Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 482 A small car accident!Tang Yuan chose to protect herself

Chapter 482 A small car accident!Tang Yuan chose to protect herself

Tang Yuan's heart trembled.

When the green light came on, the car became unstable, and she was about to collide with the opposite car. Out of human instinct to protect herself, she made a sharp left turn, exposing Gu Anxi's side to the most dangerous position.

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

With a bang, the two cars collided.

Gu Anxi was dizzy, his forehead was a little hot, and then there was a faint smell of blood.

She reached out to touch it, and it bled.

Tang Yuan was also stunned, the car stopped and looked sideways at Gu Anxi, "Are...are you okay?"

Gu Anxi closed his eyes uncomfortably: "Call for an ambulance."

Tang Yuan frantically looked for her mobile phone, and just as she was about to make a call, the car door on one side was suddenly opened.

A clear and handsome figure appeared, it was fickle.

Boqing unbuttoned the seat belt with one hand, and the voice rang softly in Gu Anxi's ear: "Anxi."

Gu Anxi leaned on the back of the chair uncomfortably, and grabbed his sleeve with one hand after hearing the voice: "Second Uncle..."

"I'll take you to the hospital." With a low voice, she carefully picked her up and tried to make her lie flat...

Tang Yuan was stunned, and subconsciously said, "Call an ambulance."

Boqing ignored her, and put Gu Anxi directly on the back seat of his car, and asked her to lie flat, "Don't move around."

Gu Anxi hummed, put down his hand lightly, and subconsciously called Master.

Pain flickered in her ruthless eyes, and she reached out to touch her face, "Hold on."

There were no other injuries on her body, only her head, and it was estimated that she had a certain degree of concussion.

Bo Qing gently closed the car door, got into the car by herself, and when she was about to start the car, Tang Yuan got out of the car and came over: "Let's go together."

Boqing ignored her and started the car.

Tang Yuan bit her lower lip. When she turned around, another car owner was scolding. She took out money from her wallet and threw it at him. The man scolded, "It's great to be rich?"

But when he saw that it was almost 1 yuan, he smiled.

Tang Yuan got into the car and followed.

Boqing chose the nearest hospital, revealed his identity, and Gu Anxi quickly pushed into the examination room.

When Tang Yuan rushed over, Bo Qing stood in the aisle waiting, with a dark expression on her face.

Tang Yuan walked over slowly, stood beside him and said softly, "I didn't mean to."

He looked at her sideways and said nothing.

Tang Yuan said again: "Are you looking down on me? A woman like me is greedy for vanity and abandons her own flesh and blood. But I'm ruthless. Over the years, I have always..."

"Mrs. Gu, if you have a heart full of thoughts to express, you might as well go back and tell Mr. Gu slowly that I'm not the one you confide in." The fickle voice was so cold that there was no warmth.

Tang Yuan froze, holding her fickle arm: "If you hadn't concealed your identity back then, I wouldn't...wouldn't be with Gu Yuanshan."

Boqing gently shook off her hand: "Respect yourself, Mrs. Gu."

Tang Yuan's body was thrown against the opposite wall, and she froze for a moment.

The fickle voice said quietly: "Inside is the child you gave birth to. Whether you like it or not, she is lying there bleeding, and all of this is thanks to you. At the critical moment of life and death, you choose to hurt her to protect yourself , while she is still lying here bleeding, you choose your private feelings, Tang Yuan, do you have any snacks?"

Tang Yuan's always impeccable appearance was also a little messy at this time. Listening to the flirtatious words, she murmured: "I just like someone, is there something wrong?"

Bo Qing didn't want to talk to her anymore, and he didn't even bother to tell her that he didn't like it.

It just so happened that the doctor inside came out at this time, and Bo Qing immediately greeted him, "How is it?"

The doctor knew him well, and smiled lightly: "Except for a little skin trauma, there is only a slight concussion. If you stay in the hospital for two days, there should be no major problems."

Feeling relieved, Gu Anxi was just pushed out at this time, he stepped forward and bent down, "Anxi."

Gu Anxi closed his eyes, although he was not in a coma, he felt very uncomfortable and couldn't speak a word.Boqing didn't force it, and went to the VIP ward together.

After settling down and putting on a drip, he stayed by her side.

After Tang Yuan was beaten, she walked slowly to the door of the ward——

In the next second, she felt like being shocked by an electric shock.

Looking down at Gu Anxi's eyes with tenderness, it's the way a man looks at a woman!

Tang Yuan leaned against the wall suddenly, her breath was chaotic, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

She thought a lot, but never thought that the man she liked would actually like Anxi... Tang Yuan couldn't bear such a blow, she could accept that he didn't accept her, but...he actually liked Anxi.

Tang Yuan left in a daze...

In the ward, Boqing took the mobile phone, hesitated for a while, but still didn't call first.

About two hours later, Gu Anxi woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Fickleness.

She called Second Uncle in a low voice, and closed her eyes again.

Thinly stretched out his fingers, and gently caressed her forehead...

"Why are you crying?" His voice was hoarse.

Gu Anxi said softly no.

Bo Qing knew it was because of Tang Yuan, because at the critical moment of life and death, Tang Yuan chose to sacrifice Anxi without hesitation.

What kind of cold-blooded instinctive reaction was that?

Gu Anxi closed her eyes and said softly, "Don't tell uncle and mother Bo yet."

Nodding affectionately.

After a while he asked her softly, "Do you want some water?"

Gu Anxi's lips were a little cracked, and he let out a groan.

Boqing got up and poured a glass of warm boiled water, walked back and sat on the bed, helped her up with one hand and leaned on his shoulder. In fact, this gesture was a bit intimate, but Gu Anxi didn't push her away, and leaned against him, drinking in small sips water.

After drinking half a cup, she said no more.

Boqing put the water glass aside, and after a long time, he whispered: "Why don't you avoid it? You can do it."

Gu Anxi didn't speak, but just lay down silently, resting his head on the pillow.

Boqing said again: "Are you deliberately making her feel uncomfortable, or are you embarrassing me?"

Did it make him feel bad?

Make him not willing to let her get hurt, give up all actions and all ambitions?

But when he asked again, Gu Anxi didn't speak, but turned over gently.

Boqing leaned over, and said a few words with her thin lips: "I won't."

She opened her eyes, quietly.

She couldn't see his face, and she didn't know his expression when he said this.

But, it's probably not easy for anyone.

Gu Anxi is not a person who is bored and uncomfortable by himself, since he is uncomfortable, let's get along together.

He is not surprised that she is so cruel.

In terms of cruelty, she is really the best.

Boqing's handsome face is full of depression, but he has nothing to do with her like this.

But she is very capable, and someone like Wang Jingyao actually treats her... even though he knows her identity, he doesn't do anything to her, and loves her as usual.

Boqing got up suddenly and walked to the French window, "I'll call your mother Bo and ask her to take care of you."

(End of this chapter)

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