Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 492 Master!Dead boy, I'll take you to meet Mr. Wang

Chapter 492 Master!Dead boy, I'll take you to meet Mr. Wang

Gu Anxi smiled, "Okay, I'll give you a week off and I'll go to work for you."

Really let Zhang Niuniu be the president of this chapter, Anpu is in chaos!

Zhou Yunchen smiled, took the car keys and left...

Gu Anxi continued to sit there and draw the design drawings. According to the legend in North City, it was going to be called COMO theater. After drawing for about half an hour, she answered a phone call from an old friend.

Master of art.

Gu Anxi answered the phone and called the teacher naturally.

Then she listened to the other person talking, and a few minutes later, she was surprised, "Teacher, are you coming to Beicheng?"

The teacher has always been the master of Italian architecture, and rarely comes to the mainland. How could he come this time?

Master Xunyi said softly, "It was a Mr. Wang who asked me to come and pick out a suitable architectural design drawing, and I have already agreed to him."

Gu Anxi guessed that it was Wang Jingyao's handwriting. She looked at the painting in her hand and smiled: "Then teacher must help."

Master Xunyi paused: "What about you, don't you want to participate? This building may become a landmark building."

Gu Anxi said vaguely: "Ah, maybe there is no time."

Master Xunyi laughed: "Naughty!"

He paused and said, "Well, when I get to Beicheng, come over and have a meal with that Mr. Wang anyway. Don't come."

He wants to introduce his beloved student KO to Mr. Wang!

KO is the pride of his life, he does not allow others not to know her.

Gu Anxi said obediently: "Okay, when the teacher comes over, I will clean up the dust for you."

Master Xunyi asked another old thing: "By the way, Mr. He is a shameless person. I haven't seen him for a long time. Let's go together then."

Gu Anxi said very politely: "Okay, I will definitely make the teacher and master happy."

Master Xunyi snorted softly: "You bad boy, you have too many names, what AN, what Luo Lin... a messy bunch, in my opinion, you are still the most talented in architecture!!! But you are also the most eccentric , How many paintings did you say you painted for that old man? That shameless old man advertises his apprentice Luo Lin outside every day, look at your teacher, I am so pitiful, so few people know that KO is my student ...Also, you have only been in Italy for a few months, and you still go drinking and racing with a bunch of people, you, you, you, are you worthy of me?"

Gu Anxi snorted and listened carefully.

Master Xunyi saw that she was intimidated, and snorted with some satisfaction: "It's good to know that you are wrong. When I come to see Mr. Wang, I will recommend you to him well. I don't believe that the students I have taught are worse than you." Going to those three teachings and nine streams... You kid doesn’t know, there is a local tyrant who doesn’t know where she came here with 1000 million yuan and asked me to change her work, and it’s probably because of this design competition.”

1000 million... Only Tang Yuan can do this!

Gu Anxi thought silently, without saying much, and hung up the phone half-coaxed and half-deceived.

Putting down the phone, she continued to draw the rest of the pictures. On the way, Uncle Bo called. Gu Anxi said that he was working overtime and would be later.

She will be very serious about her work, and she must do well in what she wants to do.

What's the point of bearing the title of KO?

She just wants to let that proud and shameless brother, Kang Kang, her strength,

Gu Anxi completed the drawing, compressed it and sent it to the official mailbox established by Secretary-General Wang——

Easy to do!

After everything was done, she stretched herself, only to realize that it was already 09:30.

I was a little hungry, and sighed: I will be scolded by my uncle again when I go back.

After walking to the secretary's room outside, the secretary's voice was sweet: "Mr. Gu, Doctor Bo has been waiting for you for two hours."

Gu Anxi froze for a moment, then saw Bo Xichen standing up on the sofa.

She whispered, "Have you been here for a long time?"

He smiled: "Well, I know Mr. Gu is working on a big business, so I don't dare to disturb you."

She hugged his arm and acted like a baby: "It's also a big business to fall in love with Dr. Bo."

Bo Xichen pinched her little face, and stuffed a bag of something into her hand. Gu Anxi looked down, and saw that it was her favorite snack, and he followed him into the elevator while eating, feeling sweet in his heart.

When she got to the elevator, she told him that she got An Pu's shift for a week because Zhou Yunchen was going to fall in love.

Bo Xichen smiled: "What love does he want to talk about?"

Gu Anxi made a grimace, "Someone you can't guess." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and ate, feeling satisfied.

Bo Xichen lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Shen Congwen?"

Gu Anxi raised his eyes with surprise on his face: "Uncle, why are you so precise?"

Bo Xichen smiled and didn't answer her.

In fact, Shen Congwen and Zhou Yunchen, he thought it was Zhou Yunchen who started it first, Shen Congwen didn't mean that before, he was pestered... something happened.

Gu Anxi knew what he was thinking, and whispered: "Shen Congwen is a woman, uncle, your thoughts are not very good!"

"Really?" Bo Xichen raised his eyebrows, and he didn't look particularly concerned.

Gu Anxi said again: "However, they haven't cracked it yet."

Bo Xichen smiled, "Okay, let's go eat."

The little creamer just looked at him complainingly, "Such a hot content, uncle, can you react a little bit?"

When the elevator door opened, he blocked it with his hand and let her go out first, then smiled; "Only you can make me react."

She snorted, got into the car obediently, and asked in a low voice when she fastened her seat belt: "Where shall we go for dinner?"

"Let's go to the restaurant where we ate last time. You kept saying you wanted to go but you got sick and never did." Bo Xichen smiled sideways.

Gu Anxi stared at his pretty face, and said oh.

Bo Xichen chuckled, started the car, and the car drove into the driveway before saying, "I've been watching it for almost a year, and haven't seen enough?"

Gu Anxi Pippi said: "If you were ugly and unattractive, I would probably just want to have dinner with you and go shopping, but..."

"Huh?" Bo Xichen shook her hand: "Why don't you say what happened next?"

Her face was hot, and she turned away, "I don't want to talk about it, you are shameless."

"Obviously you were the one who fantasized about me, how could I become shameless?" He held her little hand and played with it while driving.

Gu Anxi drew it back: "The snacks are not finished yet."

Bo Xichen smiled, but didn't talk to her again.

The car drove to a very tasteful restaurant, and Gu Anxi followed him, obediently, without the slightest aloofness in front of others.

After choosing a seat to sit down, I saw an old acquaintance.

It was none other than Gu Mingzhu and Wang Jingchuan who were talking about something.

Gu Anxi could think of what Gu Mingzhu was talking about on her knees, and it was probably for the design drawings, and she wanted Wang Jingchuan to speak well in front of her elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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