Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 489 Shocked!Shen Congwen turned out to be a woman!

Chapter 489 Shocked!Shen Congwen turned out to be a woman!

Shen Congwen used to cover his eyes with his hand, but now he took it off slowly, with a very soft voice: "Mom, don't mention this matter again."

Shen's mother was very sad in her heart, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

Shen Congwen smiled: 'I won't be a girl anymore!I behave like a man, even if I change back, people will only think that I am such a monster, right? '

He sat up and hugged Shen's mother gently: "I'm fine, just a little uncomfortable. Mom, cook for me, and I'll go to the bedroom to sleep for a while."

Shen's mother touched his head worriedly, as if it was a little hot, "Take some antipyretics, you may have caught a cold."

Shen Congwen nodded, took the medicine and went to the bedroom, kicked off his shoes, took off his coat and lay down...

Outside, Shen's mother held her hand tightly.

She was particularly troubled.

Both she and Lao Shen could see that Congwen probably liked that Zhou Yunchen, otherwise he wouldn't have brought him home.

But, as Congwen said, he will not be a girl long ago.

From the age of five, Wen was raised as a boy.

At that time, a master said that if he was not raised as a girl, he would not live to be [-] years old. His father didn't believe it at first, but then disasters continued, and there were many injuries...

Later, after thinking about it for a long time, he made up his mind.

She still remembers the [-]-year-old Congwen who didn't understand anything, but when his long hair was cut off, he cried very sadly, but no matter how sad parents are, they can only be cruel.

Later, when they finally reached the age of [-], they also thought about whether to recover quickly, but Congwen was used to it.They went to fulfill their wish without telling him, and the master said that it is best to find a girl to marry... This is very sinful, since Wen has been refusing, and it has been delayed until now...

Mother Shen thought about the past, her eyes were a little moist, and she hesitated while holding the phone.

Recently, they asked Zhou Yunchen when they came back from Wenwen, and he said how could it be possible for him to come here all the time if they were just casual acquaintances?

Shen's mother hesitated very much, and finally made a call...


The night slowly fell.

When Shen Congwen woke up, the whole house was silent and the bedroom was very dark.

He just sat up when the bedside light came on suddenly, followed by a familiar and slightly hoarse voice: "You have a fever, lie down."

Shen Congwen was shocked: "Why are you?"

Zhou Yunchen raised his lips, his eyes were a little indulgent and warm: "Why can't it be me?"

Shen Congwen's eyes fell on his face, and he looked at him intently for a long time, always feeling that there was something strange about him.

Like something is different.

After a long time, he slowly lay down on his back and closed his eyes: "What time is it?"

"Nine o'clock." Zhou Yunchen's voice seemed to be hoarse: "Aunt Shen has already gone back, she asked me to take care of you."

Shen Congwen laughed dumbfounded: "Do you know how to take care of people?"

Zhou Yunchen moved closer: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Shen Congwen couldn't help but opened his eyes, and found that he was too close, so he moved uncomfortably: "Is there anything to eat?"

Zhou Yunchen said softly: "The food is ready, do you want to eat?"

He nodded and hummed: "I'm hungry."

Zhou Yunchen smiled, "Okay, I'll heat up the dishes, and you wash your face." After speaking, he walked out first.

After he left, Shen Congwen sat up, calmed down for a while and walked out.

Shen's mother's cooking skills are very good, four dishes and one soup, Shen Congwen likes to eat.

Zhou Yunchen laughed lightly and teased: "Your mother is so partial, she doesn't even have a single dish that I like."

Shen Congwen lowered his head to eat: "No one called you here either."

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "But no one drove me away, did they?"

He got a little closer, and his breath was hot and numbing, blowing on Shen Congwen's ears, the tips of his ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

Shen Congwen didn't want to talk to him——

This one is always like this, always crazy, always bad.

He ate silently, and his appearance was gentle and delicate, with his fair skin and delicate features, he looked extremely good-looking.

Zhou Yunchen admired it silently for a long time, and then teased: "Congwen, I said earlier that you are like a girl, and you eat so politely... If you look like this in ancient times, I don't know how many dignitaries flock to it."

There was no way to listen to these words, Shen Congwen put down his chopsticks angrily: "Zhou Yunchen, don't go too far."

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "I'm just saying that you are like a girl, and where did you touch your back? Tell me, how did I go too far? It's not the first day when I said this to you. Why didn't I get angry before? Angry like this?"

Shen Congwen got up, wanting to smoke a cigarette.

But just as he got up, one arm was held.

He looked down and saw that it was Zhou Yunchen.

That good-looking palm seemed to be pressing on his wrist inadvertently, but only he knew how domineering and powerful the force on that finger was.

Looking at each other, Zhou Yunchen said calmly, "Sit down and eat."

Shen Congwen didn't move.

The man then released his other hand and lightly pressed it on his shoulder, his voice was slightly lowered as if coaxing: "Okay, be obedient. Don't be too stubborn when you are sick."

Shen Congwen's voice was slightly hoarse: "I want to smoke a cigarette."

But the body was pulled down, "Why smoke when you are sick? Eat honestly."

As he said that, Zhou Yunchen helped him serve a bowl of soup: "It's light and nourishing. Aunt Shen has boiled it for a long time."

Shen Congwen looked at him: "You don't have to take care of me."

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "So it's reciprocation?"

She leaned closer to him again, "I still remember the time when I took care of me personally for a week that year."

Shen Congwen lowered his head and sipped his soup: "There is no need to mention those things again."

A shameless person smiled, "Okay, don't mention it, we will resume our friendship from today. Not only will I not be angry with you, but I will also introduce you to a girlfriend. What do you think?"

Shen Congwen squirted out the soup after taking a sip, and it fell straight on a certain man's face.

It took Zhou Yunchen a moment to react, gently wiped off the soup on his face with a tissue, and said very elegantly: "I'm going to wash my face." After finishing speaking, he walked into the master bedroom.

Shen Congwen called him from behind: "There is a bathroom outside."

But Zhou Yunchen didn't seem to hear it, so he went straight into the master bedroom and closed the door.

Shen Congwen was speechless, but felt that there was nothing shameful, so he didn't chase after him.

In the bathroom of the master bedroom, Zhou Yunchen washed his face, and then looked at the bedroom——

Tasteful masculine-style suites, gray and white main line, all the accessories are very stylish, and the perfume is blue.

He opened it, sniffed it, and smiled.

When he came out, Shen Congwen was still drinking soup, and Zhou Yunchen sat beside him as if nothing happened.

Shen Congwen immediately smelled him, "Have you used my perfume?"

(End of this chapter)

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