Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 494 I heard that Gu Anxi also submitted the design drawings

Chapter 494 I heard that Gu Anxi also submitted the design drawings

"Really?" Gu Mingzhu admired him a little, " did he decide the final winner?"

Her small thoughts are really transparent to the human secretary-general.

The secretary-general smiled mysteriously: "As I said just now, this kind of thing should be done by professionals. Mr. Wang invited a master to select this design drawing. Although Miss Mingzhu has a valuable status, she is the designer of the Italian building." But the more this happens, the more we must be fair and just, let Miss Mingzhu's excellence be spread out in the sun, and accept the worship of everyone, don't you think? '

He had been talking on the scene for a long time, and he was really talking to people, talking nonsense to the devil, which made Gu Mingzhu stunned for a long time, unable to speak a word for a long time.

Gu Anxi also heard a little bit, lowered his head and smiled.

Over there, Gu Mingzhu really had some faith, and she also had some confidence.

Her work has been modified by Master Xunyi, that is, KO's teacher, so it will bear the shadow of KO to some extent, even if any master comes over, she will not see the problem.

That 1000 million was well spent.

So, she smiled confidently: "Then I will wait for the last good news."

The Secretary-General continued to eat with a smile on his face, but he looked very amiable, but he never told Gu Mingzhu that the master he invited was Master Xunyi, otherwise, Gu Mingzhu probably wouldn't have the courage to say that he is KO!

Everyone left with thoughts in mind. Before leaving, Gu Mingzhu glanced at Gu Anxi, the corners of her mouth slightly pursed.

The Gu family and the Bo family have already turned their faces, but her father still speaks for Gu Anxi, saying that her mother is going too far?

Where is it too much?

Gu Anxi was not a child of the Gu family in the first place, if it wasn't for her, how could the Gu Bo family have a quarrel?How could she always be upstaged by Gu Anxi, even if Mr. Wang left her birthday party because of the Bo family, she just couldn't bear Gu Anxi's complacent look.

Obviously, she is the direct daughter of the Gu family.

When Gu Mingzhu left, the secretary-general sent her off, and then came back to greet Gu Anxi.

The Secretary-General smiled wryly: "The little girl has too much desire to win and lose. It's not a good thing. A good life is a mess."

Gu Anxi smiled: "What are you going to say in front of your master about today's matter?"

The secretary-general immediately waved his hand: "How dare I take advantage of you! You adults don't care about villains, just don't tell your old brother about this today!"

He sighed: "I found out that Ms. Mingzhu is a KO, the one whom Mr. Wang appreciates very much. I thought Mr. Wang would be very happy, but he doesn't seem to care about the news."

Gu Anxi smiled while drinking tea, "It must be that she offended Mr. Wang, or something made Mr. Wang very upset, otherwise, no matter what, she would meet her in person, and there is no need to lie down to you As a small one?"

The Secretary-General was convinced: "The old lady always said that you are a ghost. I didn't believe it before, but now I really believe it."

Only such a smart little girl can make Mr. Wang look at her differently!

However, couldn't she guess why Mr. Wang was upset with Gu Mingzhu?

Of course she understood, but she was just pretending to be confused!

Also, if everything is clear, Mr. Wang's occasional little happiness will be gone!

Secretary Wang left, and Bo Xichen smiled: "Miss KO? '

Gu Anxi groaned: "Uncle, can you stop being so smart?"

He just laughed: "Your infinite identity has not been written off by Mr. Wang, and now you have created this identity, you are not afraid of him... huh?"

Gu Anxi nodded with a look of understanding, "That's right, Uncle Wang probably won't be able to bear it."

"Naughty." Bo Xichen said softly, "Don't call him Uncle Wang."

She groaned, lowered her head to eat, and looked at him secretly after a while.

Bo Xichen smiled: "What's wrong?"

Gu Anxi suddenly hugged his arm: "Uncle, are you jealous?"

He was surprised, and then smiled slightly: "A little bit."

The little creamer once again habitually confessed: "I only like you."

Bo Xichen put his arm around her shoulders and fed her food bite by bite. Thanks to his temperament and Feng Jiyue, such sweet movements did not make people feel out of harmony.

Gu Anxi enjoyed a little bit!

Over there, the Secretary-General answered the phone after eating, and it was none other than Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao asked him to go back to work overtime in a calm voice, and threw him a pile of dispensable work. After doing this for three full days, the secretary-general finally felt that something was wrong.

This is driving him to death!

No, very wrong, I only realized later that Mr. Wang was probably because of the meeting between him and Gu Mingzhu. The secretary-general complained a lot, but he didn't dare to distinguish, because Mr. Wang didn't take this kind of thing.

It was a time of distress, and I had an idea, why not call Dr. Gu over, Mr. Wang is the one who likes her the most.

Didn't you hear from her that she also handed in the design drawing?

The secretary-general clapped his legs, and there it is!

So he hugged a stack of printed drawings and went to Wang Jingyao's office. Wang Jingyao was looking at the documents and raised his head: "What is this?"

The secretary-general smiled: "This time, I asked my assistant to type out the blueprint."

Wang Jingyao frowned: "I only need the last ten high-quality pictures, these... can I read them all?"

How can he have such kung fu when he manages everything every day.

This kind of answer, the Secretary-General naturally expected it early in the morning, and he was confident: "I heard that Dr. Gu also contributed, you must want to see what she drew, so I will type it all for you , let you guess."

Wang Jingyao immediately put down what he was doing, and asked with great interest, "Did she tell you? Why didn't this child tell me?"

The Secretary-General joked: "Did you give her the first place after talking about it?"

"I'm that kind of person?" Wang Jingyao glanced at the Secretary-General reproachfully, and then smiled: "However, didn't you invite Master Xunyi, just ask him to change the drawings, if it doesn't work, let him Draw a new one."

The secretary-general was dumbfounded.

After a while, he said: "You don't love your sister in such a way."

He added: "That KO, that is, Gu Mingzhu is still the apprentice of Master Xunyi, so you..."

Wang Jingyao looked at the secretary-general, "What's wrong? I can bring it up, of course I have the conditions to make the other party's heart beat."

The Secretary-General was convinced.

It's not about the superpower of the boss, but the degree of shamelessness and eccentricity.

Didn't you really appreciate KO before?

It's completely crooked now!

After knowing Gu Mingzhu's version of KO for so long, he didn't even look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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