Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 495 Amazing!Talented people are all picky guys?

Chapter 495 Amazing!Talented people are all picky guys?

After Wang Jingyao finished speaking, he walked over and looked at the design drawings piled up like a hill, and patiently looked at them one by one——

"It's a nice drawing. It couldn't have been drawn by that little bastard."

"Well, this one sucks, it might have been drawn by her."

"This...can't be her."

"This name is refined, and it can't be her."

"This picture has reached a new height, the more it looks like her."


The corner of the secretary's mouth twitched when he heard it from the sidelines. Did anyone say that about his sister?

Also, what fun is this?

The secretary general laughed, "Are you going to work overtime tonight?"

When Wang Jingyao heard this, he smiled, and while looking at the design drawings, he said, "Jingchuan, you are taking revenge on me. I asked you to work overtime a few days ago, are you unhappy?"

The Secretary-General quickly said: "How dare I! I am loyal to you, and no one can tear us apart."

Wang Jingyao raised his eyes and looked at him: "Come on, I don't know you yet, so I just say nice things to make me happy."

The Secretary-General went further: "In action, I am also loyal to you."

Wang Jingyao smiled, and suddenly his eyes fell on a design drawing, sparks were flying in his eyes, very hot.

The Secretary-General also noticed his difference, and immediately came over, "What's wrong?"

Wang Jingyao pulled out the picture, "Look at this picture."

The Secretary-General just looked over, and even a layman was amazed: "God, what a genius! This style is really awesome."

Wang Jingyao said: "There is no shadow of a master in this design, it is completely unique and powerful."

The Secretary-General thought for a while, then asked, "Will it be KO?"

Wang Jingyao looked at him, "Didn't you say that Gu Mingzhu is the KO, and this is her design drawing?"

The secretary-general didn't care. He checked it as soon as he was reminded, and actually pulled out another one: "Here, not the one just now."

Wang Jingyao looked over and smiled.

The secretary-general didn't dare to vent his anger, waiting for his boss to comment.

Wang Jing's voice is faint: "This work looks good, but it's obviously not good. There are traces of someone's modification later on. It's not a person's style, and the person who modified it later is obviously a student of a master who hasn't debuted. This work, It took money to find someone to fix it."

The Secretary-General was convinced: "You can see this?"

"I took architecture as an elective." Wang Jingyao said very calmly: "I just gave up because I didn't have any talent."

The secretary-general, who is very good at rainbow farts, pretended to be very sorry, and then looked at Wang Jingyao staringly.

The big shot put the two designs together, "When Master Xunyi comes, show him these two!"

The Secretary-General asked in a low voice, "What about Miss Anxi's?"

Wang Jingyao just looked at the picture in his hand and struggled for a moment: "Go back and make up for this brat. You can't let COMO make nonsense just because you love her."

The Secretary General smiled and agreed.

The big shot turned into anger from embarrassment: "Jing Chuan, what are you laughing at!"

The secretary-general joked, "You really love Dr. Gu."

Don't big shots lose face?

Snorted coldly: "I love her ass!"

After a pause, he said in a low voice: "Wait for Master Xunyi to come and let her see what a master looks like. If she is interested, let Master Xunyi teach her by the way, and let her design a project in the future." .”

As he said that, he picked up the design drawing again, and said quietly: "This design drawing is finalized, don't make it public, especially the Gu family, do you understand?"

After a pause, he added: "If you miss a word, be careful that I'm not polite to you."

How dare the secretary-general?

Looking at the work together again, seeing the expression on the master's face, he knew that the master was very pleased, so he whispered: "Why don't I contact the designer first?"

Wang Jingyao said very bluntly; "That's not necessary." '

What he appreciates is the work, but he has no feelings for this person.

The secretary-general spoke even more cautiously: "What if it's a very talented, young and lovely girl."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "For such a sharp work, it is probably a rough guy, the kind of big guy who picks his feet on the Internet, how can he be young and cute?"

Paused for a moment: "Do you really think that I believe that Gu Mingzhu is the KO?"

The Secretary-General looked shocked: "There is such a thing?"

Wang Jingyao squinted at him: "Didn't I say that most talented people in the design industry are big guys who pick their feet, and young girls are still suitable for drawing pictures, playing the piano and so on."

The secretary-general disagreed: "Isn't Dr. Gu the omnipotent?"

The corners of Wang Jingyao's mouth turned up slightly: "She is not a young and cute girl, she is a young and cute little bastard, different from others."

The Secretary-General's mood was extremely complicated, because he was so concerned that he didn't want to compare her with others.

Tsk tsk tsk, taste, fine taste... Think about Mr. Wang's power today, but he can't even get a little bastard he likes. What's the use of this power?

What's the use!


Three days later, the top ten of the COMO Design Contest came out. Although Wang Jingchuan knew that Gu Mingzhu's design was modified by someone, he still made it into the top ten.

The Gu family was quite excited. After all, this building is a big project. It will be a landmark in Beicheng in the future, and it will be the first choice for musicians from all over the world to hold concerts.

Tang Yuan was very sorry, "It's just that it will be built until next year, otherwise Mingzhu's premiere will be included, which will save face."

Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly: "I will have other movies in the future."

Tang Yuan couldn't help but be delighted: "That's true."

Gu Yuanshan came over, "Why are you so happy?"

Tang Yuan's eyes turned red quietly. Since the last time she had a quarrel with Mrs. Bo, Gu Yuanshan had been ignoring her for a while, and now he is finally willing to talk to her.

So he smiled: "That's right, Mr. Wang's office hosted a design competition, and our Pearl entered the final."

She couldn't help but said again: "I heard that Anxi also participated, but it seems...he didn't go in."

Gu Yuanshan smiled at Gu Mingzhu, "That's a good thing."

Then he seemed to hesitate again, "Yuanyuan, I know, you don't have any relationship with that child, you don't need to like her, but you don't have to target her all the time."

He sighed: "It was so heartless back then... It's her luck that the child is living like this now. We don't recognize her, but we are not enemies, are we?"

When Tang Yuan heard this, she was not very happy.

She might still be able to listen to what Gu Yuanshan said in the past, as long as Mingzhu's status can be guaranteed, but ever since she knew that ruthlessness meant something to Gu Anxi, she no longer had the means to treat the girl who was loved by her in a fair and just manner. Abandoned child...

(End of this chapter)

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