Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 493 1 Straightforward, 1 Straightforward

Chapter 493 Always hate people, always cool

Gu Anxi didn't care too much, and took the menu to order, and Bo Xichen let her order, while he sat beside him drinking tea.

At this moment, Wang Jingchuan saw them too, and came over to say hello with a smile.

Just kidding, Doctor Bo has a good temper, and that little one is not to be trifled with.Mr. Wang is afraid of her, and he can't afford to provoke her!

The secretary-general smiled and said, "Doctor Bo, Doctor Gu, come to eat."

"Dating." Gu Anxi also smiled: "Oh, by the way, is Secretary-General Wang also dating? But I heard you have a wife."

The secretary-general knew how powerful she was, and wiped off his sweat: "Miss Gu, don't make fun of me, I'm just a wage earner, how can I date the jewel in the palm of the Gu family!"

Gu Anxi put down the menu and smiled: "So she wants something from you?"

The Secretary-General smiled wryly, "Look at your eyes, they can see through X-rays."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Really don't! I don't want to see through."

The secretary-general smiled, "Of course, your eyes are for Dr. Bo."

When he said this, Bo Xichen understood, and looked at Gu Anxi: "Don't make things difficult for him."

"How could I!" Gu Anxi acted like a baby, then looked at the Secretary-General, and said lightly: "Don't worry, Secretary-General, I won't tell Uncle Wang about you having dinner with others in private."

The secretary-general was immediately dumbfounded, and if he didn't say anything, it was actually a threat!

This directly means that if you dare to help Gu Mingzhu, I will tell my brother about your private contact with people.

The secretary-general gave a wry smile and lowered his voice: "I won't do things like betraying my master. I was framed by someone today, so I had to do it."

Gu Anxi played with the cup in his hand, and glanced at him: "Okay, I believe you."

She smiled and said, "By the way, I also participated in that design competition! I also heard that Master Xunyi is also coming to advise Mr. Wang, isn't it?"

The secretary-general did not doubt him, "This matter was decided only two days ago, and Mr. Wang actually told you?" So Gu Anxi's position in Mr. Wang's heart was even more affirmed.

In fact, he was really wrong. Wang Jingyao really didn't say anything, not hiding it, but feeling that there was nothing to talk about with a kid.

Gu Anxi just smiled, "If you're having dinner with her, why not hug Lin Hua's thigh, that one is much more hopeful than her."

When she said this, the Secretary-General felt a little bit apologetic for Mr. Wang——

This little bastard really doesn't take Mr. Wang's wishes seriously!

Lin Hua, in Mr. Wang's heart, can you compare with the little bastard?

The secretary-general feels sorry for his master, but what can he do, this little bastard is not willing to be soft and hard, and no amount of power will work in front of her.

Who cares, whoever loses.

The secretary-general is also very clever, so he smiled slightly and said in a joke: "Dr. Gu dared to say this in front of Mr. Wang, so I convinced you."

Gu Anxi was a little timid.

Although she usually bullied Wang Jingyao, she really didn't dare to say such things in person, as it would piss him off.

The secretary-general saw that she was cowardly, and went back contentedly.

Only then did I know that it turned out that it was very cool to hate people.

Is it always cool if you keep teasing people?

Just as she was thinking, Gu Mingzhu looked at Gu Anxi and bit her lower lip: "Secretary Wang, are you familiar with Gu Anxi?"

Naturally, Wang Jingchuan would not tell the master's secret, so he just smiled: "I'm not very familiar with him, mainly because I have contacted him in the hospital."

After he finished speaking, he didn't want to continue. Gu Mingzhu didn't want to ask any more questions, so he ate something silently, and then got down to business after a while, "Did Mr. Wang read the design drawing I handed over?"

The Secretary-General snorted: "Ah, Miss Mingzhu, you really asked the right person."

There was hope in Gu Mingzhu's eyes.

The secretary-general smiled, "Mr. Wang is very busy, and he is not a professional, is he? These things should be left to professionals."

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "I'm a KO, isn't that enough to prove my professionalism?"

The secretary-general smiled again: "The thing Mr. Wang hates the most is going through the back door to make connections!"

(End of this chapter)

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