her little head again: "What did Chu Ci say?"

"I didn't tell him. He doesn't know that I know the truth." Chu Yan looked at the sky, and after a while, said in a low voice, "Anxi, don't tell him either."

Gu Anxi said yes.

Chu Yan probably didn't sleep well, her eyes were a little swollen, and she fell asleep by Gu Anxi's hand after a while.

Gu Anxi watched quietly, sighed, stroked her little head with one hand, and sent a message to Chu Ci with one hand: "Chu Yan knows her background."

She didn't say anything else.Chu Ci is an adult, very mature, just let him handle it.

She has known Chu Ci for several years, and she has seen how he dotes on this younger sister...

After sending the message, she threw the phone aside and basked in the sun quietly.

About 10 minutes later, Chu Ci texted back: "How is she?"

Gu Anxi stared at it for a long time before slowly handwriting a few words: Wait for her to tell you.

Chu Ci didn't send any more messages!

Chu Yan had a good night's sleep, and she seemed to be back to normal after waking up... Gu Anxi didn't ask.

When school was over, a very cool sports car was parked at the gate of Beicheng University.

Chu Yan followed Gu Anxi out, her eyes froze, and then she looked at Gu Anxi.

"I asked him to pick you up. If you have something to say, talk about it." Gu Anxi patted her on the shoulder: "Think about it, your parents who have raised you for 20 years, are you really willing?"

Chu Yan's eyes were red, and she nodded after a long time: "I know." '

At this moment, the door of the sports car came down, revealing Chu Ci's handsome face, which made everyone angry. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "Get in the car."

Chu Yan moved over slowly, opened the car silently and sat beside him.

Chu Ci put on the sunglasses directly, the window was raised, and the expensive sports car started immediately.

At the gate of Beicheng University, a large group of girls screamed wildly——



Gu Anxi put his hands in his pockets, looked at it silently for a while, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

When the other side answered, she said softly, "Chu Changhe, if Chu Yan wants to move out, let her move out."

The people over there were surprised and shocked, and they didn't say anything for a long time...

In the sports car on the other side, the atmosphere was a little dignified.

Chu Yan hugged the small backpack, shrunk into a small ball, and kept silent.

Her eyes are a little red.

Chu Ci focused on driving without speaking.

After a long time, Chu Ci's car stopped in front of a villa, which was the villa where he lived.

Chu Yan opened her eyes wide and whispered, "Why are you here?"

Chu Ci lowered the car window, lit a cigarette, "Don't you want to live at home?"

Chu Yan's heart beat a little faster, and she looked sideways at him.

Chu Ci quietly finished smoking a cigarette before saying, "You should stay here first." After speaking, he looked like he was going to get out of the car.

Chu Yan immediately took his hand, "Brother."

He turned his head slightly, and said slowly, "Do you still call me brother? I knew all about it."

Chu Yan's lips trembled slightly, but she couldn't say a word.

Chu Ci sat back again, leaned on the back of the chair, and slightly closed her eyes: "After so many years, I thought you would grow up and understand."

Compared to his calmness, Chu Yan was obviously not calm. She pressed her lips tightly, and it took a long time for her to speak in a low voice: "Actually, I don't understand."

She said word by word: "If I hadn't heard it, you wouldn't have told me in this lifetime. We'll be like this for the rest of our lives."

Chu Ci slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes that were always pampered were a little sharp at this moment, "Now, you don't know now, so how did you choose?"

Chu Yan lowered her eyes, "I don't know."

Chu Ci's voice was somewhat cruel: "No, you know... What you choose is to give up! Don't want this family, and don't want me, right?"

"I didn't!" Chu Yan denied it.

Chu Ci watched her quietly, did not speak, but was still smoking.

Chu Yan had never seen him like this before, she was a little scared, and shrank even smaller.

After Chu Ci finished smoking a cigarette, she quietly said, "What about now? What do you think now?"

Chu Yan's pupils dilated, and it took him a long time to close them: "I don't know."

"I don't know, or haven't thought about it?" He said in a hoarse voice, with some shyness.

Chu Yan hugged her knees, with water in her eyes, a little timid.

One day's effort was too much for her.

She wanted to pretend nothing happened, but when she saw Fang Ming and Wang Qin together, she thought of Chu Ci.

There is no way they can ever be the same again.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice: "It will break my mother's heart."

Chu Ci's voice was suppressed: "Very good, then you are not afraid of breaking my heart?"

She didn't have time to answer, and her mind went blank.

Chu Ci said again, "Have you already made up your mind?"

Chu Yan didn't make a sound, she lowered her head and was at a loss.

Chu Ci looked at her quietly for a while, then reached out to unbuckle her seat belt. He had done this action countless times, but this time, Chu Yan seemed to be startled, and moved her body...

His hands stopped, and he looked up at her.

After a while, he withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and said lightly: "Stay here first, as for other things, we will talk about it later."

He got out of the car and opened the door for her.

Chu Yan got out of the car and looked at him.

He didn't seem to have any intention of entering the villa, he kept the handwritten note in his pocket and watched him silently.

Chu Yan wanted to go forward, but she stopped again.

Chu Ci still went around to the other side, opened the car door and wanted to get in the car, Chu Yan didn't know where the courage came from, ran over and reached out to grab the corner of his clothes: "Chu Ci."

She never, very rarely called his name.

(End of this chapter)

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