Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 488 Who is the designer KO?

Chapter 488 Who is the designer KO?

The old man watched them bickering happily, only the old lady sighed secretly: Jingyao seemed really happy, but this kind of happiness seemed to be stolen from the Bo family.

The old lady was sad, and she felt sorry for her son——

The boss is no longer young, and there should be someone with a heart by his side.But now it seems that it is unlikely to find him for the time being, and all his heart is on his little bastard.

Everyone has their own taste for a meal.

Gu Anxi's desire to win was aroused, and he decided to design something well to blind someone's eyes.


Later, the design competition issued by Wang Jingyao's office was also carried out like a fire, and more than 1000 design drafts were received in a week, which made the Secretary-General feel dizzy.

Of course, he is also actively looking for the legendary KO, hoping that he will complete the design this time. After all, there are not many people who can be admired by Mr. Wang.

Just when the Secretary-General was having a headache, he received a call from Italy, saying that he had found the designer. The Secretary-General was overjoyed: "Give me her information, and I will contact her."

The secretary-general received a piece of information very quickly. When he saw the information, the secretary-general was a little surprised.

Gu Mingzhu?

How could it be her?

That building was designed for several years, when she was only 15 years old, right?

With such a genius?

However, the Secretary-General still handed over the information to Wang Jingyao, and Wang Jingyao frowned: "How could it be her?"

The Secretary-General also found it difficult. As Mr. Wang's confidant, he knew very well that Mr. Wang didn't want to see Tang Yuan now, and he had no feelings for Gu Mingzhu.

He looked at his master quietly, waiting for instructions.

Wang Jingyao said, "Make an exception and let her enter the final."

"Then, don't you want to see her alone?" the Secretary-General asked cautiously.

Wang Jingyao smiled very lightly, "What do you see her for? By the way, isn't Lin Hua having a concert? Let her know that I will attend."

The secretary-general was taken aback again, but he soon realized that Mr. Wang was setting off a smoke bomb!

Wang Jingyao raised his eyes, "What are you thinking about!"

Then he sighed: "The old lady said that I should find someone who knows the cold and the hot. I just don't want her old man to worry."

The secretary-general asked softly, "Do you like Ms. Lin Hua?"

The big man leaned on the sofa, his expression a little pale, "I didn't say I liked it or not, we've known each other for many years, don't you hate it!"

In fact, that kind of dignified woman, grabbing a lot, maybe Lin Hua didn't show that kind of inevitability, so he didn't reject her appearing in front of him, and occasionally when he needed a female companion, the first thing he thought of was her. .

The Secretary-General smiled. At Mr. Wang’s position and age, he is less impulsive when he was young. He loves wherever he says love. Looking at Mr. Wang’s attitude, it is just a perfunctory old lady. There is no meaning of settling down. ?

There is one person who wants to settle down, but it's someone else's cub!

The secretary-general went to make arrangements, and Wang Jingyao looked at the design drawings again, and there was really nothing he liked.

On the other side of the Gu family's villa, Tang Yuan walked back and forth, and when she stopped, she said to Gu Mingzhu: "Mingzhu, you must seize the opportunity this time."

Gu Mingzhu looked down at the design drawing on the table.

She knows design, but she did not design the building in Italy a few years ago, and she is not KO.

However, the contractor of that building was someone Tang Yuan knew well. Wang Jingyao's secretary-general was looking for someone.

Gu Mingzhu was still a little uneasy, and said in a small voice, "Mom, I'm worried that things will change."

Tang Yuan reassured: "It will be fine. That KO only designed one building and retired. Who knows who he is? Besides, as long as we can come up with a decent design to satisfy Mr. Wang, there will be no problem. "

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lower lip: "But I'm afraid that my design drawings won't satisfy Mr. Wang."

Tang Yuan smiled: "I have invited a well-known master to guide you, and you will definitely win this competition."

She persuaded again: "Mingzhu, this is an excellent opportunity. Mr. Wang really admires KO very much. Now that he knows your identity, he will be amazed after seeing your design drawings."

After saying these words, the uneasiness in Gu Mingzhu's heart disappeared completely, and she said softly: "The deadline is coming on Thursday, Mom, I will send this picture to Master to modify it!"

Tang Yuan nodded and smiled: "Okay! But don't call yourself a KO."

"Why?" Gu Mingzhu was puzzled.

Tang Yuan's expression became a little uncomfortable, "Because this Master Xunyi is KO's master."

Gu Mingzhu was surprised and a little ashamed.

After a while, he pursed his lower lip, "Then I won't say anything, just guide the work."

Tang Yuan touched her little head, paused before she spoke: "I heard that Mr. Wang went to see Lin Hua's performance, Mingzhu, you are not the only one who wants to marry Mr. Wang!"

Gu Mingzhu lowered her eyes, "But I believe that I am the most talented and youngest among them."

Tang Yuan smiled: "Mom likes you."

While talking, Shen Congwen came over. Tang Yuan knew that Gu Yuanshan had reused Shen Congwen recently, so she was extra polite: "Congwen is here."

Shen Congwen smiled faintly, "Mr. Gu asked me to discuss something."

Tang Yuan smiled: "Okay, you can go."

Shen Congwen went into the study, stayed for about half an hour and came out, Gu Mingzhu was still there.

Seeing him coming out, Gu Mingzhu stood up immediately: "Brother Congwen."

Shen Congwen looked at her quietly: "What's the matter?"

Gu Mingzhu wore a bright yellow dress today, she was very young and girly, she slowly walked over with her hands behind her back, her voice was very soft: "Brother Cong Wen, do you have anything to say to me?"

He smiled lightly: "Probably not."

There was water in Gu Mingzhu's eyes: "You have never..."

Shen Congwen interrupted her with a flat voice: "I've never liked anyone, neither you nor anyone else. Wouldn't it be better for you?"

Gu Mingzhu's eyes widened, and he asked for a while, "Do you have... some psychological problems?"

"No." Shen Congwen said very calmly: "It's just hard to like someone."

Gu Mingzhu was stunned for a while, but it was indescribable that she was feeling better psychologically, she wanted to say something, but Shen Congwen said in a low voice that she had something to do and left first.

When he got in the car, he paused for half a minute.

He said that it is difficult for him to like someone, but it is not that difficult... He also likes people very much.

However, it is unlikely.

Shen Congwen wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he gave up after thinking about it.

When I got back to my apartment, I had a headache, so I lay quietly on the sofa until it was dark and there was no light in the room.

In the haze, he felt like there was someone beside him, very gentle and gentle...

He was startled, and immediately sat up: "Zhou Yunchen?"

He opened his eyes and saw his mother!

Shen Congwen stroked his forehead, and slowly lay back down: "Mom, it's you!"

Mother Shen's expression was very complicated, and she felt sorry for her son.

She thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "If it wasn't because you were always injured and sick when you were young, and you had to be raised as a boy, wouldn't you be able to get married and have children normally now?"

(End of this chapter)

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