Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 490 Seen through everything!Brother stay with you!

Chapter 490 Seen through everything!Brother stay with you!

Shen Congwen immediately smelled him, "Have you used my perfume?"

"It smells good." Zhou Yunchen chuckled, "But Congwen, what kind of perfume do old men use...or do you have any special hobbies?"

Shen Congwen didn't want to talk to him at all, and ate in silence... After eating, he wanted to put away the bowl, but was stopped by Zhou Yunchen, who said softly, "Let me do it!"

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Congwen's hand——

The skin is tender and the meat is tender, not like doing housework.

So she smiled, "Let me do it, I forgot to tell you, Aunt Shen asked me to take care of you here, and said... We will live together in the future and take care of each other."

Shen Congwen was stunned.

Zhou Yunchen said again: "But I don't think you look like you want to live with someone, so don't worry, I bought a one-story apartment downstairs, in the future... If you need it, just call me, huh?"

Shen Congwen was still dumbfounded.

Zhou Yunchen tidied up and washed it off quickly. He was used to being alone since he was a child, unlike Shen Congwen, who was pampered and kept his fingers away from the spring water. He usually didn't hang out at home.

When he finished, he came out and saw Shen Congwen sitting on the sofa, flipping through a pictorial magazine in one hand, and holding a cigarette in the other, smoking slowly.

He looks very gentle and good-looking, and his demeanor is extremely pleasing to the eye.But Zhou Yunchen still took down the cigarette with one hand, pressed it down and threw it into the trash can, then threw away the cigarette case, and said domineeringly: "No smoking is allowed in the future."

"You don't care about me." Shen Congwen said lightly, not taking it seriously.

Zhou Yunchen had a half-smile on his face: "I don't care who cares about you, future girlfriend?"

"Oh... By the way, where is the little girl we dated last time? Why didn't she come to take care of you?" He asked extremely hatefully.

Shen Congwen glanced at him, "I don't feel it."

Zhou Yunchen sat next to him, took the pictorial in his hand, and smiled lightly: "Then what kind of feeling do you have? Tell me, I will introduce you according to this standard in the future, huh?"

Shen Congwen got up: "Boring."

The hand was pulled, and the body sat down again at once.

He was about to say something when Zhou Yunchen said in a calm voice, "Watch TV with me for a while."

Shen Congwen just wanted to move, but his shoulders were pressed and he couldn't move.

He just felt that there was something wrong with this scene.

But Zhou Yunchen seemed to be very calm, taking it for granted.

After a while, he reached out and touched his head, "It's not so hot anymore."

Shen Congwen lowered his eyes and said softly, "You can go back."

Zhou Yunchen answered the words naturally: "I sleep on the sofa."

Shen Congwen couldn't bear it anymore: "Zhou Yunchen, don't go too far."

"Is it too much for me to take care of you?" Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Congwen, your temper is too bad, you need to change it, otherwise life will be very difficult for your lover in the future?"

"I don't have a lover." Shen Congwen turned his face away angrily. a girl, where did she get her lover?

Zhou Yunchen moved his face closer, his voice sounded soothing, "Really? Do you dare to say that you have never liked anyone?"


Zhou Yunchen got even closer: "What if someone likes you! You don't know that you look so awkward, you are quite likable."

Shen Congwen's handsome face blushed, staring at him...

Zhou Yunchen's voice was terribly hoarse: "Those little girls are all pretty, why don't you like Congwen?"

He seemed to understand: "It's either a physical problem or a psychological problem. Why don't you let my brother accompany you to the hospital for an examination, so as to give Aunt Shen a peace of mind and help your Shen family grow and spread the family and carry on the family?"

 Wo still understands you very well~~~ Make a compromise, Congwen is a girl, let’s be together~~



(End of this chapter)

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