Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 477 WOC!I sent it and checked it!

Chapter 477 WOC!I sent it and checked it!

Bo Xichen lowered his head, looked at the piece on his body, and said softly, "Oh, Anxi bought this piece for me."

It was very quiet in the conference room.

Wang Jingyao's voice was also very soft: "Since this is the case, let Ms. KING come over and help solve this major international case!"

It was still quiet all around.

Bo Xichen stared at Wang Jingyao for a few seconds, then turned on Feng Xi: "Tell Anxi to the Beicheng Security Center."

Fengxi’s voice is cheerful——

【I'll call Bo Xichen's little baby over right away. 】

【Bo Xichen's baby is going to be in trouble! 】


At the scene, there was another burst of indescribable speech.

Wang Jingyao coughed lightly: "Is this thing useful?"

Feng Xi closed herself with a beep in anger.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "It's okay. '

"Will there be too many personal emotions? Although it is not human." Wang Jingyao was worried.

The people at the scene also thought it was true, but in their hearts, everyone thought in unison that Professor Bo's private life is really unexpected and wonderful!

It looks rigid, but it is really passionate in private.

Bo Xichen just smiled, extremely calm.

Only Bo Jingshen's gaze was slightly deeper, and he didn't make a sound for a long time——

In a slightly silent atmosphere, Gu Anxi came over.

At night, she was wearing a set of black casual clothes and a hooded sweater hat. She was thin and had a slender look that was rarely seen on nights like this.

As soon as she came, Wang Jingyao lit a cigarette and looked at her.

Gu Anxi sat down and said softly, "1000 million."

Wang Jingyao sneered: "You still have the nerve to ask for money?"

When the hacker was picked out, shouldn't he plead guilty and reform himself? Why is she so arrogant? Do you really think he can't bear to deal with her?

Gu Anxi said in a low voice, "Isn't it normal for me to get some labor wages for my work?"

Wang Jingyao winked at Chen Ming, and Chen Ming said in a deep voice: "The person we are looking for this time is Wu Wu, who has stolen a very important document. That document is very important to the French."

"No backup?" Gu Anxi opened a lollipop, it was so sweet.

Bo Xichen couldn't see it anymore, "What I'm looking for now is infinity!"

Gu Anxi's eyes met his, and he said, "Just leave it to my uncle, this is not my specialty."

Bo Xichen was furious over it.

This little bastard!

She went around for a long time, but couldn't get to the point. In the end, Chen Ming simply pointed out the scene of the day when she was asked to restore the transportation system.

Gu Anxi smiled: "No problem, 1000 million."

Chen Ming looked at Wang Jingyao——

Alright, back to the topic again.

Wang Jingyao bit his fist angrily, and told the secretary-general: "Write a check."

He couldn't help but said again: "What do you want so much money for?"

Gu Anxi said slowly: "Save the dowry, there is no other way, and I don't have a good brother. All I meet are stingy people. If I don't work hard, I will be looked down upon by my husband's family in the future."

Wang Jingyao became even angrier, then looked at Bo Xichen, and said sympathetically, "Xichen, life is hard, right?"

Bo Xichen let out a long breath: "It's okay."

Wang Jingyao coughed lightly: "The world is not worth it!"

Gu Anxi ignored him, and tapped the keyboard quickly with his long and slender fingers, and the data on the screen flew by... Wang Jingyao became uncomfortable, and coughed lightly: "Can you break into any network?"

"Almost!" Gu Anxi's expression was indifferent.

There was another silence at the scene.

About an hour later, Gu Anxi said quietly: "Okay, everything is fixed."

Chen Ming immediately went to check the screen, and the screen that Gu Anxi had edited was indeed much clearer.

But Unlimited's skill is super fast, especially when he jumped into the hotel window, the posture of drawing the gun is really beautiful.

Nothing else.

Even if all the screens are called out, it is impossible to find where she came from and where she went.

Chen Ming frowned: "Strange."

Wang Jingyao looked at Bo Xichen: "Xichen, what do you think?" '

Bo Xichen said softly, "Helicopter. He should have come by helicopter and escaped by helicopter."

Wang Jingyao knocked on the table, "Too arrogant!"

What a bastard, he's so rich! ! !

Gu Anxi yawned: "I'm so tired, I'm going home first."

She looked at Bo Xichen with bright eyes, "Uncle, are you going?"

Bo Xichen smiled wryly: "I'll wait a little longer."

Wang Jingyao smoked a cigarette and made up his mind: "Jing Chuan, take her to the lounge beside her to rest."

The Secretary General nodded slightly.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of light and crisp footsteps, and then a red figure appeared in the conference center.

A beautiful French woman.

She walked up to Wang Jingyao, "Mr. Wang, I am the French person in charge of investigating this incident. My name is Anna."

Wang Jingyao was very enthusiastic: "Miss Anna, we are discussing this matter."

He sat down, winked at Chen Ming, and asked Chen Ming to tell her.

Chen Ming scratched his head: "I don't know French."

Wang Jingyao looked at Bo Xichen again, "Xichen, tell her about it."

Bo Xichen said it in French, that sister Anna was very dissatisfied, and felt that they were incompetent, so she insisted on investigating by herself.

But when she sat in front of the computer and tried to open those screens, there were only a few Chinese characters floating on the screen——

1000 million, one hour.

Anna froze.

Wang Jingyao looked at Gu Anxi who hadn't left yet.

Gu Anxi yawned: "That's it, you thought you bought the permanent viewing right?"

Really, everyone said it was a hacker, of course it was black.

Wang Jingyao smiled angrily: "Little bastard, come here."

Gu Anxi was not afraid of him, "I'm sleepy, uncle...I'm going to sleep first!"

The people at the scene kept quiet, for fear that Mr. Wang would be furious.

But Wang Jingyao didn't get angry... He even looked at Bo Xichen and said, "Okay, okay, you can take her back, so you don't have to make trouble here."

At the scene, there was another surprise.

Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi away, Wang Jingyao's eyes fell behind them for a while, and then turned to look at Miss Anna: "We will still investigate this matter internally."

Mrs. An frowned: "Why did you let Mr. Bo leave, he is an expert in the international team."

Wang Jingyao lit a cigarette and said slowly, "He wants to accompany the child."

Anna doesn't understand Chinese culture, but the other veterans understood it and coughed lightly.

Wang Jingyao was quite forceful, "Okay, this is the end of the meeting, Jing Chuan, you arrange this Miss Anna."

The secretary-general said yes, but that Anna was dissatisfied: "Why did I come, the meeting is over."

Wang Jingyao said in a cold voice, "It's up to me whether this is Beicheng."

Anna narrowed her eyes: "But the interests of our French people have been damaged!"

Wang Jingyao sneered: "Who can see whether Wu Zong has yellow hair or black hair, or blue eyes? The most damaged right now is our North City."

Sitting in this position, he naturally wouldn't be easily coerced by a woman, and dismissed in a few words.

When the people dispersed, Wang Jingyao sat in the car and smoked.

The Secretary-General said softly: "Mr. Wang, are you..."

Wang Jingyao looked sideways at his confidant: "Have you seen Gu Anxi shoot?"

The Secretary-General smiled: "Of course I have seen it, the gun really makes the clouds flow, the average person..."

Wang Jingyao looked at him.

That gaze made the Secretary-General a little bit speechless, and he looked back straight at the past...

(End of this chapter)

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