Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 476 Unlimited appearance, a big event happened in Beicheng!

Chapter 476 Unlimited appearance, a big event happened in Beicheng!

The next day, when Chu Ci sent Chu Yan to school, the car stopped and saw Gu Anxi.

Chu Ci got out of the car and opened the door for Chu Yan. Chu Yan looked listless with her head down.

Chu Ci looked at Gu Anxi: "I'll pick her up after school."

Gu Anxi nodded.

She understood that Chu Ci asked her to watch Chu Yan, fearing that she would run away.She also roughly guessed the result in her heart, so she didn't say anything... It's just that she always felt a little pity.

She knew that Chu Ci liked Chu Yan for many years——

Because of Chu Yan, she gave up inheriting the head of the Chu family, because of Chu Yan, she did not hesitate to break her mother's heart, because of Chu Yan, she decided not to marry...

But Chu Ci did so much, Chu Yan may not fully understand it!

Gu Anxi's heart was heavy, until she handed Chu Yan to Chu Ci after school, and she drove back to Siyuan by herself.

Bo Xichen had already returned, and it seemed that he had been back for a while. He changed into a set of casual clothes and was flipping through magazines.

He heard footsteps, turned his head, "Are you back?"

After taking a closer look, he smiled: "Why do you look unhappy, who bullied you?"

Gu Anxi went directly to hug him, buried her small face in his heart, and said sullenly: "No one can bully me, except uncle."

He was a little dumbfounded by her words, "Why did I bully you?"

"You always make me cry." She whispered, and hugged him tightly.

Bo Xichen just smiled and reached out to pat her on the back.

After hugging quietly for a while, she moved her chin to his shoulder, and said softly: "Yanyan knows her life experience, she and Chuci... Uncle, after you know that I am infinite, have you not wavered? "

She wrinkled her little nose, and said softly: "Aren't you afraid of those who spread the blood and blood of me outside?"

Bo Xichen pinched her face: "Didn't you just say that I always make you cry?"

Ever since he knew her, she had been a very powerful and fierce little girl, but he still liked it... It was just that he didn't expect that she would become such a little creampie after a long time.

As he said this, Gu Anxi blushed a little, "Shameless."

She lay on his shoulder, listening to him speak slowly: "Anxi, men are different from women. If he wants something very much, he will do whatever it takes to get it."

She wrinkled her little nose: "But you are not such an impulsive person."

He smiled, a slightly erratic smile, and scratched her little nose for a long time, "It depends on who you meet."

The little milk is meticulously sweet and satisfying.

Just when the two were entangled, Bo Xichen's cell phone rang, and he picked it up. After a while, he looked at Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi also looked at him with bright eyes.

Putting down the phone, Bo Xichen said, "It's Wang Jingyao's call. They said that 'Wu Wu' stole the information of important people in France, and now he wants me to cooperate in arresting Wu Wu."

When Gu Anxi heard this, he moved his small body.

Bo Xichen stretched out his hand and pulled her over, "Did you do it?"

"Yes." Gu Anxi said confidently.

Bo Xichen stared at her.

She lowered her arrogance, and replied honestly: "It's a commercial task, and the commission is very high."

Bo Xichen didn't make a sound, she whispered: "Uncle, I know you don't want me to go, but my identity hasn't been exposed, and Diablo and I haven't broken faces! No matter what the reason is, I have to go!"

Now is not the time to tear your face apart.

Bo Xichen didn't know what to say.

His eyes were very warm, and finally, he kissed her forehead and his voice was very hoarse: "Be good at home, I'll go."

Gu Anxi let out an oh, and unpacked a pack of snacks cross-legged.

He pinched her little cheek again: "Eat first."

She hugged his arm, "Aren't you going to eat before leaving?"

"It's too late, I'm waiting over there." After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry.

Half an hour later, Bo Xichen's car drove to a certain security center. All the big figures in Beicheng were there, even Mr. Lin was alarmed. Wang Jingyao had a very ugly face and was presiding over the meeting.

Bo Xichen hurried over and sat next to Mr. Lin.

Elder Lin glanced at him and said nothing.

Seeing him, Wang Jingyao's expression turned slightly better, "Xichen, you look at the information, you have to use your Fengxi to check if you can trace Infinity's whereabouts."

He clenched his fist and knocked on the table, gnashing his teeth in it: "This is too arrogant. This is Beicheng, and such arrogance of criminals cannot be tolerated."

With a big wave of his hand, "We must take down this bastard this time."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly, and opened the information and video provided by the hotel where the French stayed——

The picture is a bit blurry, but it can still be seen that a white figure entered from the outer wall of the hotel on the 2th floor, and then turned out after about [-] minutes...

"No more?" Bo Xichen raised his eyes, "That's all?"

There was no sound at the scene.

Wang Jingyao said, "Do you think this bastard has eight legs and can climb rocks and walls?"

He smoked a cigarette: "With such a person in Beicheng, there is always a little more threat, so who else would dare to invest in Beicheng?"

He couldn't wait any longer: "Xichen, use Fengxi to find out if this infinite is still in Beicheng."

Bo Xichen smiled and pressed the watch.

Fengxi's emotionless voice came out——

[Infinity is still in Beicheng. 】

[Unlimited good bull fork. 】

[Infinity is amazing! 】

[Scared, trembled! 】

【Infinity is most afraid of Bo Xichen...】

The originally serious conference center was silent.

Everyone was stunned, and Wang Jingyao was even more surprised that the cigarette butt burned his fingers before returning to his senses.

It was Elder Lin who spoke, "Xi Chen, is your system having a convulsion?"

Bo Xichen calmly turned off Fengxi, "Maybe Anxi adjusted the system."

Elder Lin laughed: "That kid is just naughty."

Wang Jingyao glanced at Bo Xichen, and then said: "There is another way, this infinite is turned in from the outside, as long as there are real-time pictures of various traffic, the whereabouts of infinite can also be found."

Chen Ming answered at this time: "But that day, all the real-time recordings in Beicheng were erased."

Bo Xichen lit a cigarette: "So there's nothing we can do about him?"

Chen Ming's voice was slightly soft: "There is a person who may have a way."

Bo Xichen looked at him.

At this time, Chen Ming spit out a few words softly: "Hacker king."

Bo Xichen choked, "Him?"

"Yes, only the top positions in the hacker world can find the lost files." Chen Ming said slowly, "We have already obtained the basic information of the hacker KING."

Bo Xichen coughed again: "Really?"

Chen Ming said calmly: "It was once when she accidentally left her ID when shopping online, and she bought a men's shirt, um, it was the same brand and style as the one on Professor Bo's, and it was from a certain place in Europe. Brand, starting at [-] per piece, quite tasteful."

(End of this chapter)

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