Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 481 Encountering an old friend!

Chapter 481 Encountering an old friend!

Gu Yuanshan was silent.

The Secretary-General smiled: "It's not a bad thing either! It's just that you have to stand firm, brother, and Mr. Wang hates others to deceive him the most."

Gu Yuanshan sweated again on his back.

At this moment, the Secretary-General saw that he was almost roasted, so he said softly: "I called you here today, but I actually wanted to tell you about Miss Mingzhu's birthday. Mr. Wang will go."

Gu Yuanshan was both surprised and delighted.

The secretary-general politely said a lot of ambiguous words, which made Gu Yuanshan feel that Gu Mingzhu had the hope of flying to the branches... Now, he went back and held the birthday party in a grand and grand manner.

Everything is the best, no matter how extravagant it is!

Gu Mingzhu was also in the limelight in Beicheng for a while, and her legends were everywhere——

However, Gu Anxi has always looked down on the members of the Gu family in Beicheng. She is still busy with her own affairs and talking about her uncle's love, except for being called over by the elder brother to lecture her from time to time. It is probably because of what she has done Things that upset him.

The matter of Mr. Wang's lecture was still spread, and Gu Mingzhu felt even more proud, thinking that Gu Anxi was too high-profile to be disliked by Mr. Wang.

In fact, she doesn't really want to see Gu Anxi, but she wants Gu Anxi to see what a real celebrity treatment in Beicheng is. Then Mr. Wang will come to her birthday party again——

Gu Anxi, you will be envious!

The invitation to the Bo family was sent by Tang Yuan herself. She and Mrs. Bo had some estrangement before, but now they are softening their heads. After all, there will be many opportunities to get along in the future.

When Mrs. Bo was entertaining her, it happened that Gu Anxi came back from the outside and yelled, "Mom Bo, my car broke down. Would you like to send me to school?"

After the words fell, I saw Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan was also stunned.

Mrs. Bo smiled and said, "I'm entertaining guests. Let's see if your second uncle or Bo Jin's mother has time to see you off."

Gu Anxi snorted.

But Tang Yuan said: "I have also delivered the invitation card, so why don't I send it to Anxi."

Mrs. Bo did not expect Tang Yuan to be so generous, but she is a very smart person, so she can figure it out when she thinks about it.

Recently, Tang Yuan actually moved her mind to send Gu Mingzhu to Wang Jingyao's side. After several times, she felt a little confident that people in high places would show an attitude of being close to the people. Tang Yuan probably had the same thoughts at the moment.

Mrs. Bo didn't express her position, and it was fine for Gu Anxi to decide for herself.

Gu Anxi was a little surprised, but quickly agreed: "Then thank you, Mrs. Gu."

Listening to this address, Tang Yuan's beautiful face twisted slightly, but she didn't say anything.

It wasn't until she got in the car that she couldn't help but speak in a very gentle voice: "Anxi, you can actually call me auntie."

Gu Anxi held the seat belt and smiled, "It's better to keep a distance and call Mrs. Gu, it's not good for Mrs. Gu's reputation to be criticized by others."

Tang Yuan was a little disappointed, and said softly, "Anxi, it doesn't matter if you call me auntie when there is no one else."

Gu Anxi tilted his head, his voice became slightly colder: "Is there any difference?"

Tang Yuan drove in silence, and it took a long time before she lowered her voice: "Is your movie being shot?"

Gu Anxi hummed, not interested in talking.

Tang Yuan paused for a moment before speaking: "It will be released in October? It's a bit close to Mingzhu's movie. Do you want to push it back?"

Gu Anxi's voice was lazy: "Go talk to Disney."

Tang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "I heard that you have the right to speak, and they should listen to your opinions."

Gu Anxi felt that it was wrong for her to ride in her car, lowered her head, and played with her fingernails: "Why should I do such a thankless thing?"

Tang Yuan was silent for a while, then whispered: "It's for your sister."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I call you Mrs. Gu, what kind of sister is your daughter?"

Tang Yuan's complexion was not very good, and she suppressed it after a while: "It's fine if you don't want to."

The car stopped at a red light, and she lowered the window, but happened to see the people in the car beside her.


(End of this chapter)

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