Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 478 Air Explosion!It turned out to be this little bastard!

Chapter 478 Air Explosion!It turned out to be this little bastard!

"These words are not allowed to be known to the second person." Wang Jingyao's voice was as deep as water.

After all, the Secretary-General is his confidant, the kind who knows what he wants, so he calmly said, "If that's the case, Mr. Wang..."

Wang Jingyao said coldly: "What can I do? What do you think I can do with that little bastard?"

The secretary-general fell silent, knowing that his boss was in a bad mood.

It must be a bad feeling to be in this position, not to mention that Mr. Wang has almost no weaknesses in these years, and Mr. Wang has already made it difficult for this person to come here.

Wang Jingyao got angry, felt better, and closed his eyes, "Don't let that little bastard appear in front of me these days."

Although that Anna was dismissed today, she will not give up easily.

That contract is confidential and its value cannot be estimated.

Moreover, it is not known what is hidden inside.

After Wang Jingyao finished speaking, he stopped talking and went back to the office in the car.

Working overtime late at night was quite normal for a man of his stature.

After sitting down, the little secretary at the door sent a document: "The document arrived at night."

The secretary-general said, "Why are you so careless!"

The little secretary fell silent.

Wang Jingyao was in a bad mood, so he said softly, "Take it here."

The secretary-general immediately took the things over, handed them to Wang Jingyao, and asked the little secretary to leave first.

Wang Jingyao took the things apart without paying too much attention, and then his eyes froze slightly.

The documents inside are in French, which he doesn't know very well, but the secretary-general can, and at a glance——

Completely stunned! ! !

It turned out to be the document that the Frenchman lost.

This is a copy!

The secretary-general translated with a trembling voice, and then looked at his master.

Wang Jingyao lit a cigarette and raised his eyes, "What do you think it means to send me something?"

The Secretary-General whispered: "Naturally, it is what the heart wants."

"To the fart!" Wang Jingyao said in a cold voice, "This is obviously dragging me into the water!"

He sneered and said, "I said she was so kind and came here as soon as she yelled, and even pretended to check it together. She earned the money, and I have to bear the blame with her."

The secretary-general is also a smart person, and he figured it out as soon as he heard it.

Then, there was also silence for a while.

Wang Jingyao said in a cold voice again: "Or with her ghostly spirit, can I find a flaw?"

The Secretary-General's voice trembled: "Miss Gu is sure of you."

"Catch her right away." Wang Jingyao slapped the table and stood up with an angry look on his face.

The secretary-general didn't move, and his voice became even angrier: "I asked you to catch her!"

Only then did the secretary-general move: "Really? Then I will gather people. According to her skills, she may have to bring [-] elites there."

After speaking, go to the door.

Wang Jingyao stopped him: "Wait a minute."

The secretary stopped.

Wang Jingyao pondered for a moment, "Forget it, it's getting late."

The Secretary-General accepted it when he saw it, and came over and whispered: "Look, this document was sent to us, and Miss Gu also regarded you as her own brother. Besides, if she really did something to her, what would happen to the other side of the Bo family?" ? And what about the old man and the old lady?"

Wang Jingyao snorted coldly, "She is clearly threatening me! She has eaten the guts of a leopard."

The secretary-general coaxed him from the sidelines, finally persuading him.

But, the big shot is so angry!

Didn't sleep all night.

There was a stalemate in this matter, and Wang Jingyao handed it over to Chen Ming, and dealt with that Anna by the way.

But I am angry, but that document is still well studied, and it is indeed very valuable...

He was so angry here, but Gu Anxi seemed like nothing happened.

On this day, Bo Xichen had a document to be signed by Wang Jingyao, and he happened to have no time so he asked Gu Anxi to do it for him.

Gu Anxi always felt that his uncle was too generous and was very dissatisfied, so he kept his mouth shut when he left.

Bo Xichen knew what she was thinking, so he smiled and got busy with his own affairs.

Gu Anxi made a grimace, ran downstairs and drove to Wang Jingyao's office. Most of the people here knew her, and by default they thought she was a celebrity around Mr. Wang.

When the Secretary-General saw her, a smile appeared on his face: "Miss Gu is here."

"Well, make a stamp for my uncle." Gu Anxi raised the document bag in his hand before going in, but was stopped by the secretary general...

 good morning duck~~



(End of this chapter)

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