Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 479 Provocation!The atmosphere inside is good

Chapter 479 Provocation!The atmosphere inside is good

The Secretary-General smiled very gently: "Of course you are happy to come to Mr. Wang, but you see, Mr. Wang treats you so well, you should treat him better as appropriate, don't be so angry with him."

Gu Anxi blinked.

The secretary-general reassuredly raised the point once again: "Just in front of Mr. Wang, try not to mention Dr. Bo too much. If you really want to mention it, Dr. Bo will be the one.'s too intimate, I'm afraid Mr. Wang won't be able to bear it. "

Gu Anxi had a strange expression on his face: "I also call him Uncle Wang, and he is quite close."

Secretary Wang pissed in fright, "It's absolutely impossible."

Gu Anxi patted him on the shoulder very much: "Don't worry, your master's psychological endurance is not so bad. In fact, he likes others to bully him, maybe he can't enjoy it normally."

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and went in, leaving Secretary-General Wang petrified there...

Mr. Wang has such a hobby.

In the office, Wang Jingyao was looking down at the official document, looking not in a good mood.

Gu Anxi went over and put the document in front of him: "Sign it."

He didn't raise his eyes, his voice was quiet, "Is this the attitude?"

"Uncle Wang, what kind of attitude do you want?" She turned her face closer, "I signed it, and I have to go back to eat."

Wang Jingyao put down the pen in his hand heavily, squinted at the little girl in front of him, and sneered: "You have caused such a big disaster, and you still have to pretend to be stupid?"

"What?" She blinked.

Wang Jingyao didn't know when there was an extra gun in his hand, so he raised it up suddenly and pinned the trigger with his finger.

In an instant, the gun in his hand was kicked aside at an incredible speed.

He was still sitting, but his hands were slowly put down.

His eyes are cold.

Gu Anxi rubbed his nose, "Oh, what kind of game is this?"

A cup in Wang Jingyao's hand flew out and smashed straight towards Gu Anxi's face.

Gu Anxi dodged lightly, dodging easily, and she shouted: "Don't go too far?"

As he said that, he held an extra gun in his hand and pressed it against Wang Jingyao's forehead.

The secretary-general outside heard the sound inside and pushed the door open.

Seeing the situation inside, he took a deep breath.

Gu Anxi actually pointed a gun at Mr. Wang, he really didn't want to kill him... What if it goes off?

At this time, a group of people came behind him, and their footsteps were hurried.

Wang Jingyao narrowed his eyes, "Go out."

The secretary-general hesitated to speak, and he emphasized again: "Get out."

The secretary-general closed the door, turned his head to those who were chasing him, and said, "The atmosphere inside is good. Mr. Wang is talking about business, let's leave!"

Those people were skeptical, but they still dispersed.

In the office, Wang Jingyao was furious, "You really dare."

Gu Anxi put the gun away, and honestly put it on the table in front of him: "How dare I, it's obvious that you did it first."

Wang Jingyao just stared at her, humming angrily: "Should I call you Dr. Gu or Infinity now?"

"Anything is fine! As long as my brother is happy." Gu Anxi jumped on the table, and the rainbow fart floated up.

Wang Jingyao sneered: "Brother? You still have my brother in your heart? If you regarded me as your brother, you wouldn't do such a big thing under my nose. Do you know who that Frenchman is?"

"I know." Gu Anxi played with the gun and said indifferently: "What they do may not necessarily be beneficial to you, is it?"

This is true.

The person the French contacted was Wang Jingyao's mortal enemy.

If it succeeds, it will be a mess.

However, Wang Jingyao snorted again: "Don't think that I can let you go."

Gu Anxi yelled, "I've been talking for a long time, but I haven't signed it yet. Sign it soon."

"No." Wang Jingyao snorted softly, ignoring her.

Gu Anxi went over and pressed his hand: "Being an older brother is more generous."

He laughed angrily: "What a big deal!"

Infinity... how many people want to catch her?The number one executor of the darkness has made many powerful people frightened and gritted their teeth with hatred.

She just said lightly, she really decided to eat him.

Gu Anxi looked at him: "Really not to sign?"

Wang Jingyao snorted coldly: "Of course it's true."

Gu Anxi put the document away, "Okay, if you don't sign it, you won't sign it. I'm just hungry, so I'll go to the old lady's place for a meal."

"Are you going to talk nonsense?" Wang Jingyao was half dead with anger.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Brother, I will stop talking nonsense after you sign it."

He stared at her fiercely.

Whenever he showed such an expression, none of his subordinates were not afraid of him.

But this little bastard is not afraid, and he still wants to fight against him.

He still stared at her, but took the document in his hand, and signed it without looking at it, "I'll eat here in a while."

Gu Anxi was going to refuse, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

He sneered again: "Isn't it because I have done something wrong for being so straightforward!"

Gu Anxi praised him for a while, coaxing him to be happy, and later went to the small dining room together for dinner.

Almost all of those who can dine here are Wang Jingyao's confidantes, and they all know their relationship tacitly, but they dare not talk nonsense outside.

While eating, an unexpected person came to the office.

It's not someone else, Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu sent invitations here. Originally, an assistant or something would do for this kind of thing, but she insisted on sending them by herself, and it was with good intentions.

Wang Jingchuan received her, and accepted the invitation very politely: "As for whether to go or not, Mr. Wang has to make a decision."

Gu Mingzhu bit her lower lip, and said softly, "Can I see Mr. Wang?"

The secretary-general smiled faintly: "Mr. Wang is dining, so it may be inconvenient to see guests."

Gu Mingzhu was a little disappointed, "Well, I'll go first..."

Just as she was about to leave, she saw a person coming down from upstairs, Gu Mingzhu thought she was dazzled.

Because it was no one else, it was Gu Anxi.

He clenched his fingers quietly, why did Gu Anxi get here?

Gu Anxi also saw Gu Mingzhu, did not speak to her, only nodded with the Secretary-General and left.

When she got in the car and left, Gu Mingzhu couldn't help asking: "Why did she come here?"

The Secretary-General sneered in his heart, but his face was still calm and calm: "Miss Gu is here to deliver a document."

Gu Mingzhu heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, there is still some unwillingness to give up.

The secretary-general sighed softly: "Mr. Wang is not in a good mood, Miss Mingzhu should not hit the muzzle of the gun."

Gu Mingzhu opened her eyes wide: "Why is Mr. Wang in a bad mood? Is it because of Gu Anxi?"

The secretary-general smiled, "Almost, anyway, Mr. Wang has been annoyed by Gu Anxi recently, and he gets angry when he sees her!"

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

Mr. Wang was indeed very angry, and the gun was loaded.

(End of this chapter)

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